Anyone else find their intrest in Star Wars waning?
Posted: 2003-06-03 12:07pm
by Stormbringer
I'm just wondering, but am I the only one that has had their interest in Star Wars seriously diminished? I mean I'll probably go see the next movie as soon as possible and get the movie on DVD. But other than that I've seriously lost interest in things Star Wars.
Part of it is the EU. It was never great but frankly it took a turn for the worst lately. The NJO was pretty much bad and I've yet to read a good prequel EU novel. With plenty of better sci-fi out there I just stopped bothering.
Posted: 2003-06-03 01:09pm
by Stravo
My interest in both Trek and Wars waned a while ago. Like you I will see the third movie with some excitement but the heyday of all things Wars making me get all gushy inside are over. I find myself drawn to toher things now, not even so much sci fi as just other things, is it because we're getting older and there are different priorities or has the actual quality of Sci Fi dipped?
Look at the latest entries from the big boys - TPM and AOTC. TPM was quite simply the worst of teh Wars films by a large margin and if not for Wars in the title would be lambasted by 90% of the fans here. AOTC while infintely better was nowhere near the majesty of teh OT and that's with WAY better effects and a massive budget. It all seems so -seen that doen that.
Trek - Nemesis and Insurrection - Nesmesis although enjoyable was more of a turn off your brain and enjoy a typical Trek movie than really thought provoking or exciting like TWOK, TVH or TUC.
I think Sci Fi is desperately in need of another milestone film or series to breath some life in the old girl again. In other words we need another ANH for this generation. Sci Fi is currently in a doldrum of hohum no creativity.
Fanatsy on the other hand has had its ANH in the LOTR trilogy.
Posted: 2003-06-03 01:28pm
by Vympel
Star Wars is off the radar for me except when a new movie comes out or a new game comes out- then I eat it up.
I don't find the EU in the least bit entertaining.
The most I can hope for is that Episode III will be a fitting "last Star Wars movie ever made" and that maybe, just maybe, after fucking up Episode I badly and fudging Episode II a little bit less, George would've finally gotten the experience he once had and lost that he needs to make a fitting Episode III. One that will feel like Empire Strikes Back. Lucas has already said how he doesn't think Episode III will be very popular, and he's constantly stressed how dark he wants it to be.
Maybe, just maybe, Episode III *will* recapture that OT feel that was at it's peak in ESB.
But, probably not.
Posted: 2003-06-03 01:30pm
by Joe
Unless GL comes to his senses and has someone competent come on board to write Episode III, it won't happen. It will be a good to great movie, but I still doubt it will compare to the OT.
Posted: 2003-06-03 01:48pm
by irishmick79
Yeah, I've lost alot of interest in Star Wars. The shitiness of the prequels killed most of my interest, and there hasn't been anything enduring enough to rekindle my interest. The Lord of the Rings, the X-Men series, and the Matrix all have far more interest for me now.
I'm debating if I actually want to see Episode III. If Lucas is at the helm, it could simply be setting itself up to be a major disappointment.
Posted: 2003-06-03 02:13pm
by neoolong
Not really. Though I was mainly interested in the movies, which I'm still waiting for the OT on DVD, so it'll be a while before my interest wanes.
And the games, which Jedi Academy should be great, so I'm still interested in that. And Outcast is still fun.
Posted: 2003-06-03 02:50pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
I lost intrest in the (SW) movies a long time ago. I have always loved the EU tho (well, everything except the glove of vader... that was total crap)... THat reminds me, I tryed to buy Dark Empire awhile ago, and it hasnt been shipped yet...
/me wanders off to yell at Barnes and Noble customer service
Posted: 2003-06-03 03:16pm
by Lord Pounder
I used to live for Star Wars. The original 3 movies are the finest made specifically because they where so ground breaking. All ground in sci-fi has now been broken and now it's getting stale. We've had the best of teh Eu in the 1st HttE trilogy. When you've had the best first anything else is a let down.
Posted: 2003-06-03 03:28pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
While it hasn't waned that much, my interest in Star Wars diminished by quite a bit around 98/99. But it didn't really have anything to do with the EU or the Prequels... was because that was when I started to become a serious anime fan. Basically I just transfered my "fannish obsession" to something with a much broader range.
That and I also got a bit older. But I am still a pretty big fan.
Posted: 2003-06-03 03:31pm
by Admiral Johnason
I stoped read the EU novels a few years back, but I am thinking of picking up where I left off.
Posted: 2003-06-03 03:42pm
by Illuminatus Primus
They could make EU a lot better just with proper scale and without obsessing on the main characters and their melodrama.
By going to for the grandiose and majestic--capturing the grandure of SW--they could make better EU.
I mean they said Tipoca City (none of the other Kaminoan cities mentioned) was assaulted by 1 Trade Fed Battleship.
What's that shit?
Posted: 2003-06-03 04:14pm
by Lord Poe
Star Wars has taken a back seat for me due to RL concerns, which is why very few upgates are showing up on my site. I like some of the EU, but this Vong shit is just that, shit. The Jedi are so laughably inept and underpowered to ALLOW the Vong to be a "big enemy".
Fuck, I'm reading "Refugee" rightr now and I want to trash it. In one chapter, Jedi Tahiri is ripping out the internal workings of security droids with the Force. In another chapter, Jania is taken prisoner by a guy holding a blaster on her. No telepathic gtrab for the blaster? No ripping out the internal workings of ther blaster? No Force choke? What the FUCK?
Everyone; go out right now and buy "Tatooine Ghost". Its the best SW novel that has come out in YEARS. You won't be disappointed.
Posted: 2003-06-03 05:10pm
by Ender
It's not so much waning because of the series, as it is other things are taking up more of my life.
But yeah, it is certainly on the decrease.
Posted: 2003-06-03 06:05pm
by Enforcer Talen
its lost its interest, mm, some 6 yrs ago. I watch the movies, old and new, but I dont buy anything, now.
Posted: 2003-06-03 06:43pm
by Aaron2
There was a funny Onion article called "Nation's Love Affair with Lord of the Rings threatening its relationiship with Star Wars." Good stuff.
Lord Poe wrote:Star Wars has taken a back seat for me due to RL concerns, which is why very few upgates are showing up on my site. I like some of the EU, but this Vong shit is just that, shit. The Jedi are so laughably inept and underpowered to ALLOW the Vong to be a "big enemy".
Fuck, I'm reading "Refugee" rightr now and I want to trash it. In one chapter, Jedi Tahiri is ripping out the internal workings of security droids with the Force. In another chapter, Jania is taken prisoner by a guy holding a blaster on her. No telepathic gtrab for the blaster? No ripping out the internal workings of ther blaster? No Force choke? What the FUCK?
Everyone; go out right now and buy "Tatooine Ghost". Its the best SW novel that has come out in YEARS. You won't be disappointed.
Denning and Allston should just be handed the reigns of SW novels. (Stick Saxton over Allston's shoulder so we don't get more Wraith Squadron and Iron Fist scale sillyness).
Posted: 2003-06-03 07:31pm
by Soontir C'boath
It's still a part of me but not as much as it started 6 years ago. Been into other things as of late.
Posted: 2003-06-03 07:54pm
by Ghost Rider
Other thing have taken priority and seriously NJO has not taken me...and the movies haven't helped much either, in both ST or SW.
Posted: 2003-06-03 08:38pm
by Admiral Drason
I think its been waning for me just because Im getting older and because Ive read allmost every book.
Posted: 2003-06-03 08:54pm
by YT300000
neoolong wrote:Not really. Though I was mainly interested in the movies, which I'm still waiting for the OT on DVD, so it'll be a while before my interest wanes.
And the games, which Jedi Academy should be great, so I'm still interested in that. And Outcast is still fun.
I totally agree with you. I love SW more and more each day.
The non-Star Wars aspect of my life has been taken over by The Matrix.
Posted: 2003-06-03 10:45pm
by Darth Wong
I'm no more or less interested in SW than I was a few years ago. Mind you, I was never a really big fan of the EU in the first place; the writing quality of EU novels ranges from half-decent to atrocious, and I haven't read any of the NJO books at all.
Posted: 2003-06-03 10:50pm
by YT300000
Darth Wong wrote:I'm no more or less interested in SW than I was a few years ago. Mind you, I was never a really big fan of the EU in the first place; the writing quality of EU novels ranges from half-decent to atrocious, and I haven't read any of the NJO books at all.
Some NJO books are quite good. I liked Star by Star a lot.
Posted: 2003-06-03 11:02pm
by Equinox2003
I find my interest has actually gotten stronger. Home video of the OT
held me until TPM was out, and I can see some people may have lost
interest at that point, waiting all those years for a film few think lived
up to expectations. But I consider AOTC a great film, added with the
anticipation of Episode 3, my interest has gotten stronger.
Posted: 2003-06-03 11:14pm
by DPDarkPrimus
I haven't been nearly as big a purchaser of the merchandise as I was a few years ago, but I still love the movies... well... the OT movies, anyways...
Posted: 2003-06-04 12:11am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
YT300000 wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:I'm no more or less interested in SW than I was a few years ago. Mind you, I was never a really big fan of the EU in the first place; the writing quality of EU novels ranges from half-decent to atrocious, and I haven't read any of the NJO books at all.
Some NJO books are quite good. I liked Star by Star a lot.
Star by Star was good because Spoiler
they killed of the pussy Anakin...[/size]]
EDIT: To make this semi-on topic:
My intrest in SW hasnt really waned, I still read the books, buy the collectables (they'll be worth something someday, I tell ya!), and I anticipate Ep. III, if just for the reason that it will complete the story.... [back off-topic](oh, btw, is there anywhere you can download/buy all the star wars TV specials, other than E-bay?)[/off-topic]