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Plasma Debris Ahoy

Posted: 2003-05-27 01:21pm
by His Divine Shadow

Posted: 2003-05-27 01:47pm
by Illuminatus Primus
What a moron.

I'm so sick of SW energy weapons. They have no consistent physical properties and I just feel like writing them off as somesort of gravity-defying particle beam and leaving it.

Posted: 2003-05-27 05:21pm
by Ender
Repeat after me folks: Turbolasers are little green bolts of Doom.

That is all we need know.

Green bolts of Doom.

Posted: 2003-05-28 03:02am
by Darth Wong
The problem with turbolasers is that it's easy to attack any given theory of operation. It's much harder to propose one.

Posted: 2003-05-28 03:27am
by Illuminatus Primus
Turbolasers/laser cannon seem pretty much locked down.

Its blasters and blaster cannon/etc which are the pain.