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Yuuzhan Vong Craft
Posted: 2002-09-10 11:29pm
by Nathan F
Anyone know where I can get pics of Yuuzhan Vong craft?
Posted: 2002-09-11 12:47am
by Crown
No idea sorry, and I will assume that you have done a google search or gone to the star wars web site and actually done a search there....
Posted: 2002-09-11 12:49am
by Nathan F
Yep, tried em both
Posted: 2002-09-11 01:53am
by Sardaukar
I'm guessing WotC's New Jedi Order sourcebook would have pics of them...
Posted: 2002-09-11 06:13am
by Dartzap
the mod for armada and home world have them but at the moment they haent been finidhed i have found a picture of a world ship some where and anouther suggestion is to go tf.n they should have some stuff like that

Re: Yuuzhan Vong Craft
Posted: 2002-09-11 10:53am
by Ted
NF_Utvol wrote:Anyone know where I can get pics of Yuuzhan Vong craft?
On the cover of one of the books, the one with Dantooine being taken, I think, has shot of one.
Posted: 2002-09-11 05:37pm
by Ender
Finding pics of Vong craft is kinda pointless because, like any organism, no two are exactly alike.
Coralskippers have been shown though, and a Heavy Cruiser appears on the cover of Dark Tide: Onslaught
Posted: 2002-09-13 10:41pm
by Sardaukar
Ender wrote:Finding pics of Vong craft is kinda pointless because, like any organism, no two are exactly alike.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read all morning.
Posted: 2002-09-13 11:42pm
by Nathan F
While you are correct in stating that no two are the same, they all have similar features and similar lines (thats how I interpret it anyways) and the cover of Onslaught is a very low quality image in the distance. I have looked on the internet since I posted this and found some fairly interesting interpretations of the Yuuzhan Vong craft. Corralskippers are generally water drop shaped with the poited end having the plasma cannons and the black hole shielding creatures.
Posted: 2002-09-14 12:11am
by Ender
Sardaukar wrote:Ender wrote:Finding pics of Vong craft is kinda pointless because, like any organism, no two are exactly alike.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read all morning.
Well thanks for doing something to counter my post, as opposed to simply dismissing it outright without applying any thought.
The simple fact is this. The ships start out the same, and by having other, damaged ships grafted on to them, and by being "fed" they grow into different classes. Hence why the Vong had almost no small ships when they arrived, their ships had all grown into cruisers or beyond during the time they traveled across the galaxies. Plus when the ship regrows a part that is blased away, the replacement is different or scared.
In addition, it is specifically said many times that no two craft are identical due to things such as what minerals they are fed while being grown. As a result, they have different hull composition, different colors, etc. That is why NR sensors had such a difficult time locking onto them in the begining.
All of this comes straight from the books and the NJO sourcebook. Your ignorance is not my problem.
Posted: 2002-09-14 12:13pm
by Sardaukar
Ender wrote:Sardaukar wrote:Ender wrote:Finding pics of Vong craft is kinda pointless because, like any organism, no two are exactly alike.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read all morning.
Well thanks for doing something to counter my post, as opposed to simply dismissing it outright without applying any thought.
The simple fact is this. The ships start out the same, and by having other, damaged ships grafted on to them, and by being "fed" they grow into different classes. Hence why the Vong had almost no small ships when they arrived, their ships had all grown into cruisers or beyond during the time they traveled across the galaxies. Plus when the ship regrows a part that is blased away, the replacement is different or scared.
In addition, it is specifically said many times that no two craft are identical due to things such as what minerals they are fed while being grown. As a result, they have different hull composition, different colors, etc. That is why NR sensors had such a difficult time locking onto them in the begining.
All of this comes straight from the books and the NJO sourcebook. Your ignorance is not my problem.
too long, didn't read
Posted: 2002-09-14 08:12pm
by Ender
Sardaukar wrote:too long, didn't read
So you are a troll, not a moron. Thanks for confirming. Good bye.
Posted: 2002-09-14 09:36pm
by Sardaukar
Saying that there's no point looking up pictures of Vong craft because they all look different is totally stupid and if I have to explain that to you (which I thought I didn't) then that means you deserve to be trolled.
Posted: 2002-09-14 10:07pm
by Howedar
No two humans look exactly alike, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a general shape and growth lineage that most humans follow.
Posted: 2002-09-14 10:22pm
by Ender
Howedar wrote:No two humans look exactly alike, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a general shape and growth lineage that most humans follow.
If humans had extra arms/heads/body parts from killed people grafted onto them they won;t look anything close to alike. That is what the vong do with their ships. If one gets severly damaged, they graft it onto another to make a bigger ship.
Posted: 2002-09-14 10:25pm
by Ender
Sardaukar wrote:Saying that there's no point looking up pictures of Vong craft because they all look different is totally stupid and if I have to explain that to you (which I thought I didn't) then that means you deserve to be trolled.
I would agree with that if you were right. However, since I provided evidence in my post you refused to read proving I am correct and you are not, you can't claim righteous justification. All it does is show you are DarkStar level willfully ignorant.
Posted: 2002-09-14 10:27pm
by Master of Ossus
This is all a crappy debate. A picture of a Yuuzhan Vong craft, though all of them differ slightly, would still give us some idea of what other ships of the same designation look like. No two coralskippers will be alike, but they should all be SIMILAR. Thus, seeing a picture of one of them would give us some idea of how to envision other skips.
Now, as an author, I know that it is not always good to have pictures show people exactly what is going on. A lot of the time it is better if the audience must make its own vision of what is happening. I once asked a group of people in a book club whether they would recognize a character in my book walking down the street. All of them said yes. I then asked them to describe the woman, and I got four different descriptions out of four different people. It was great. I would guess that that is part of why we have no pictures of skips or other YV craft. Also, sometimes it is tough for one author to give the next author the exact picture of what is going on, so having a picture might prevent future authors from using their full artistic license, which is always a bad thing to do.
Posted: 2002-09-14 10:30pm
by Ender
Master of Ossus wrote:This is all a crappy debate. A picture of a Yuuzhan Vong craft, though all of them differ slightly, would still give us some idea of what other ships of the same designation look like. No two coralskippers will be alike, but they should all be SIMILAR. Thus, seeing a picture of one of them would give us some idea of how to envision other skips.
I agree, but WOTC screwed that.
Posted: 2002-09-14 11:22pm
by Crown
I still don't get how these 'Dovin Bassals' are meant to be alive, they can be used to 'mine' hyperspace routes, and somehow survive with what exactly? I mean what are these suckers eating?
Bloody stupid NJO
Posted: 2002-09-14 11:47pm
by Ender
Crown wrote:I still don't get how these 'Dovin Bassals' are meant to be alive, they can be used to 'mine' hyperspace routes, and somehow survive with what exactly? I mean what are these suckers eating?
Bloody stupid NJO
Presumably, the Yorik Coral shell they are in also holds some food.
This must of course be replentished, but it still works. The only bit that is really asininely stupid is the grutchin. After it is launched, how does it continue to move from ship to ship and manuver? With it's wings? It is in a freaking vacuum.
Posted: 2002-09-15 11:51am
by Nathan F
Plus these grutchins can travel through hyperspace, bit too far fetched, even for star wars if ya ask me. Possibly they have these dovin bassals attached to them, or they can produce chemical reactions that induce propulsion?
Posted: 2002-09-15 09:28pm
by Sardaukar
Ender wrote:Sardaukar wrote:Saying that there's no point looking up pictures of Vong craft because they all look different is totally stupid and if I have to explain that to you (which I thought I didn't) then that means you deserve to be trolled.
I would agree with that if you were right. However, since I provided evidence in my post you refused to read proving I am correct and you are not, you can't claim righteous justification. All it does is show you are DarkStar level willfully ignorant.
I was waiting for the DarkStar comment, very predictable.
Others have stated that even though these craft may be different to one another, they should all share similar traits and thus it would NOT be pointless to look up a picture of some.
Plus, your proof that they look different has nothing to do with your original statement, because you've continued to expand this statement to cover your ass.
"Finding pics of Vong craft is kinda pointless because, like any organism, no two are exactly alike. "
This basically states that all organisms are different enough that it would be pointless to find a picture of an elephant to distinguish it from a crocodile because no two elephants are exactly alike.
I know Vong ships are not 100% the same, but it is NOT "pointless" to find a picture of them because "like any organism, no two are exactly alike. "
Posted: 2002-09-15 09:37pm
by RayCav of ASVS
Ah fuck someone needs to do this