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Destiny's Way, next NJO hardcover(Warning Major Spoilers)
Posted: 2002-09-08 09:58am
by Raptor 597
Warning if you accidently clicked here below are Destiny's Way Spoilers are below.
Yes, the next hardcover of the NJO shall contain Pellaeon and the Imperial Remanent kicking some serious Vong ass around the Galaxy. The New Republic has offically been dissolved and a new Goverment has arosen, far more resembling a Military Goverment are pushing the Vong back across the Galaxy. Vana Dorja, daughter of Captain Dorja is helping Han and Leia in their venture in some sort of Commando mission. Pellaeon, not being evil does not attack the New Goverment, yet anyway. He is claiming New Territories from Vong Space.
I have brought these spoilers from a friend who has already got a copy of Destiny's Way because his uncle works for LucasArts.[/b]
Posted: 2002-09-08 10:06am
by Ender
What is the new superweapon that may lead the NR to darkness that the previews mention?
Is Han as funny as he was in the exerpt when he talks about Palpatines response to the Vong?
When you say New Territories, do you mean all teh sectors he liberates become Imperial territory, or did he bring the UR and Chiss into the Empire?
What sthe deal with Jag, Jaina and Kyp that he keeps mentioning in the interviews
Posted: 2002-09-08 10:12am
by Mr Bean
Woohoo! How well Done is old Peollon? IE how close did they stick to writing like Zahn(May his name out live time!(Recongize the ref get a cookie) did
Posted: 2002-09-08 10:17am
by Raptor 597
Ender wrote:What is the new superweapon that may lead the NR to darkness that the previews mention?
Is Han as funny as he was in the exerpt when he talks about Palpatines response to the Vong?
When you say New Territories, do you mean all teh sectors he liberates become Imperial territory, or did he bring the UR and Chiss into the Empire?
What sthe deal with Jag, Jaina and Kyp that he keeps mentioning in the interviews
My bud from Austrailia didn't want to ruin the whole story fory me, I'll have ask all this stuff. And I think he liberates new Territories, he might bring the Chiss in I dunno.
Posted: 2002-09-08 10:20am
by Raptor 597
Mr Bean wrote:Woohoo! How well Done is old Peollon? IE how close did they stick to writing like Zahn(May his name out live time!(Recongize the ref get a cookie) did
Hmmm, I dunno I'll have to ask him maybe get him to post on the thread. Good thing November 1 is gonna get DEstiny's Way
Posted: 2002-09-08 10:28am
by Ender
Why Nov 1, it comes out Oct 15?
Pelleon had 50 years of service as of HTTE, having lied about his age to enter the Navy at the start of the Clone Wars. however with the shift in CW start time, this is now in question. Personally, I have a feeling the official explanation/rationalization will be that all teh little wars like the Stark Hyperspace war, battle of Naboo etc were fought against the TF and cronies in one manner or another, they will all get put under the title "Clone Wars", hence the plurality.
Anywho, he was in his 60s in HTTE, he'd be 80=90 now. Considering that People on backwater Bakura lived to 160 with Mediacl technology being what it is, I'd say Pelleon has a good long life ahead of him (unless he dies in combat)
Posted: 2002-09-08 03:31pm
by Admiral Drason
Finally we get some good old fashioned imps kicking ass time.
Posted: 2002-09-08 04:14pm
by Raptor 597
Admiral Drason wrote:Finally we get some good old fashioned imps kicking ass time.
Hell, yes! I'm defintely buying it
Posted: 2002-09-08 05:35pm
by Evil Jerk
Sounds too good to be true. Go Empire!
Posted: 2002-09-08 05:54pm
by Master of Ossus
Well it's about bloody time that the Empire got off of its Star Destroyer seated butts and did something. I wonder what the Chiss are waiting for.
Posted: 2002-09-08 07:18pm
by Darth Yoshi
The Chiss are probably waiting for the Vong to attack so they can fight without violating their honor code. You know the one where pre-emptive strikes are seen as murder.
Posted: 2002-09-08 07:52pm
by Master of Ossus
Darth Yoshi wrote:The Chiss are probably waiting for the Vong to attack so they can fight without violating their honor code. You know the one where pre-emptive strikes are seen as murder.
Those cowards.
Posted: 2002-09-08 09:48pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Ooh, Imperial Remnant! I'll pick this one up when it comes out, it might be worth reading.
Posted: 2002-09-08 11:20pm
by Joe
Sounds cool.
Read Ylesia, the NJO e-book, to hear just how impossible it is for our heroes to fight the Yuuzhan Vong and serve the New Republic simultaneously.
Also, judging from the vibe he gave forth in Dark Tide II, I would guess that Pellaeon has no intention of attacking the New Republic, or the govenment that will take its place. If the Remnant does attack the Republic, my guess is it will only be if Pellaeon is removed from power.
Posted: 2002-09-08 11:55pm
by Darth Yoshi
When does the NJO e-book take place? And does anything important happen that I should know about?
Posted: 2002-09-09 12:55am
by Joe
Spoilers. Don't scroll down, if you don't want to see them.
OK, it clearly takes place after the beginning to Destiny's Way, given the fact that Jacen Solo is back and it appears he's been back for a little while. There are a few important events; the Rebels (I guess that's what you have to call them now) capture much of the Peace Brigade government on Ylesia, including Thrackan Sal-Solo, who has been forced into being the head of state of it by the Vong (it's complicated, read it if you want the details). Pwoe, the new head of state of the Republic, is captured along with the Peace Brigade government; he is attempting to negotiate peace with the Brigade, selling out the Republic once again. The Rebels do reasonable damage to the Vong fleet stationed at Ylesia and manage to escape before a large Vong fleet arrives. A victory for the Republic, overall. Of greater interest is the excerpt from Destiny's Way, in which Luke speaks with Fyor Rodan. Rodan reveals just how much contempt he has for the Jedi, insulting Luke repeatedly, even criticizing him for taking time off from the military to form the Jedi Order.