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Notes about the shielding
Posted: 2003-05-10 02:06am
by K. A. Pital
Something I managed to find out about the shields, perhaps all wrong, too.
Comments appreciated.
Posted: 2003-05-10 03:50am
by meNNis
Lots of good info and some bad, probably evening itself out or maybe leaning twoards good. Just stay away from the more opinionated/unjustifiable statements such as the 'ISD is the best ship in its universe'. Lots of pics, pics are good
Posted: 2003-05-10 07:27am
by K. A. Pital
Lots of good info and some bad, probably evening itself out or maybe leaning twoards good.
Hum, say some of the bad points, perhaps I need to change or remove them?
such as the 'ISD is the best ship in its universe'.
Well, I didn't mean the ISD is the best ship in its universe, I meant the best (main) battleship from the canon where the Executor-class is the best command ship. Uh, you're right, the statement sounds too bad, have to correct it
Posted: 2003-05-10 08:50am
by Sir Sirius
Good work.
However you might wan't consider chaging the purple and blue font colours on that page, they are a bitch to read on a black background.
Posted: 2003-05-10 11:51am
by K. A. Pital
Oh shit, the design...
I didn't even
do any design, it's just plain notes
Sorry for the inconvenience
Posted: 2003-05-10 12:18pm
by Mad
A couple points:
From ICS2: "However, shields projected in an atmosphere tend to have a defined outer surface. Such a boundary becomes super-hot when left still, and mirage like affects are seen. Shields surrounding a moving airborne vessel are less visible, but can impact aerodynamic performance."
So "visible" and "invisible" shields are not necessarially different kinds of shields. The visible ones are just ones that are in an atmosphere and aren't moving (or moving very fast). There could be exceptions, but this appears to be the general rule.
Also, for the asteroid collision with an ISD's bridge tower: the reason we saw no shield effect is because the shields were down. Again, according to ICS2 (although this has been known since Heir to the Empire): "Hyperwave transcievers require almost stellar-scale power, yet signals can be blocked by nearby massive obstructions or by deflector shielding."
The holographic communications in use during that scene has been identified as hyperwave communications. There's even a picture of the scene labeling it as such. It's in the Star Wars Encycolpedia, I believe. So that is the only reason we know for sure that the shields were down -- the hyperwave communications would have been impossible.
Posted: 2003-05-10 12:35pm
by K. A. Pital
Good points. But the shields on the craft are invisible while others clearly visible. I just thought that we separate them to be more precise.
The visible ones are just ones that are in an atmosphere and aren't moving (or moving very fast).
See, there is a problem with that. I'll tell you the exact scene... TIEs and the Falcon, and other ships on Bespin, Tatooine and so on. The Falcon often changed speed from high to zero, yet no effects observed. I see the shield on Naboo fighter glows when ignited, but then disapperars. Strange.
All AVS seen were
not aircraft shields neither spaceship shields (droidekas, gungans), but that doesn't mean objects with
low speed have glowing shields, that means that the objects which are not space/aircraft have glowing shields. The gungan water shields are also too exotic to be considered as a usual AVS.