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Caamas and BDZ in Episode III?
Posted: 2003-06-07 10:21pm
by Seele
Found this little Blurb on
url Galactic-voyage Makes reference to an EU BDZ, take it gram of salt but might be interesting if true.
Prequel Watch has an article featuring a fan discovery that could prove to be something interesting, and he found it in Star Wars Insider #65.
"The latest issue of Star Wars Insider has a fold-out map of the galaxy. Well, I was looking over the map, and there's a planet next to Coruscant called Caamas. Underneath the name, it says the planet Caamas was destroyed 19 years before the Battle of Yavin. This is when Episode 3 is going to take place. You think the planet Caamas will play a pivotal role in the Clone Wars, or perhaps the rise of the Empire?"
Things that make you go Hmmmm... This would certainly be an interesting development if a planet gets destroyed in Episode III as the Empire is on the rise.
My personal opinion is that we will not see Caamas or any planet destructions. It would take away from the horror that Princess Leia had when Alderaan was destroyed. Up until that point, no one thought that a planet would or could be destroyed. Lucas may refer to Caamas as he did Dantooine. We never saw Dantooine, but we knew there had been a Rebel base there. Maybe Caamas was a stage for a major battle during the Clone Wars and will be referred to in a conversation. Again, that is just my opinion.
Posted: 2003-06-07 10:26pm
by Ender
Unlikely, Caamas was suppossedly done shortly after the end of the clone wars so it was a reference to the EU, not a hint at what is to come.
Posted: 2003-06-07 10:27pm
by Soontir C'boath
I hope whoever wrote that just means mutilated the surface. We say nuclear weapons can destroy the planet.....however awkward that sounds...
Posted: 2003-06-08 12:43am
by Gandalf
Maybe we'll see a partial BDZ?
Posted: 2003-06-08 12:59am
by Howedar
Seeing an area equivilent to a large country get BDZed would be perfectly fine for our purposes

Posted: 2003-06-08 02:11am
by Admiral Johnason
According to I, Jedi and the Hand of Thrawn, Cassamas was some kind of religious like center (sort of like Tibet) and the reason the Empire BDZed the place was because started annoy Palpie with their pacificm.
Posted: 2003-06-08 05:37pm
by Joe
Actually, I think this would be a good idea, since the BDZ of Caamas was aided by Bothans, and at least alluding to it in EpIII would show the audience that some of the groups that later made up the Rebel Alliance were less-than-pure.
Posted: 2003-06-08 11:31pm
by Master of Ossus
The destruction of Caamas is probably not going to be in Ep. III. The date of its destruction was established by the EU as being just after the end of the Clone Wars, which will be in Ep. III. Thus, there is a chronological coincidence, but probably not an overlap.
It is unlikely
Posted: 2003-06-09 01:08pm
by BenRG
As well as the timeline problems mentioned by
MoO, I think we have already seen in the prequels that Mr. Lucas wants to screw up any hope of the EU being useful for undestanding pre-Civil War events. Hell, given some of the contradictions I've heard between OT and PT movies, he isn't all that keen on having
any continuity at all!

Because of this, I would say that it is highly unlikely that we will have any non-movie-canon event mentioned in the EU shown in the prequels.
This will probably start a split-off thread but... Would we be better off considering the Prequel Trilogy an alternate timeline, the way that Trekkers are increasingly viewing Enterprise?
Posted: 2003-06-09 03:13pm
by Joe
That's one thing I can forgive the EU authors for...after all, GL didn't throw them anything resembling a bone about how to portray the Clone Wars in their novels, so of course there are going to be contradictions, and some material that'll need to be thrown out. But I think they can be made to exist in the same timeline, despite this.
Posted: 2003-06-09 09:39pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Durran Korr wrote:That's one thing I can forgive the EU authors for...after all, GL didn't throw them anything resembling a bone about how to portray the Clone Wars in their novels, so of course there are going to be contradictions, and some material that'll need to be thrown out. But I think they can be made to exist in the same timeline, despite this.
Not to mention that George Lucas has made little more than superficial recognition of the EU in his prequel movies. I'd say a BDZ of Camaas in Ep. III is about as likely as me scoring with Natalie Portman.
Posted: 2003-06-09 10:24pm
by Steven Snyder
I have to agree with the previous poster.
GL seems to have a penchant for destroying EU with a sick glee. I for one applaud him for that, I hated 90%of the crap that came from EU and I love to see it torn down.
Posted: 2003-06-09 10:38pm
by Joe
The thing is, GL used an EU invention, Coruscant, in his prequels, so I would expect a little more respect for its continuity.
Posted: 2003-06-10 04:41pm
by Ingersoll
That was his, he just let it get used in the book first.
Posted: 2003-06-10 07:53pm
by Joe
Ingersoll wrote:That was his, he just let it get used in the book first.
Are you certain? I recall reading somewhere that Tim Zahn coined the name Coruscant.
Posted: 2003-06-10 08:10pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
He might be refering to the fact that Zahn created Coruscant by evolving it out of the city planet capitol Had Abbadon Lucas developed (then dropped) for ROTJ.
City Planets
Posted: 2003-06-11 10:07am
by BenRG
Of course planet-wide cities are fairly common in sci-fi, so it was inevitable that one or two would turn up in the Star Wars galaxy. The most famous examples are Trantor in 'Foundation' and the Imperial capital world (possibly also called Trantor) in 'Bill the Galactic Hero'.
Posted: 2003-06-11 12:43pm
by Drooling Iguana
I read a rumor a while back that Obi-Wan and Anakin's duel would occur on a planet in the process of being destroyed by a prototype superlaser. Maybe this is what they were talking about.