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The Empire was turning into the Federation!

Posted: 2003-06-15 07:46pm
by une
Deleted scene with Luke and Biggs.
They've already started to nationalize commerce in the central systems
Kinda reveals more of the Emperors grand plan eh?

Posted: 2003-06-15 07:55pm
by Illuminatus Primus
This is already known from WEG and lots of EU. The Empire nationalized a lot of industry and big business was very close to the Imperial power structure.

Posted: 2003-06-17 03:30pm
by Ronaldo
Illuminatus Primus wrote:This is already known from WEG and lots of EU. The Empire nationalized a lot of industry and big business was very close to the Imperial power structure.
Was the Emperor just forming agreements with the industrialists or communizing the economy? That makes a big difference.

Posted: 2003-06-17 04:35pm
by Ender
It's a bit unclear what he was doing. He was nationalizing them, but there was still competition between them. Kinda like how only a few giant corporations control all the mainline grocery stores in the US, but they all compete against each other.

But the overall idea was to bring all the manufacturing under his direct control. Part of hs overall plan to bring about the return of the Sith Empire.

Posted: 2003-06-17 05:05pm
by Tribun
I think, they went the way, that the state (the empire) holds 50%+X of the stocks of the big business companies. That way, they still have competition, but the Empire controls them all.

Posted: 2003-06-18 02:08am
by Sarevok
Illuminatus Primus wrote:This is already known from WEG and lots of EU. The Empire nationalized a lot of industry and big business was very close to the Imperial power structure.
That does not make it communist. In many dictatorships the state retains full control over industry and commerce. Natianalizing coroporations is natural for them to maintain their grip on power. The Empire being a dictator ship is expected to follow such a policy.

Re: The Empire was turning into the Federation!

Posted: 2003-06-18 02:41am
by Isolder74
une wrote:Deleted scene with Luke and Biggs.
They've already started to nationalize commerce in the central systems
Kinda reveals more of the Emperors grand plan eh?
Have you slept through History Class!

This is not Communism it is Fascism!

Hitler and the Nazis did just this when they came to power. Hitler put into the board of directors of almost all German Companies his lackies. This ensured that if the Army needed A tank they could by one and the Army got to set the price for it. It was all part of the economic reform insituted by the Nazis to get German Out the hole it was put in by the Verisiea Treaty. So if Hitler wanted a new BMW he got it!

Posted: 2003-06-18 03:09am
by Sarevok
Have you slept through History Class!

This is not Communism it is Fascism!

Hitler and the Nazis did just this when they came to power. Hitler put into the board of directors of almost all German Companies his lackies. This ensured that if the Army needed A tank they could by one and the Army got to set the price for it. It was all part of the economic reform insituted by the Nazis to get German Out the hole it was put in by the Verisiea Treaty. So if Hitler wanted a new BMW he got it!
Exactly what I have been sayng. Nationalising is a charactaristic of dictatorships and fascist regimes and does not necessarily mean communism has taken over.

Regarding the BMW was it not the Volkswagon that Hitler ordered to be mass produced ? The same company also produced tanks for the german army and its owner was sentenced to ten years in prison by the allies.

Posted: 2003-06-18 08:44am
by Smiling Bandit
The Nazis were socialist, although that wasn't as central their grand plan as it was to the idealists. Note also they were in no way Communist.

Posted: 2003-06-18 09:13am
by Vympel
I quite like this scene from the cutting room floor. Does raise some interesting questions though:

How is the Academy related to the Empire? What did Luke and Biggs mean when they said they would join the Academy but wouldn't get drafted into the Imperial Starfleet. What other option was there? What purpose did the Academy serve? Was the Academy an Imperial organization, or was it independent?

And finally, what's up with Biggs cloak?

Posted: 2003-06-18 09:56am
by Peregrin Toker
evilcat4000 wrote: Natianalizing coroporations is natural for them to maintain their grip on power. The Empire being a dictator ship is expected to follow such a policy.
While most dictatorships do this, I'm not sure whether Franco and Pinochet did this.

Posted: 2003-06-18 02:05pm
by Publius
Simon H.Johansen wrote:
evilcat4000 wrote: Natianalizing coroporations is natural for them to maintain their grip on power. The Empire being a dictator ship is expected to follow such a policy.
While most dictatorships do this, I'm not sure whether Franco and Pinochet did this.
The Caudillo's early economic policy was essentially the original concept of National-Syndicalism, with state-approved, integrated syndicates (both labour and management were incorporated into the official trade union), and strong government oversight in the economy (especially in terms of mandating wage increases). He subsequently discarded this policy in favour of a more deregulated economy on the advice of "the Opus Dei technocrats".

Essentially, the Caudillo's first economic policy was in the hands of the original National-Syndicalists (the fascistic followers of el Ausente, José Antonio Primo de Rivera), and consequently had a somewhat leftist leaning to it. Dissatisfied with their performance, he replaced them with more industrious and more rightist officials, who were members of Opus Dei (a secular Catholic personal prelature).

General Pinochet Ugarte, appropriately referred to as "the ultimate free-marketeer", ruthlessly suppressed leftist politico-economic elements ("the cancer of Communism"), dismantled tariff barriers and emphasised capitalism (especially private ownership). A more rightist authoritarian is difficult to imagine.

With regard to the economic policy of the Galactic Empire, it is in all probability either mercantilist, corporatist, or syndicalist, given the known closeness of relationships between the Imperial Government and certain corporations, such as Kuat Drive Yards and especially the Tagge Company; TaggeCo. is so closely affiliated with the Empire that Imperial armed forces (including stormtroopers) are regularly seconded to its direct command and control.

Note that "the Academy" is not a Governmental institution ("Darklighter" notwithstanding). First Mate Darklighter makes clear that he has graduated from the Academy, and has received his commission aboard the freighter Rand Ecliptic, and that he has no desire to "wait for the Empire to conscript me into its service"; Skywalker subsequently remarks that after he graduates from the Academy, he "won't be drafted into the starfleet, that's for sure".

It appears that the Academy is decidedly not the Military Academy on Carida, or the Imperial Academy and its various campuses throughout the Empire. Rather, it appears to be more of a professional school for training space pilots and crewmen for serving in various mercantile fleets, and that the Empire may draft graduates into its own navies and starfleets.

The current story arc "Darklighter" in Star Wars Empire implies that the Academy is more and more being controlled by the Empire, to the point that it trains its students to pilot Imperial fighter craft, and that they wear Imperial uniforms, and are even treated as midshipmen (Grand Moff Tarkin was the commencement speaker, and made some self-indulgent references to "world-shattering" changes to be made in the near future).

However, the superior evidence of the novelisation indicates that the Academy is not a part of the defence establishment, although its graduates may well be pressed into service in any event. It is possible that the Academy has the same relationship with the Empire as COMPNOR and TaggeCo. -- it is not officially part of the Government, but effectually functions as a part of it, anyway.


Posted: 2003-06-20 01:38am
by Peregrin Toker
Publius wrote:With regard to the economic policy of the Galactic Empire, it is in all probability either mercantilist, corporatist, or syndicalist, given the known closeness of relationships between the Imperial Government and certain corporations, such as Kuat Drive Yards and especially the Tagge Company; TaggeCo. is so closely affiliated with the Empire that Imperial armed forces (including stormtroopers) are regularly seconded to its direct command and control.
I'd rather use the term "Monopolist" - just look at the way nearly EVERYTHING is made by Kuat Drive Yards. BTW, isn't TaggeCo so closely affliated with the Empire because their CEO's brother is an officer in the Imperial Army?

Posted: 2003-06-20 03:17am
by Publius
Simon H.Johansen wrote:
Publius wrote:With regard to the economic policy of the Galactic Empire, it is in all probability either mercantilist, corporatist, or syndicalist, given the known closeness of relationships between the Imperial Government and certain corporations, such as Kuat Drive Yards and especially the Tagge Company; TaggeCo. is so closely affiliated with the Empire that Imperial armed forces (including stormtroopers) are regularly seconded to its direct command and control.
I'd rather use the term "Monopolist" - just look at the way nearly EVERYTHING is made by Kuat Drive Yards. BTW, isn't TaggeCo so closely affliated with the Empire because their CEO's brother is an officer in the Imperial Army?
Quite a good deal is not manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. It is merely one of the large corporations which did a great deal of business with the Empire (the Tagge Company and Santhe/Sienar Technologies being other examples). Of course, having the Empire's primary defence contract for capital ships is no doubt a great boon to business.

As a matter of fact, the House of Tagge contributed not one but two Imperial general officers, the late General Tagge, who was killed aboard the first Death Star, and General Ulric Tagge, who commanded the blockade of the Yavin system and subsequently acceded to the family's barony. TaggeCo. was among the most enthusiastic supporters of the Empire (the Baron Tagge was also the chief architect of the reformed Corporate Sector).


Posted: 2003-06-20 05:36am
by Peregrin Toker
Publius wrote:Quite a good deal is not manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. It is merely one of the large corporations which did a great deal of business with the Empire (the Tagge Company and Santhe/Sienar Technologies being other examples). Of course, having the Empire's primary defence contract for capital ships is no doubt a great boon to business.
I might have exaggerated, but most military vehicles - save for TIE-fighters, some ground vehicles and warships - are KDY products. A corporation whose catalog spans from AT-STs to Executor-class commandships still is pretty damn impressive.

BTW, didn't this favoritism of certain corporations lead to smaller businesses joining the Rebellion?? It would certainly expect where the Rebels got all their wargear from.

Posted: 2003-06-20 05:44am
by Isolder74
Simon H.Johansen wrote:
Publius wrote:Quite a good deal is not manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. It is merely one of the large corporations which did a great deal of business with the Empire (the Tagge Company and Santhe/Sienar Technologies being other examples). Of course, having the Empire's primary defence contract for capital ships is no doubt a great boon to business.
I might have exaggerated, but most military vehicles - save for TIE-fighters, some ground vehicles and warships - are KDY products. A corporation whose catalog spans from AT-STs to Executor-class commandships must have something which resembles a monopoly.
Well what about US Steel, Standerd Oil, and JP Morgan Banking. These were in America and they had similer product monopalies. In the lat 1800's these monster companies practically ran America.

Posted: 2003-06-20 07:42am
by Peregrin Toker
Isolder74 wrote:
Simon H.Johansen wrote:
Publius wrote:Quite a good deal is not manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. It is merely one of the large corporations which did a great deal of business with the Empire (the Tagge Company and Santhe/Sienar Technologies being other examples). Of course, having the Empire's primary defence contract for capital ships is no doubt a great boon to business.
I might have exaggerated, but most military vehicles - save for TIE-fighters, some ground vehicles and warships - are KDY products. A corporation whose catalog spans from AT-STs to Executor-class commandships must have something which resembles a monopoly.
Well what about US Steel, Standerd Oil, and JP Morgan Banking. These were in America and they had similer product monopalies. In the lat 1800's these monster companies practically ran America.
In other words - the economic structure of the Galactic Empire is not that different from that of the USA?

Posted: 2003-06-20 07:43am
by Admiral Drason
Simon H.Johansen wrote:
Publius wrote:Quite a good deal is not manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. It is merely one of the large corporations which did a great deal of business with the Empire (the Tagge Company and Santhe/Sienar Technologies being other examples). Of course, having the Empire's primary defence contract for capital ships is no doubt a great boon to business.
I might have exaggerated, but most military vehicles - save for TIE-fighters, some ground vehicles and warships - are KDY products. A corporation whose catalog spans from AT-STs to Executor-class commandships still is pretty damn impressive.

BTW, didn't this favoritism of certain corporations lead to smaller businesses joining the Rebellion?? It would certainly expect where the Rebels got all their wargear from.
Besides Incom most of the gear the Rebs got was 2nd hand. Incoms design teams and the Mon Calamari are the only two groups that ever built any thing new for the Rebellion.

If I recall wasnt Sontir Fel an instructer at the Acadamy and personaly trained Biggs, Hobbie and another famouse rebel pilot.

Posted: 2003-06-20 02:25pm
by Isolder74
Simon H.Johansen wrote:
Isolder74 wrote:Well what about US Steel, Standerd Oil, and JP Morgan Banking. These were in America and they had similer product monopalies. In the lat 1800's these monster companies practically ran America.
In other words - the economic structure of the Galactic Empire is not that different from that of the USA?
no just the USA before the Progressive period where the giant "robber" barons used their money and influence to ensure that their monopalies were not messed with or regulated. The attitude of this time period was that since The Constitution did say that the Government can regulate the actions of business then the government can't stop one business from cornering the market on one typeof product. The government until the Presidentcy of Theodore Roosevelt let the business comunity do as it pleased and so the after not too long the political parties were taken over by wealthy people who were santioned by the big corporite giants. Yes the USA of late 1800's early 1900's was not the USA we know today.