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The forgotten Star Wars books?
Posted: 2003-05-05 10:39am
by Trytostaydead
What did you guys think about those lesser Star Wars books? Like the Black Fleet Crisis and such? God, some of those books were soo bad I seriously only read the first few chapters.
Posted: 2003-05-05 03:20pm
by theski
Or the Crystal Star BLAGGHHHH
Posted: 2003-05-05 03:27pm
by Lord Pounder
On their own some of them are good books, The Bounty Hunter Wars books where very well written, the Black Fleet Crisis was good if you igore some of the Luke and Lando Interludes and the Truce at Bakura was good. Sadly they aren't as good as the more notable books and pale in comparison to the OT.
Posted: 2003-05-05 04:10pm
by Peregrin Toker
What about the REALLY OBSCURE "Glove of Darth Vader" books about the Empire being re-united by a three-eyed freak supposed to be the Emperor's son??
Posted: 2003-05-05 05:39pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Simon H.Johansen wrote:What about the REALLY OBSCURE "Glove of Darth Vader" books about the Empire being re-united by a three-eyed freak supposed to be the Emperor's son??
The ones that aren't even the lowest form of official?
I actually have the trilogy of that. *cough* I picked it up in hardcover for $3 at Barnes & Noble for shits and giggles.
Posted: 2003-05-05 07:36pm
by spideycw
you left out the infamous "children of the jedi" now that book sucked
Posted: 2003-05-05 07:38pm
by Cal Wright
Planet of Twilight. Now that book SUCKED
Posted: 2003-05-05 08:28pm
by God Emperor
Now the thing thats gets me is that I've read all of the books said.
Posted: 2003-05-05 08:29pm
by irishmick79
The worst possible Star Wars book has got to be Darksaber, by everybody's favorite SW author KJ Anderson. The Hutts try to build a Death Star? Jesus christ, can it get any worse?
Posted: 2003-05-05 08:34pm
by Stravo
irishmick79 wrote:The worst possible Star Wars book has got to be Darksaber, by everybody's favorite SW author KJ Anderson. The Hutts try to build a Death Star? Jesus christ, can it get any worse?
I stopped reading the EU after Darksaber...I don't like to talk about it...the scars are still too fresh.
Posted: 2003-05-05 08:51pm
by irishmick79
I don't blame you. Should I mention that Madine's death was the most wasteful dispatch of a cool Star Wars character ever? Or is that crossing the line?
Posted: 2003-05-05 10:41pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Those kiddie novels were horrible, Zorba the Hutt, Glove of Vader, Children of the Jedi, Something about Mount Yoda, and 5! more.
Posted: 2003-05-05 10:54pm
by Exonerate
I had a couple of those kiddie novels. Of course, I was probably in 5th grade when I got them.
Have couple of the Jedi Apprentice ones too... Horrible.
Edit: Typo.
Posted: 2003-05-05 10:55pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
SW BOOKS THAT SUCK: D***saber. The Hutts get a Death Star??? WTF! Madine dies, WTF! Madine dies in VAIN because the fucking station goes up on its own anyways, WTF! The NR couldn't spare a single cruiser to smack down the D***saber so they had to send Madine, WTF!
Planet of Twilight: Damn, that was boring.
Junior Jedi Knights: The adventures of five year olds overthrowing Imperial commanders and scientists. Wow...these authors must really hate the Imps to let FIVE YEAR OLDS piss all over them. Not to mention Triocolus...UGH
Crystal Star: Damn, that was boring too. And what the hell, extra-dimensional beings? This isn't Trek asshole, there's only ONE dimension (excluding hyperspace, of course), if you want to invent dumbass uber-aliens, make them from our own universe please.
Jedi Academy Trilogy: Super weapons away! Go go gadget super-armor! Go go gadget supernova! Go go gadget DEATH STAR! And lets not forget Daala's three count 'em THREE Star Destoryers of doom that SOMEHOW gave theBILLION SHIPS STRONGNR a problem. Or her retarded plan to defeat Coruscant: RAMMING AN ISD INTO IT, which COMPLETELY ignores the planetary shield!!!!!
Dark Journey: *convulses*
Posted: 2003-05-05 11:05pm
by Stravo
Seems to me that in the EU there are a few gems, MUCH MUCH mediocrity and TONS of crap.
Posted: 2003-05-05 11:18pm
by Sea Skimmer
Stravo wrote:Seems to me that in the EU there are a few gems, MUCH MUCH mediocrity and TONS of crap.
Just like all fiction......
Posted: 2003-05-06 12:19am
by Darth Yoshi
Simon H.Johansen wrote:What about the REALLY OBSCURE "Glove of Darth Vader" books about the Empire being re-united by a three-eyed freak supposed to be the Emperor's son??
There's a good reason those have been purged from memory.
Posted: 2003-05-06 01:46am
by Peregrin Toker
irishmick79 wrote:The Hutts try to build a Death Star? Jesus christ, can it get any worse?
Could be worse. Could be the Ewoks building a Death Star.
Posted: 2003-05-06 02:31am
by Vympel
Zorba the Hutt? WTF?
Posted: 2003-05-06 03:23am
by Rubberanvil
With the exception of Thrawn Duology, I have been avioding the EU novels for almost ten years now.
Is it just me or anyone else here thought the Thrawn Duology was pretty funny?
As a connesieur...
Posted: 2003-05-06 04:57am
by CaptainChewbacca
I've read just about every SWEU book there is, and I can offer some opinions for you:
Planet of Twilight
New Rebellion
Crystal Star
Kinda Sucks-
Truce at Bakura
Black Fleet Crisis
Young Han Solo
Destiny's Way
Courtship of Princess Leia (I know, but I like it.)
Surprising good-
Splinter of the Mind's Eye
I, Jedi.
But, that's just my opinion.
Posted: 2003-05-06 05:50am
by Jawawithagun
The Lando Calrissian novels? Less suckiness but still not on the good side...
Posted: 2003-05-06 05:54am
by Edi
Take a look at when the Lando books and Han Solo in the Corporate Sector books were written... Try twenty years ago or thereabouts. I liked them, they have the original SW feel to them. Splinter of the Mind's Eye... urrgh! The young Han Solo and Bounty Hunter books were pretty good too.
As for the rest of EU, Zahn is good, X-Wing series is passable, the rest is from mediocre to sucky.
Posted: 2003-05-06 09:32am
by Peregrin Toker
Vympel wrote:Zorba the Hutt? WTF?
"Zorba the Greek", but with Hutts.
Posted: 2003-05-06 09:57am
by Hethrir
theski wrote:Or the Crystal Star BLAGGHHHH
Watch your mouth! See my name??
CaptainChewbacca wrote:I, Jedi
That book was unbelieveably good!