DS2 question
Posted: 2003-05-31 10:37pm
How often could it fire a full shot in a day? I can't remember
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I think once, but I'm not sure.Ender wrote:How often could it fire a full shot in a day? I can't remember
That's the first one. Going by some RPG stats DS2 can fire once every 8 mins, but I don't know if that is solid because there are a few other limits to it.YT300000 wrote:I think once, but I'm not sure.Ender wrote:How often could it fire a full shot in a day? I can't remember
Which basically means, "At least once per day."It was also able to fire small bursts at least once every few minutes, as well as sparing enough energy to fulfill the Emperor's extreme contingency plan for the destruction of the Endor moon. The original Death Star took about a day to recharge.
Good luck. I don't think it was ever specifically mentioned just how much more powerful the DS2 was compared to the DS1. If power scale linearly relative to size, then it's orders of magnitude more power. If it scales exponentially relative to size... well... let's not go there...Basically I'm tryign to determine the power output of the DS2's reactor
The most solid statement to this effect is a vague description contained in the prologue of the novelisation of Return of the Jedi, which refers to the Death Star as "nearly twice as big as its predecessor, which Rebel forces had destroyed so many years before -- nearly twice as big, but more than twice as powerful".SPOOFE wrote:Good luck. I don't think it was ever specifically mentioned just how much more powerful the DS2 was compared to the DS1. If power scale linearly relative to size, then it's orders of magnitude more power. If it scales exponentially relative to size... well... let's not go there...Basically I'm tryign to determine the power output of the DS2's reactor
That was written using official stats (120 km for DS1, 160 km for DS2). Mass-wise, if the diameters were those sizes, then the DS2 would be about twice as big as the DS1.Publius wrote: The most solid statement to this effect is a vague description contained in the prologue of the novelisation of Return of the Jedi, which refers to the Death Star as "nearly twice as big as its predecessor, which Rebel forces had destroyed so many years before -- nearly twice as big, but more than twice as powerful".
That would make the sphere significantly bigger then your numbers suggest, throwing off your numbersYT300000 wrote:Publius wrote: The most solid statement to this effect is a vague description contained in the prologue of the novelisation of Return of the Jedi, which refers to the Death Star as "nearly twice as big as its predecessor, which Rebel forces had destroyed so many years before -- nearly twice as big, but more than twice as powerful".
PubliusUm, NO.The first Death Stars reactor was about 3 km tall. It allowed one full power shot a day. The second Death Stars reactor was 16 km tall.STAR WARS Incredible Cross-Sections gives an unambiguous schematic and perspective cross-section of the first Death Star, in which the reactor system seems proportionately bigger than the one in the Death Star II. In the older station, the reactor core and the chamber surrounding it are 36% and about 10% of the total diameter; in the newer version the equivalent features are about 13% and 3% of the larger diameter. The battle station size seems to have been increased by a greater multiple than the increase in the size of the main reactor systems. Perhaps the proportions in Death Star Technical Companion and STAR WARS Technical Journal can be excused as reflecting the design for an ideal complete version of the Death Star II.
The novelisation was written in conjunction with the preparation of the film itself. As such, it is to be considered "extremely accurate", and is inferior in terms of evidential weight only to the films (and screenplays), per Mr Cerasi's statement regarding canon and continuity. It was originally published in 1983, whereas West End Games' Star Wars Roleplaying Game was not published until 1987.YT300000 wrote:That was written using official stats (120 km for DS1, 160 km for DS2). Mass-wise, if the diameters were those sizes, then the DS2 would be about twice as big as the DS1.Publius wrote: The most solid statement to this effect is a vague description contained in the prologue of the novelisation of Return of the Jedi, which refers to the Death Star as "nearly twice as big as its predecessor, which Rebel forces had destroyed so many years before -- nearly twice as big, but more than twice as powerful".
Bzzt.Cal Wright wrote:Which means most estimates are wrong for the first Death Star. They peg it's size at 160km in official lore. However, it's well noted that by scaling in the movies, the second Death Star is 900kms. Seems the first one should be larger. I want to know how much time transpired between Alderaan and Yavin Base. That way we know about how long it takes to power up the shot. The DS II obviously was blasting ships easily enough, and as noted, retained enough power to still blast Endor. (Don't forget, the Emperor said (in the novel that is) that he wanted Endor destroyed if the sheild went down. Was he expecting to go with it, or that he knew the DS II could withstand that blast?)
If you want to pick on the n00b, at least know what the fuck you're talking about. This reeks of "me too" bullshit.DPDarkPrimus wrote:Yeah, whatever, Red Shirt. I guess you never heard of anything called "shielding". SW-strength shielding, by the way, not ST-strength shielding.
Commander Jerjerrod ordered it after the DS2's destruction was imminent. At the very least Endor's destruction would take several Alliance heros and maybe some Rebel space craft with it.TurboPhaser wrote:The Emperor was planning to blow up Endor? Thats not very smart. Even if the DS did survive the explosion of a planet a few hundred km away, the DS would be in a massive cloud of dirt and debris and other bits of planet floating around.
Would have made things very messy.
Ah, fair enough. I didnt know that, because I havent read the novel yet.Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Commander Jerjerrod ordered it after the DS2's destruction was imminent. At the very least Endor's destruction would take several Alliance heros and maybe some Rebel space craft with it.TurboPhaser wrote:The Emperor was planning to blow up Endor? Thats not very smart. Even if the DS did survive the explosion of a planet a few hundred km away, the DS would be in a massive cloud of dirt and debris and other bits of planet floating around.
Would have made things very messy.
Durrrrr........ What?Ender wrote:Christ, this isnt' working out. I'm trying to dataplot Vrx vs Prx to get PD to get values for the output of an ISD and more importantly the Hoth Shield, but It's ending up all fucked up here. Apparently Saxton used log-log as a mathmatical model instead of so that the values would be low enough to graph.