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Luke on Degobah
Posted: 2003-05-13 12:50am
by Tychu
I was just thinking about a line Luke says in Empire, with only 2 years left to Episode 3 it made me think harder. Luke says "I dont know... theres something familar about this place"
What im thinking is that when Luke and Leia were born we already know that Leia was sent to Alderaan and Luke was ultamitly sent to Tatooine to live with his uncle and aunt. While Obi Wan was searching for a good place to leave Luke (Obi wan wouldnt know about Anakins step brother on Tatooine unless he told him and we dont see that in AOTC) Yoda was protecting Luke with him on Degobah, Obi than came back after he found Owen and Beru and thats that.
If any one can post why this isnt possible please tell me, and if the moderators dont want Ep3 spoilers you can quickly lock this down.
Posted: 2003-05-13 12:59am
by Sokar
That definatly sounds plausible. Tatooine would be Obi-Wans most likely destination to find someone, anyone who could care for young Luke. It would also explaine how Owen Lars knows about Obi-Wan, and who Anakin Skywalker had become.
Posted: 2003-05-13 01:44am
by Cal Wright
We've been over this a number of times I believe. However, due to benefit of the doubt, and that your probably new (forgot to look before hitting reply) I'm gonna put up my theory on it. Which is of course correct.
First off, Luke remembers Dagobah. Yoda has to arrive at Dagobah at some point in order to begin hiding there.
Alright, according to the Jedi novelisation, Owen is Obi-Wan's brother. However, we know now this isn't so. Owen is Anakin's stepbrother. Now, as we ALL know, Leia is going to Alderaan with Bail Organa. That's almost certainly set in stone. That's in the RotJ novelisation. Now, that would include Amidaala, so she's out along with Bail and Leia. In the journey's to Tatooine, Obi-Wan will be taking Luke to Owen. With this, they can drop Yoda off at Dagobah, and Luke could possibly have Force memories of the place. Seeing how there are TWO great Jedi Masters present, plus him. So there you have it. Before arriving at Tatooine, Obi-Wan with Luke could drop off Yoda at Dagobah giving us the 'Like I've been here before' line.
Posted: 2003-05-13 06:52am
by Darth Fanboy
congratulations,your the first person I've ever met who has mispelled Dagobah.
Posted: 2003-05-13 07:13am
by Robert Treder
Darth Fanboy wrote:congratulations,your the first person I've ever met who has mispelled Dagobah.
You are not the first person to have ironically misspelled "misspell".
Posted: 2003-05-13 09:16am
by Hethrir
Ooooh! I so can't wait for EPIII! The other two sucked so badly.
Posted: 2003-05-13 09:21am
by Darth Fanboy
Robert Treder wrote:Darth Fanboy wrote:congratulations,your the first person I've ever met who has mispelled Dagobah.
You are not the first person to have ironically misspelled "misspell".
And you are not the first person to pick up on obscure humor

Posted: 2003-05-13 11:10am
by meNNis
Nice attempt at saving your ass there

Posted: 2003-05-13 11:12am
by Darth Fanboy
meNNis wrote:Nice attempt at saving your ass there

Im goin to ignore that based ont he grounds you don't know me.
And you're one to talk after letting your account get hijacked dipshit.
Posted: 2003-05-13 03:03pm
by Highlighter of Errors
I want to know why the "cave" has flat walls...
Posted: 2003-05-13 04:09pm
by Lord Pounder
Hethrir wrote:Ooooh! I so can't wait for EPIII! The other two sucked so badly.
AotC wasn't too bad. They aren't a patch on the OT and never will be. Part of enjoying the new trilogy is to mostly try and put the OT out of your head.
Re: Luke on Degobah
Posted: 2003-05-14 01:25am
by Kuja
Tychu wrote:I was just thinking about a line Luke says in Empire, with only 2 years left to Episode 3 it made me think harder. Luke says "I dont know... theres something familar about this place"
I think it has more to do wit hthe fact that Yoda was close to him than Luke having been to Dagobah before. Yoda trained Obi-wan and preseumably helped Amidala and the twins escape, so he might have a feel of familiarity about him that Luke was passively detecting. In addition, it's pretty clear that Yoda put some kind of mark on Luke to keep an eye on him ("This one...long have I watched") which also might have led to Luke feeling some kind of connection.