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Star Wars fan with way too much time on their hands!!!
Posted: 2003-05-04 03:50am
by Batman002
Posted: 2003-05-04 03:56am
by FettKyle
Oh my God
my I wish I could have one of those. Well sort of....
Posted: 2003-05-04 03:59am
by Batman002
You and me both!!! I live pretty damn close to him too. I could have used the all mighty plastic and it would have been mine. Looks sweet as all Hell.
Posted: 2003-05-04 04:10am
by FettKyle
See me and my friend were thinking about filming some kind of Sci-fi fic. We scraped the Idea but that would of be Perfect.
Posted: 2003-05-04 06:10am
by Gandalf
Whoa, cool, has anyone ever built the whole Falcon?
Posted: 2003-05-04 10:08am
by Crown
Holly tolito!
Posted: 2003-05-04 11:32am
by Jaris Merc
ok this is a joke please dont take this seriously......
Since it appears that after Ep.3 Lucas isnt going to be making any more SW films... sooooo after ep3 comes out we kill errrr.... ummmm.... dispose of lucas
his wife and all of his daughters except for ONE we will then brain wash her into giving the rights to starwars to someone we can trust.... like Mike Wong or me! no not me I will sell the rights for many many $$$$$$$... anyways back to the plan once we have secured the rights to SW we amass a giant fund raising campaign in the name of making SW EP 7,8,9,10,11,12,ect, ect,ect,ect,ect and so on..... ep7,8 will of course be based oh Zahns books about Grand Admiral Thrawn the top blue guy himself.... ok so since we wont be able to get Han, or Leia to act for us well will have to get DNA samples and make clones.... We dont have to worry about Luke he will probly work for us just for food or somthing since i havent seen him in to many movies lately..... we might have to toss him a T shirt or two maybe but HEY no big deal..... Ok well as for funding I would like to go further in depth on that.... I figure that we amass an army of hackers, mad *insane* dictators in control of some country near BF egypt, and lots of poor starving asian kids.... From there we use our army of hackers to hack and steal credit card info, bank info, and other stuff to steal the required funding needed for the operation.... We will use the mad dictators to build chemical weapons so the US will threaten them and France and Russia will give them money or chemical weapon protection gear and maybe several thousand rolls of US Army type camo pattern cloth, night vision goggles, GPD jammers, and various other stuff.... Most of this will of course be sold to other nations and the rest we will give to the US in exchange for foreign aid... All of the gains made from this will also be used to fund are movie making deal.... And with the poor starving asian kids we will make very sad commercials showing how bad there life is or somthing so that bleeding heart americans and europeans will send them 11 cents a day which we will take and use that for more funding.... after several years of this and 100 or so Star Wars episodes and Clones of Han and Leia *most of these will probly go to personal use considering human nature..... I CALL SHOTGUN ON THE FIRST LEIA CLONE!* we should have ammased several trillion dollars at a minimum considering the amount of bleeding hearts, the giving power of France and Russia, and Pres. Bush's spending policy.....Considering that we will be discovered sooner or later we will used that money to construct a small and completely self sufficent colony housing 250,000 people on the moon. Once completed all those involved and all members of, several Leia clones and maybe a Han clone if any of the women request it *note- any male who requests a Han clone will be spaced so shut up and keep it to yourself...* and one person from Canada which none of you know but I intend to be very mean to.. will be transported to this moon colony via the many reuseable lunar/earth shuttles we will have built... And from there we will live happily ever after and occasionally nuclear blackmailing earth if we ever need any thing........
anyways thats it ive probly insulted many many people but HEY thats life!
oh ya if you didnt notice its not typed in proper english so excuse me for the confusion im to lazy to type it correctly......
Posted: 2003-05-04 12:26pm
by neoolong
Man, I wonder how much money it cost to build that thing.
Posted: 2003-05-04 12:32pm
by Crayz9000
neoolong wrote:Man, I wonder how much money it cost to build that thing.
Probably not that much money. Looks like they got most of the parts from a local wrecking yard.
But I'll bet it took a long time to build it...
Posted: 2003-05-04 02:52pm
by DPDarkPrimus
neoolong wrote:Man, I wonder how much money it cost to build that thing.
A little over $1000, they said.