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Star Wars Music Collections
Posted: 2002-09-15 07:34pm
by HemlockGrey
Most of these have to do with names, as I try to organize my mp3 collection.
1) The tune they play when the stormtroopers line up; I believe it is the 'Imperial March' but I've also heard it called 'Darth Vader's Theme', 'March of the Dark Lord'and the 'Imperial Death March' Which one is it?
2) The tune they play when Luke and Han go up to recieve their medals at the end of ANH; I've heard it called 'The March of the Jedi Knights', 'Luke Skywalker's Theme" and 'The Rebel Alliance Theme' Which is it?
3) The tune they play at the end of ROTJ, when the Rebels are celebrating. Is that called 'Victory Theme'?
4) The tune played when Luke is standing over his father's pyre; is that the 'Force Theme'?
5) The tune played in the Emperor's throne room, when the Emperor and Luke are talking, and when the Emperor shocks Luke, etc. Is that 'The Emperor's Theme'? Also played when the Emperor departs his shuttle in the DS2
6) The tune played at the opening crawl; Is that the 'Jedi Theme'?
Re: Star Wars Music Collections
Posted: 2002-09-15 08:02pm
by Kelly Antilles
Cyril wrote:Most of these have to do with names, as I try to organize my mp3 collection.
1) The tune they play when the stormtroopers line up; I believe it is the 'Imperial March' but I've also heard it called 'Darth Vader's Theme', 'March of the Dark Lord'and the 'Imperial Death March' Which one is it?
It is called the Imperial March. It is also concidered to be Darth Vader's theme, since the main theme of that piece of music is used whenever Vader is onscreen.
2) The tune they play when Luke and Han go up to recieve their medals at the end of ANH; I've heard it called 'The March of the Jedi Knights', 'Luke Skywalker's Theme" and 'The Rebel Alliance Theme' Which is it?
The piece of music is called The Throne Room. It isn't really a continued theme.
3) The tune they play at the end of ROTJ, when the Rebels are celebrating. Is that called 'Victory Theme'?
The piece is called Victory Celebration. You're very close.
4) The tune played when Luke is standing over his father's pyre; is that the 'Force Theme'?
That part itself, I believe, is actually the Force Theme. It has no actual separate title. However, if I remember the pieces correctly, there is a correlation between that theme and Qui-Gon's Funeral. So, that could be Mr. William's Jedi Death theme. *shrug*
5) The tune played in the Emperor's throne room, when the Emperor and Luke are talking, and when the Emperor shocks Luke, etc. Is that 'The Emperor's Theme'? Also played when the Emperor departs his shuttle in the DS2
The piece is simply called The Emperor's Throne Room, and yes, that is the theme for the Emperor. It's very prominent when Darth Sidious is onscreen.
6) The tune played at the opening crawl; Is that the 'Jedi Theme'?
Nope, that's the Star Wars theme.
I guess you could call that the theme for the entire SW Galaxy.
Hope I helped in the slightest.
Posted: 2002-09-15 08:07pm
by HemlockGrey
Yes, very. Few more questions.
The piece played during the Battle of Endor...what is it's name?
Posted: 2002-09-15 08:10pm
by Kelly Antilles
Cyril wrote:Yes, very. Few more questions.
The piece played during the Battle of Endor...what is it's name?
*chuckle* Which part?
Battle of Endor I
Battle of Endor II
Battle of Endor III
Just like the movies, II is when the Imps are starting to take the lead so it's darker.
Posted: 2002-09-15 08:18pm
by HemlockGrey
oi. Thanks.
Posted: 2002-09-15 08:34pm
by Kelly Antilles
No problem.

Music is a passion of mine.
Posted: 2002-09-15 08:50pm
by beyond hope
From The Empire Strikes Back soundtrack (special edition):
Disc 2, track 1: The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)
Posted: 2002-09-15 09:41pm
by Master of Ossus
Incidentally, the other widely regarded themes from SW are "Duel of Fates" (theme song for Darth Maul... sort of, from TPM), and "Across the Stars," from AotC.
I think "Across the Stars" is the best music of the entire saga. That says a bunch.
Posted: 2002-09-15 11:00pm
by Kelly Antilles
beyond hope wrote:From The Empire Strikes Back soundtrack (special edition):
Disc 2, track 1: The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)
Yep, just what I said.
Posted: 2002-09-15 11:04pm
by Kelly Antilles
Master of Ossus wrote:Incidentally, the other widely regarded themes from SW are "Duel of Fates" (theme song for Darth Maul... sort of, from TPM), and "Across the Stars," from AotC.
I think "Across the Stars" is the best music of the entire saga. That says a bunch.
Duel, I would say, is more of a Sith vs. Jedi theme.
Across the Stars is pretty good. However, personally, I think Battle of Hoth is the best piece of the entire saga. It brings in nearly every theme used, minus the Force. Then again, I'm more of a driving force type. The more brass the better. (and I'm a woodwind player)
Posted: 2002-09-15 11:07pm
by HemlockGrey
I haven't heard any SW pieces that use guitar. I'm very disapointed.
Yeah, I realize they're orchestrated, but surely there's room for ONE guitar solo...?
Posted: 2002-09-16 12:10am
by Master of Ossus
Yes, certainly both "Duel of Fates" and "The Imperial March" have more energy than Across the Stars, but I still think that Across the Stars is a better piece than any of the others. And believe me, that is not a statement that either "Duel" or "March" is bad. Both of them are excellent pieces of music in their own rights, but I think the latest one is something special.
Posted: 2002-09-16 08:48am
by Kelly Antilles
Cyril wrote:I haven't heard any SW pieces that use guitar. I'm very disapointed.
Yeah, I realize they're orchestrated, but surely there's room for ONE guitar solo...?
Are you talking electric guitar or accoustic? Honestly, a guitar is NOT appropriate in an orchestra. But, listen closely to the Zam Wessel chase. There is a bit of electric guitar there. That is actually appropriate for that section, especially how it is used.
I was a music major for 3.5 years. That's how I know so much.
Posted: 2002-09-16 08:56am
by Kelly Antilles
Master of Ossus wrote:Yes, certainly both "Duel of Fates" and "The Imperial March" have more energy than Across the Stars, but I still think that Across the Stars is a better piece than any of the others. And believe me, that is not a statement that either "Duel" or "March" is bad. Both of them are excellent pieces of music in their own rights, but I think the latest one is something special.
My biggest problem with Across the Stars is the fact it uses oboe as the solo instrument. Ick. Yes, for a love theme, it's very good. However, I do hear many parts that are very similar to many other of John William's music. He plagerizes himself often, which is fine. I'm not a love theme fan. I never really liked Luke & Leia. It was ok for a love theme too. I much prefer rousing pieces.
Posted: 2002-09-16 11:14am
by HemlockGrey
Either, really. I play both.
Posted: 2002-09-16 11:33am
by Master of Ossus
I think that to classify "Across the Stars" only as a love theme is to over-simplify it and destroy its versatility. It can also be seen as a tragic piece, or even as a song about society or governments or legends. What do you think of Isildur's theme, from the Lord of the Rings (the theme song)? Since you are a music major, I'd be very interested to hear how musicians think of that. I thought it was one of Fellowship's few truly awesome songs, but I obviously can't say I'm qualified to render judgement on musical pieces.
Posted: 2002-09-16 12:17pm
by Isolder74
However, I do hear many parts that are very similar to many other of John William's music. He plagerizes himself often,
it's not possible to plagerize yourself. Plagerism is using someone else's work as your own.
Posted: 2002-09-16 01:49pm
by Kelly Antilles
Master of Ossus wrote:I think that to classify "Across the Stars" only as a love theme is to over-simplify it and destroy its versatility. It can also be seen as a tragic piece, or even as a song about society or governments or legends. What do you think of Isildur's theme, from the Lord of the Rings (the theme song)? Since you are a music major, I'd be very interested to hear how musicians think of that. I thought it was one of Fellowship's few truly awesome songs, but I obviously can't say I'm qualified to render judgement on musical pieces.
The main THEME of Across the Stars is Anakin and Amidala's love theme. I'm not over-simplifying it. Yes, it is tragic because the love between those two is tragic.
I cannot answer your question regarding Isildur's theme since I do not have the soundtrack. I saw the movie once. I am not a big LotR fan. Yes, it's a pretty movie with pretty music. Without knowing the exact piece to which you are referring, I will defer from answering that question.
btw, I *was* a music major.
Posted: 2002-09-16 01:54pm
by Kelly Antilles
Isolder74 wrote:However, I do hear many parts that are very similar to many other of John William's music. He plagerizes himself often,
it's not possible to plagerize yourself. Plagerism is using someone else's work as your own.
I was using plagerism as a generic term to help convey what I was trying to say. I know you cannot plagerize yourself, however if you take it from the standpoint of the Indiana Jones theme being only from Indiana Jones, then hearing it in another piece of music could technically be conceived as plagarism since it's from a different movie.
BTW, in Anakin and Friends Arrive on Coruscant from TPM, there are about two or three bars that sound exactly like the Battlestar Galatica theme. But, you could also say that anything that begins with three notes of the same pitch followed by a note a perfect fourth below that is plagarizing Beethoven's 5th Symphony. Plagarism in music is a very fine line.
Re: Star Wars Music Collections
Posted: 2002-09-16 05:16pm
Cyril wrote:Most of these have to do with names, as I try to organize my mp3 collection.
1) The tune they play when the stormtroopers line up; I believe it is the 'Imperial March' but I've also heard it called 'Darth Vader's Theme', 'March of the Dark Lord'and the 'Imperial Death March' Which one is it?
2) The tune they play when Luke and Han go up to recieve their medals at the end of ANH; I've heard it called 'The March of the Jedi Knights', 'Luke Skywalker's Theme" and 'The Rebel Alliance Theme' Which is it?
3) The tune they play at the end of ROTJ, when the Rebels are celebrating. Is that called 'Victory Theme'?
4) The tune played when Luke is standing over his father's pyre; is that the 'Force Theme'?
5) The tune played in the Emperor's throne room, when the Emperor and Luke are talking, and when the Emperor shocks Luke, etc. Is that 'The Emperor's Theme'? Also played when the Emperor departs his shuttle in the DS2
6) The tune played at the opening crawl; Is that the 'Jedi Theme'?
1. Imperial March (aka. Darth Vader's Theme)
2. A variation of the Force Theme.
3. I believe your right there.
4. Your right again.
5. Correct
6.That is Luke's theme
Posted: 2002-09-16 08:44pm
by jenat-lai
Kelly Antilles wrote:Isolder74 wrote:However, I do hear many parts that are very similar to many other of John William's music. He plagerizes himself often,
it's not possible to plagerize yourself. Plagerism is using someone else's work as your own.
I was using plagerism as a generic term to help convey what I was trying to say. I know you cannot plagerize yourself, however if you take it from the standpoint of the Indiana Jones theme being only from Indiana Jones, then hearing it in another piece of music could technically be conceived as plagarism since it's from a different movie.
BTW, in Anakin and Friends Arrive on Coruscant from TPM, there are about two or three bars that sound exactly like the Battlestar Galatica theme. But, you could also say that anything that begins with three notes of the same pitch followed by a note a perfect fourth below that is plagarizing Beethoven's 5th Symphony. Plagarism in music is a very fine line.
Within starwars at least, Williams has to borrow from himself. It is in a way a leitmotif style of composition. Much like the music dramas of Wagner re-use themes to tell the audience about the underlying themes (plot that is) and also 'character' themes. There are in a way 3 different types of musical use of these borrowed themes. The use which portrays emotion, and that is usually pretty obvious. The 'Love themes' Leiah, Han&Leiah and Luke&Leiah and now Accross the stars also.
Then there is the Character themes, Luke Theme, Leiah theme (yes I know I included it in love themes, but it works here too), The Imperial march/Vader's theme, Anakin's theme (Which is just an obscure development of the Vader theme) the Throne Room (Palpatine/Sidious theme)
Then there are the Action themes, which often try and portray who is behind the action, or what this action will lead to. For instance, when the Clone troopers are all getting aboard the Acclamators with the Suprime Chancelor Palpatine cabinet looking on, we hear a very obvious Imperial march. There are more subtle ones around too. Then there is Duel of the Fates, which in my opinion is not an emotive theme or a character theme and can only be an Action theme. It is the 'Conflict between good and evil' theme of the prequels really. You may note this theme is used in AOTC when Anakin is searching for his mother. A conflict between good and evil inside Anakin is taking place here.