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Chalk up sucess of YV invasion to NR incompetence?
Posted: 2002-07-10 07:56pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Think about it, sure the NR cuts back on their militay expenses cause there a happy little peace loving hippy government but lets look back. After their victory at the Battle of Endor they fight the Ssi-ruuvi an outside alien force. Later (not sure where in the timeframe) they fight the Nagai, and the Tof (sp?) and a couple more aliens that came from outside their borders. you'd think after so many attempts on their galaxy from unknown aliens they might at least wanna increase ship production enough to protect there borders. Do they? Of course not so here comes the YV, storming through NR territory with no problem. Why? Chalk it up to NR leaders incompetence. Had they learned from th past they might have had a better chance to defeat the YV. I feel sorry for the poor saps, think of what those Imps woulda done to the YV, tsk tsk NR, tsk tsk.
Posted: 2002-07-10 08:04pm
by His Divine Shadow
Wedge even said that if the people running the NR would have left the millitary alone then he would have been retired by now, or something like it.
Posted: 2002-07-10 10:01pm
by Darth Yoshi
Don't be so hard on the NR. The military tried its best to stop the YV. And this particular mess is the fault of those anti-Jedi politicians like Pwoe. BTW, has anyone else noticed that the EU is rather harsh on the politicians?
Posted: 2002-07-10 11:37pm
by David
Lando says in the NJO that the reason Leia asked for the IR's help was because the NR's military was keeping the different member worlds from attacking each other.
Posted: 2002-07-11 09:14pm
by StarshipTitanic
The Ssi-Ruuvi weren't extragalactic, just deep in the Outer Rim.
Posted: 2002-07-11 09:20pm
by TheDarkling
The problem with the NR was that they handed anything outside the Core and certain important Mid rim worlds to the Vong simply because they didnt want to move their assets away from protecting the core.
The vong walked in and didnt face a major battle for about a year or so.
The political system killed the NR - too many conflicting agendas and not enough care for the people.
Posted: 2002-07-11 09:28pm
by Captain Cyran
The problem comes with one name.....Borsk Fey'lya.
Posted: 2002-07-11 09:33pm
by TheDarkling
Yeah and he did his best during the Thrawn Trilogy to see the NR burn - he puts himself first and foremost, that isnt the sort of person you want as leader.
Blasted Bothans , well they aint all bad I suppose.
Posted: 2002-07-11 10:15pm
by Soontir C'boath
TheDarkling wrote:Yeah and he did his best during the Thrawn Trilogy to see the NR burn - he puts himself first and foremost, that isnt the sort of person you want as leader.
Blasted Bothans , well they aint all bad I suppose.
It's the politians in NR that are bad and in which the writers are conveying to us about our era of what they do.
It proves that those in a seat of power in the government may be appointed by the ppl but doesn't work for the ppl.. That our government is plague by the very same corrupt and greedy bastards which then may lead us to our downfall if they are not stopped..
P.S.- Current political bastard.....Tom Daschle.
Posted: 2002-07-11 10:20pm
by master_yoda
If it the GE won the war between them & the NR,they would've been able to hold off the YV way easier.
Posted: 2002-07-11 10:56pm
by TheDarkling
master_yoda: Yes I think the empire would have taken on the Vong alot easier however the people may cause trouble on the home front if they get crazy ideas of freedom.
Posted: 2002-07-12 12:34am
by David
Captain_Cyran wrote:The problem comes with one name.....Borsk Fey'lya.
Yeah, he had the mentality of: better first among the barbarians than second in Rome.
Nova's opinion of Vector Prime
Posted: 2002-07-12 01:31am
by Nova Andromeda
--I HATED Vector Prime (Star Wars: The New Jedi Order) by R. A. Salvatore.
--In a fictional universe any idiot can make up something that is more powerful than anything previously existing. That is exactly what that D&D hack writer did in my opinion. Not to mention killing off Chewy! I never read another book in the series and sure as hell none of his other books.
Posted: 2002-07-12 01:36am
by David
Agreed. I was wondering where they dug RAS up after reading the first few chapters.
Posted: 2002-07-12 01:44am
by Cal Wright
I predicted it, I doubt anyone will agree though. As soon as I heard RAS was writing the Ep II novel, I said it would not be as good as the other four. It was pretty good, but it sure lacked.
Posted: 2002-07-12 01:48am
by David
I don't doubt you, but I never read the novelization.
Posted: 2002-07-12 08:54am
by Smiling Bandit
I disagree with your estimation of Vector Prime.
I didn't get the sense that the Vong had any "better" technology than the Empire/Republic. In fact, I think Salvatore goes out of his way to make it look more or less equal. The Edge that the Vong had was surprise, the fact that they had agents and allies and intelligence services within the Republic, and had already worked out tactics and technology to use against the SW technology.
The Republic could have fought them off had there not been political saboteurs and such within the Republic. Even in the first novel, the Vong were halted for a time by a small task force (although granted, it involved the Jedi at Skywalker's behest).
Its too bad that Chewy died, but man, Salvatore's got cohones to kill of a main character like that. Previously, I think the biggest character that died in the EU was Crix freaking Madine, in Darksaber (crappy book).
Posted: 2002-07-12 02:22pm
by David
Its too bad that Chewy died, but man, Salvatore's got cohones to kill of a main character like that.
Yeah, at leat his death was dramatic.
Re: disagree
Posted: 2002-07-12 02:25pm
by His Divine Shadow
Smiling Bandit wrote:IIts too bad that Chewy died, but man, Salvatore's got cohones to kill of a main character like that. Previously, I think the biggest character that died in the EU was Crix freaking Madine, in Darksaber (crappy book).
You don't really think that Salvatore came up with the idea of killing Chewie do you?
Re: Nova's opinion of Vector Prime
Posted: 2002-07-12 02:27pm
by His Divine Shadow
Nova Andromeda wrote:--I HATED Vector Prime (Star Wars: The New Jedi Order) by R. A. Salvatore.
--In a fictional universe any idiot can make up something that is more powerful than anything previously existing. That is exactly what that D&D hack writer did in my opinion. Not to mention killing off Chewy! I never read another book in the series and sure as hell none of his other books.
More powerfull? Nah, thats just because the NR don't know what they are figtjing yet, or how to, but the Vong do.
They're not more advanced, infact their organic tech blows chunks, infact all organic tech blows chunks.
Posted: 2002-07-12 02:33pm
by Kuja
And it's not just Chewy! Anakin! Anakin freaking Solo gets killed off! And that lousy goon Thracken gets put in charge of Corellia?!?!?!?
Where's my gun?!
Posted: 2002-07-12 02:49pm
by His Divine Shadow
IG-88E wrote:And it's not just Chewy! Anakin! Anakin freaking Solo gets killed off!
Yes well it is done as to not to suffer from the same effects that all the other books did, I mean, there was no real worry the main characters would survive they couldn't die, now with this they have shown all bets are off, makes for a much more realistic reading experience.
IG-88E wrote:And that lousy goon Thracken gets put in charge of Corellia?!?!?!?
IG-88E wrote:Where's my gun?!
Here, *bang*
Posted: 2002-07-12 02:59pm
by Kuja
Thracken, Han's cousin? Thracken Sal-Solo? He was in the Corellian Trilogy. In NJO, Anakin hesitated to use Centerpoint Station as a strategic weapon. Thracken grabbed the controls and ended up wiping out both a YV fleet and the Hapan fleet!
As to the gun, thanks...I needed that. *Pulls bullet out of head, reloads it. Now then, to business!
Posted: 2002-07-12 03:07pm
by David
HMMMM hard headed.
Posted: 2002-07-12 03:11pm
by Kuja
Yeah, check this out!
Walks over to starship bulkhead, bangs head three or four times, comes back leaving huge dent.
Yah,...sheee?...Harddd goingg tttoo nap now....rights here...*falls unconcious*