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Why was the second Death Star so BIG?
Posted: 2003-06-12 06:00pm
by Dorsk 81
I was just looking at the size comparison thread and difference between the first and second death stars.
IIRC, the second Death Star was ment to be a trap to lure the rebel fleet into an all out offensive where they would be wipped out once and for all, so why was it so big? If it was simply bait then why commit so much material and time to building it? Surely it could have been the same size as the first and still attracted rebel attention and I really don't see the point (apart from the obvious intimiabation factor) to making it bigger when it could still have done its job (wipping out planets) if it was as big as the first.
Your thoughts?
Posted: 2003-06-12 06:07pm
by Master of Ossus
DSII was more than just bait. It was actually a DS, designed to be able to become operational. The Empire knew that the Rebel Alliance could not afford to allow the construction of a second DS to be completed, and so they knew that the Rebels would eventually attack the new weapon while it was under construction. They also needed (wanted) a new DS following the destruction of the Alliance, so the station was supposed to fulfill both needs simultaneously.
The second DS was designed to be able to more efficiently engage and destroy fleets of attacking warships, whereas the previous one was designed only for attacking planets. Thus, the second DS was much larger than the first one.
Posted: 2003-06-12 06:17pm
by Dorsk 81
Master of Ossus wrote:DSII was more than just bait. It was actually a DS, designed to be able to become operational. The Empire knew that the Rebel Alliance could not afford to allow the construction of a second DS to be completed, and so they knew that the Rebels would eventually attack the new weapon while it was under construction. They also needed (wanted) a new DS following the destruction of the Alliance, so the station was supposed to fulfill both needs simultaneously.
The second DS was designed to be able to more efficiently engage and destroy fleets of attacking warships, whereas the previous one was designed only for attacking planets. Thus, the second DS was much larger than the first one.
Why would they need to worry about attacking fleets with the rebels gone? Ok, the Ssi-Ruuk would still be a bit of a threat as would the Yvethan, but you could have built a Death Star markI and a good few ISD's and it would have pretty much been the same thing and they could be speard out. Guess the mind of a power mad, Sith, old mad with delusions of invincibility just works a bit different...
Posted: 2003-06-12 06:18pm
by Ender
It's bigger because Palpy is compensating.
Dude, we don't know why. It just is.

Posted: 2003-06-12 06:25pm
by Master of Ossus
Every quote I've heard on the subject (none from the books themselves) indicate that Palpatine was aware of the Yuuzhan Vong threat. The DSII would have been a perfect tool for destroying their heavily guarded worldships.
Even if we don't believe he was looking that far ahead, various corporations and planetary groups maintain very large fleets of starships to protect very well defended worlds. Both DS's were designed to frighten well defended worlds that had planetary shields and defenses. The DSII would have been capable of not only wiping out a rebellious planet like (for example) the Sluis Van system, but it could then conduct mop-up operations by itself, without really being threatened by counter-attacks. If the DSII had gravity-well generators, or a similar system, it could trap a defensive fleet around a planet and then destroy everything in sight before moving on. I assumed that to be the role of the DSII. DSI would have only been able to destroy the planet, and would most likely have relied on other ships to wipe out the remaining fleet.
Posted: 2003-06-12 06:28pm
by Dorsk 81
Ender wrote:It's bigger because Palpy is compensating.
Dude, we don't know why. It just is.

Ya see! This is why I'm getting a Renault 5! *cough*17th birthday on monday*cough* To avoid comments like that!
Posted: 2003-06-13 03:44pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Master of Ossus wrote:Every quote I've heard on the subject (none from the books themselves) indicate that Palpatine was aware of the Yuuzhan Vong threat.
Post and explain.
Posted: 2003-06-13 04:58pm
by vakundok
Personally, I think, the DS2 was mainly larger to generate a much more effective shield, like that was generated on Endor (that could not be penetrated by any objects). (I know, the bunker was quite small, but Han said (in the novelization) that it actually "harvested" the planet, so generating the same energy and shield onboard the station would require far larger machinery.)
But it is only a theory, and most likely there was not a single reason to be that big but several reasons for being bigger than DS1.
Posted: 2003-06-13 05:02pm
by Admiral Johnason
Becuase the Emperor has an infiniority complex.
Posted: 2003-06-13 05:04pm
by NecronLord
Other Death Stars (type 1) were being built, presumably Palpy wanted something that dwarved even them and possibly something that could survive a hit from them and retaliate in case of insurrection.
See for pics of them
Posted: 2003-06-13 05:11pm
by Ender
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:Every quote I've heard on the subject (none from the books themselves) indicate that Palpatine was aware of the Yuuzhan Vong threat.
Post and explain.
IIRC, Zahn basically retconned it in an interview back when Dark Tide series came out. He changed Thrwns mission from conquering agaisnt deadlyt threats inthe UR to buildign a force capable of resisting the YV. Having only gotten this information second hand, I don't know how much of what I was told is what was said and how much was the bias of the person who told me.
Posted: 2003-06-13 05:12pm
by Ender
NecronLord wrote:Other Death Stars (type 1) were being built, presumably Palpy wanted something that dwarved even them and possibly something that could survive a hit from them and retaliate in case of insurrection.
See for pics of them
Concept art has no place in continuity.
Posted: 2003-06-13 05:13pm
by jegs2
Wasn't the second DS designed to dock ISD's at its equator? If that's the case, then it also served as a supercarrier and a base of operations simultaneously.
Posted: 2003-06-13 11:33pm
by Slartibartfast
I saw the Executor docking into the Death Star during RoTJ. I wasn't impressed by their performance.
Posted: 2003-06-13 11:47pm
by darthdavid
Pappitine was making up for somthing

Posted: 2003-06-13 11:49pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
What? The Executor? Are you sure?
I think I'd certainly remember something like that, and I sure don't right now...
Posted: 2003-06-13 11:51pm
by Enforcer Talen
it prolly involved a large fiery explosion.
Posted: 2003-06-13 11:52pm
by darthdavid
My witty remark was copied before i said it. I hate you people.

Posted: 2003-06-14 12:00am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Enforcer Talen wrote:it prolly involved a large fiery explosion.
Oh fuck, you silly little people...
Next time try to be more indicative that you're making a joke...

Posted: 2003-06-14 12:54am
by Frank Hipper
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Enforcer Talen wrote:it prolly involved a large fiery explosion.
Oh fuck, you silly little people...
Next time try to be more indicative that you're making a joke...

What? The fact that Slartibartfast posted it wasn't enough warning for you?
It took Talen's clarification before I got it, too.

Posted: 2003-06-14 01:06am
by Enforcer Talen
I did an entire tour of sdnet while pondering

Posted: 2003-06-14 01:27am
by EmperorMing
Ender wrote:It's bigger because Palpy is compensating.
Dude, we don't know why. It just is.

LOL!! The Emperor had 'small-dick' syndrome...

Posted: 2003-06-14 01:59am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Master of Ossus wrote:Every quote I've heard on the subject (none from the books themselves) indicate that Palpatine was aware of the Yuuzhan Vong threat. The DSII would have been a perfect tool for destroying their heavily guarded worldships.
Weren't the aliens in
Rouge Planet the YV? That took place in pre-Empire days (I think Anakin was 12 or something, I haven't read the book in awhile), so Palpy might have known about the YV then.... Just a thought...
Posted: 2003-06-14 05:45pm
by YT300000
Mitth'raw'nuruodo wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:Every quote I've heard on the subject (none from the books themselves) indicate that Palpatine was aware of the Yuuzhan Vong threat. The DSII would have been a perfect tool for destroying their heavily guarded worldships.
Weren't the aliens in
Rouge Planet the YV? That took place in pre-Empire days (I think Anakin was 12 or something, I haven't read the book in awhile), so Palpy might have known about the YV then.... Just a thought...
They were Yuuzhan Vong.
Posted: 2003-06-14 07:21pm
by Darth Yoshi
Frank Hipper wrote:What? The fact that Slartibartfast posted it wasn't enough warning for you?
It took Talen's clarification before I got it, too.

you people are slow. :p
Anyway, if a moon sized battlestation strikes fear into the hearts of the enemy, imagine what an even
bigger battlestation would do. It's the reason why ISDs are white. It's a terror weapon.