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the 'New' look of star wars
Posted: 2002-09-13 09:18pm
by Nathan F
Is it just me, or ever since the re-release of the original movies, has the toy industry ruined the image of Star Wars in the general public? I mean, they had all those incredibly corny 'saturday morning cartoon' cartoons featuring the lines of star wars toys that made it look like a (for lack of a better term) little kids show? I mean, whats the deal with the Gungans, the battle droids (remember all their stupid lines, such as Roger, Roger) and stupid junk like that. Battle droids could be cool, if they didnt have stupid voices, gungans could be an interesting specie if they didnt try to give them the stupid pronunciations, and the toy line would be very nice if they werent directed to the -8 year old crowd. Dont get me wrong, i love the movies, they just dont hold a candle to the first three. It has gotten too commercialized.
Posted: 2002-09-13 09:21pm
by Mr Bean
Check out the thread about the guy being fired, He is responsible for those new Ship Designs, Thankfuly he's Back, Acclimators and 200 Giga-ton level Glory is here to stay

Posted: 2002-09-13 09:41pm
by weemadando
I'll happily state that the LAAT is the coolest looking vessel in the SW movies ever.
Posted: 2002-09-13 09:58pm
by Cal Wright
Second there Wee. X-Wing is the BEST looking.
Re: the 'New' look of star wars
Posted: 2002-09-13 10:27pm
by Raptor 597
NF_Utvol wrote:Is it just me, or ever since the re-release of the original movies, has the toy industry ruined the image of Star Wars in the general public? I mean, they had all those incredibly corny 'saturday morning cartoon' cartoons featuring the lines of star wars toys that made it look like a (for lack of a better term) little kids show? I mean, whats the deal with the Gungans, the battle droids (remember all their stupid lines, such as Roger, Roger) and stupid junk like that. Battle droids could be cool, if they didnt have stupid voices, gungans could be an interesting specie if they didnt try to give them the stupid pronunciations, and the toy line would be very nice if they werent directed to the -8 year old crowd. Dont get me wrong, i love the movies, they just dont hold a candle to the first three. It has gotten too commercialized.
The AOTC line is pretty cool and they are becoming more "playable" pretty cool*Smirks, at the Admiral Piett Figure standing up holding Blaster and Pointy Stick*

Posted: 2002-09-14 12:04am
by Cal Wright
You have a Piett figure?!?
Posted: 2002-09-14 01:04am
by Raptor 597
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:You have a Piett figure?!?
Oh, yeah the only Officer with the Imperial Hat(TM) and Pointy Sick
Posted: 2002-09-14 02:41am
by Cal Wright
First off, this is post count number three hundred!!!
::Starts shaking up beer cans and spraying people with it::
Hmm, I actually don't care about post count, but I figure this many is significant for something. ::shrugs::
Well, I'm coming over to your house to take him. He'll look kick ass next to Veers, Tarkin and force choked Motti. !!!

Posted: 2002-09-14 02:43am
by Dalton
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Second there Wee. X-Wing is the BEST looking.
Bah, screw you both, the Falcon 0wnz0rs you.
Posted: 2002-09-14 02:49am
by Raptor 597
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:First off, this is post count number three hundred!!!
::Starts shaking up beer cans and spraying people with it::
Hmm, I actually don't care about post count, but I figure this many is significant for something. ::shrugs::
Well, I'm coming over to your house to take him. He'll look kick ass next to Veers, Tarkin and force choked Motti. !!!

Not, on my watch

I can't find a Motti where you bought yours? I have a Tarkin, but no Veers cause I wasn't alive in '81. They were supposed too make a Ozzel and Needa figure, but never did.

Posted: 2002-09-14 02:59am
by Cal Wright
Ah ah ah. I actually got my Motti at a local comic store. The owner is in his late twenties and probably knows as much about the OT as anyone, and a shit load of stuff from the early days. (duh, he was growing up right in the middle of it). Veers is the figure that comes with an AT AT. I also have AT AT pilot. I didn't know they were making a Needa or Ozzel. Piett I did know was supposed to be out there somewhere. Ozzel needs to be like Motti and choking. Heh. They could have Motti, Ozzel and Needa force choke three pack.
p.s. Motti's hand grips his collar as my Vader stands across from him with the force choke gesture. lol.
Posted: 2002-09-14 03:31am
by Cpt_Frank
The best looking SW vessel is the original ISD 1 model, the Devastator.
It looked so big and mean in comparison to the tiny blocade runner....
Posted: 2002-09-14 04:53am
by Raptor 597
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Ah ah ah. I actually got my Motti at a local comic store. The owner is in his late twenties and probably knows as much about the OT as anyone, and a shit load of stuff from the early days. (duh, he was growing up right in the middle of it). Veers is the figure that comes with an AT AT. I also have AT AT pilot. I didn't know they were making a Needa or Ozzel. Piett I did know was supposed to be out there somewhere. Ozzel needs to be like Motti and choking. Heh. They could have Motti, Ozzel and Needa force choke three pack.
p.s. Motti's hand grips his collar as my Vader stands across from him with the force choke gesture. lol.

I got my Piett here: just search "Captain Piett" and you wouldn't happen too be close too Louisiana because I might send a ring over? And yes I saw those Veer's only once quite awhile ago. The AT-AT's cost like $125 right now

Posted: 2002-09-14 05:02am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
and the toy line would be very nice if they werent directed to the -8 year old crowd.
Duh. They are toys, 8 year olds are part of the key demographic.
Dont get me wrong, i love the movies, they just dont hold a candle to the first three. It has gotten too commercialized.
Serious question, how old are you? I'm just woundering if you were around for the first run of Star Wars. If you think it's too commercialized now, you ether forgot, or weren't around for the first run. Besides whats wrong with commercialization? That's how companys, and especially movies with a toy line tie-in make their money.
I remember when I was a kid, Star Wars commercials were all over the place. There were a hell of a lot more toys back then, then now. Not to mention cookies, dixie cups, underroos, coloring book, toothbrushes, soap,...ect.
By the way, I like the new figuers better then the ones we had. They look alot better.
Anyways, to awnser your question:
Is it just me, or ever since the re-release of the original movies, has the toy industry ruined the image of Star Wars in the general public?
Nope. Star Wars has always been like this. It's just nowdays( for some reason I can't understand) people damn anything that's commercialized, reguardless if it's good or not. Actualy I do understand why people do this, I just think it's a stupid reason.
Posted: 2002-09-14 02:17pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Still, it gets quite embarrasing when you're buying something, and you're surrounded by little kids. Something that's too commercialized ends up being a fad.
Posted: 2002-09-14 02:27pm
by Raptor 597
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Still, it gets quite embarrasing when you're buying something, and you're surrounded by little kids. Something that's too commercialized ends up being a fad.
Oh, yeah I know what you mean. I have too sneak into the toy section then while I'm going thru the SW figures there is a little more than glancing eyes. Maybe when I'm 20 they'll ask me if I'm too old for action figures.
Posted: 2002-09-14 04:08pm
by Smalleyjedi
i get wierd looks when i buy sw legos.
Posted: 2002-09-14 04:16pm
by Cpt_Frank
I don't care if people look st00pid when I buy my SW toys. I simply don't give a shit about what they think.
Posted: 2002-09-14 09:03pm
by Cal Wright
Well, when your bigger than everyone else, your friend causes siezemographs to register in california when he walks, and your cousin looks like a trench coat postal employee your not only used to getting looks, but seeing ppl flee in terror. muwhahahahaha
Posted: 2002-09-14 10:14pm
by Raptor 597
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Well, when your bigger than everyone else, your friend causes siezemographs to register in california when he walks, and your cousin looks like a trench coat postal employee your not only used to getting looks, but seeing ppl flee in terror. muwhahahahaha
Subtletly must not be one of your virtures.

Posted: 2002-09-14 10:40pm
by Cal Wright
Look at my vehicle of choice...
Posted: 2002-09-15 06:03pm
by jegs2
The very thing that made the Empire so attractive in the original trilogy was the size and brute force of its ships designed specifically for war. The Death Star was, in my opinion, designed mostly as a psychological weapon, much as the nuclear bomb here has become (look what we have the power to do to you if you irritate us).
The Empire is also subjected to a rigid military regime, under which dissension is quickly and mercilessly crushed. In comparison, we see the Rebels, who are feel-gooders trying to overthrow the Empire.
Just a comment...
Posted: 2002-09-16 03:42am
by Peregrin Toker
When I first saw the designs for Episode 1 ships, I actually thought they looked far more advanced and high-tech than the ships from the Original Trilogy (yes, even the clumsy-looking Neimoidian warships!), and I found that kind of strange, as I actually would expect them to look more "primitive" than the ships seen in the original trilogy.
Of course, back then I adhered to the "Looks Are Everything" fallacy. Today, I realize that a Galaxy-class starship is NOT more advanced than a Borg Cube!!
Posted: 2002-09-16 09:47am
by Cpt_Frank
The original ships were just badass, cause they resembled real life military hardware. The ISDs just looked like.... well, dreadnoughts....

Posted: 2002-09-16 12:56pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
KhyronTheBackstabber wrote:and the toy line would be very nice if they werent directed to the -8 year old crowd.
Duh. They are toys, 8 year olds are part of the key demographic.
Dont get me wrong, i love the movies, they just dont hold a candle to the first three. It has gotten too commercialized.
Serious question, how old are you? I'm just woundering if you were around for the first run of Star Wars. If you think it's too commercialized now, you ether forgot, or weren't around for the first run. Besides whats wrong with commercialization? That's how companys, and especially movies with a toy line tie-in make their money.
I remember when I was a kid, Star Wars commercials were all over the place. There were a hell of a lot more toys back then, then now. Not to mention cookies, dixie cups, underroos, coloring book, toothbrushes, soap,...ect.
By the way, I like the new figuers better then the ones we had. They look alot better.
Anyways, to awnser your question:
Is it just me, or ever since the re-release of the original movies, has the toy industry ruined the image of Star Wars in the general public?
Nope. Star Wars has always been like this. It's just nowdays( for some reason I can't understand) people damn anything that's commercialized, reguardless if it's good or not. Actualy I do understand why people do this, I just think it's a stupid reason.
Threads like these (and the "Republic Cruiser" one also by NF_Utvol) are why I tend to avoid the Pure Star Wars Forum.