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Episode III trailer!!!

Posted: 2003-06-24 03:07am
by Peregrin Toker
While searching Kazaa for SW fanfilms, I came across something which was labeled an "Episode III trailer"... it might be very useful in gathering information about Episode III.

Aside from some usual footage of Anakin and Amidala and some Jedi running, it goes this way:

First, after the Lucasfilm logo, we see the camera fly over a desert CGI scenery, then som mountains over which we see a large, cylindrical spaceship fly over.

Then, we see the text "Every general leads in battle...." followed by a clip of Anakin, apparently looking at something.

Then, we can read "Every queen discovers her destiny" followed by a view of Amidala.

The next text we see is "Every boy becomes a man", followed by Anakin looking at the camera, then a bunch of Jedi running around in the wild, then we see Padmé with a lightsaber!

After seeing Padmé holding a purple-bladed lightsaber, we see a clip featuring R2D2 and C3PO - C3PO is in his gold-plated Original Triloy incarnation!

Then, we see a shot of some young man I can't recognize, followed by a Naboo cruiser (the SR71-esque one from EP1) flying slightly over the viewer's POV, then a shot of some towers on Coruscant, and we see a guy who looks like a younger Harrison Ford. (Hmm... maybe Han Solo is in EP3 as well?? I hope this doesn't conflict with any of the EU)

Then, we see a shot of Anakin, then we see a desert building which looks like Jabba's palace, then a shot of Jar-Jar turning halfways around and looking at something off-camera, then we see afore-mentioned Naboo cruiser flying among the towers of Coruscant. Then we see some hooded, cloaked guy walking towards the camera in a temple, and we also see Anakin looking at the cloaked guy as he passes by. We see a clip of Palpatine in the senate, then we see a CGI Lambda-class shuttle flying by in deep space.

Then some shots of Coruscant, then we see Anakin and Amidala kissing each other, some guy walking near the Tatooine sunset, then Count Dooku looking at something off-camera, then a guy looking a lot like Anakin who swings a green lightsaber around and some footage from a space battle. (I can't identify any of the vessels in that space battle) and a door opening to reveal a squad of Mandalorian warriors, wearing armour exactly like that worn by Boba Fett in the Original Trilogy.

As for a closer, we see an explosion with something flying over (I can't get a good look at whatever flies over) - then a very young Jedi Knight (possibly Anakin) igniting a blue lightsaber, aforementioned cloaked guy (probably Dooku) igniting a red lightsaber, then we see Slave-1 flying by, a shot of Yoda and then a dimly lit close-up of Palpatine, in his ROTJ incarnation, then a shot of some man, a clip from a space battle. (This time, I can see a Trade Federation droid fighter fly by but I can't identify any of the other vessels)

Then we see Anakin (or somebody else) against some dark hi-tech background, screaming "OOOOOHHHHHH!!!"

Anyone know anything about this EP3 trailer??

Posted: 2003-06-24 03:12am
by Jabba the Hutt
I'd say Han looks pretty damn good for a 40 year old in ANH.

Posted: 2003-06-24 03:14am
by Jabba the Hutt
Also, I'd say this is probably fake, the fan whores of TF.Net would be all over it if it were real.

Posted: 2003-06-24 03:23am
by Gil Hamilton
It's likely a fake, since there was a supposed trailer of AotC that had the same "Every <something> does <something>" too.

Posted: 2003-06-24 03:51am
by Peregrin Toker
Jabba the Hutt wrote:Also, I'd say this is probably fake, the fan whores of TF.Net would be all over it if it were real.
So what I downloaded yesterday is just...

A lot of patched-together clips from various fanfilms???

Well, I've gotta give the fan film makers something - some of the CGI I never saw before was easily on par with that in the movies.

Posted: 2003-06-24 04:32am
by Dillon
Actually, that sounds really similar to the fake AOTC trailer, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same one.

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:51am
by Ghost Rider
Yeah it's a good fake.

If this was real would be screaming so many rumors your head would spin(ah the early days of the bizarre rumor mongering and looking into every aspect of SW)

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:58am
by El Moose Monstero
The Mandalorian bit was in the Episode II fake trailer, considering Episode III isnt supposed to be coming out till 2005, it's a fake. :)

Posted: 2003-06-24 08:20am
by Vympel
It's an awful fake, and they've just renamed this Episode II fake into Episode III and probably spliced in some extra footage from Episode II to make it look more authentic.

Look again: those Jedi running in the wild is actually stolen from (IIRC) Braveheart- if they reused their fake Episode II trailer.

Posted: 2003-06-24 12:26pm
by Peregrin Toker
Vympel wrote:Look again: those Jedi running in the wild is actually stolen from (IIRC) Braveheart- if they reused their fake Episode II trailer.
Now that explains why those Jedi running around look so un-SWish.

Posted: 2003-06-24 02:10pm
by Death from the Sea
Have they even started filming yet for episode 3 ? I think they start later this year maybe.

Posted: 2003-06-24 02:18pm
by neoolong
Death from the Sea wrote:Have they even started filming yet for episode 3 ? I think they start later this year maybe.
They did that part in Tunisia during the filming of AOTC.

Posted: 2003-06-24 02:19pm
by Death from the Sea
neoolong wrote:
Death from the Sea wrote:Have they even started filming yet for episode 3 ? I think they start later this year maybe.
They did that part in Tunisia during the filming of AOTC.
So are you saying they have filmed part of or all of episode 3 ?

Re: Episode III trailer!!!

Posted: 2003-06-24 02:53pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Simon H.Johansen wrote:While searching Kazaa for SW fanfilms, I came across something which was labeled an "Episode III trailer"... it might be very useful in gathering information about Episode III.

When I saw this thread, I thought "gee, not this crap about fan-made trailers being confused for official trailers agan!" Good to see I was right. :P

As far as I know, they have yet to begin filming Episode III.

Seriously, it's just some fan's wet-dream on what he or she wants to see in Episode Three.

Posted: 2003-06-24 03:21pm
by neoolong
Death from the Sea wrote:
neoolong wrote:
Death from the Sea wrote:Have they even started filming yet for episode 3 ? I think they start later this year maybe.
They did that part in Tunisia during the filming of AOTC.
So are you saying they have filmed part of or all of episode 3 ?
Small part. Just to keep from having to move the whole crew back there in the future.

Posted: 2003-06-24 04:20pm
by Dillon
Death from the Sea wrote:
neoolong wrote:
Death from the Sea wrote:Have they even started filming yet for episode 3 ? I think they start later this year maybe.
They did that part in Tunisia during the filming of AOTC.
So are you saying they have filmed part of or all of episode 3 ?
No, iirc they just filmed the parts that had be done in Tunisia for EPIII while they were filming AOTC. Apparently it was just a scene or two and they didn't want to have to waste time and resources by having to go back to Tunisia, setting up sets and stuff just to do a few scenes.

Posted: 2003-06-24 04:50pm
by Death from the Sea
Ok so just the Tunsia scenes.... cool.

Posted: 2003-06-24 05:01pm
by --Leia--
I heard rumors that some OT archival footage was also shot in Tunisia during Episode II.

Posted: 2003-06-24 06:47pm
by YT300000
Fake. They started filming less than two weeks ago.

A while back, a friend said to me: Hey guess what? I found a real Episode III trailer!!!!

I respond: They start filming the movie in about a month.

He says: Oh. Then he leaves.

This actually happened.

Posted: 2003-06-24 10:01pm
by neoolong
--Leia-- wrote:I heard rumors that some OT archival footage was also shot in Tunisia during Episode II.
Maybe for the eventual OT trilogy DVD release.

Posted: 2003-06-24 11:21pm
by --Leia--
neoolong wrote:
--Leia-- wrote:I heard rumors that some OT archival footage was also shot in Tunisia during Episode II.
Maybe for the eventual OT trilogy DVD release.
I heard it was coming out on VHS first. :cry: It's supposed to show Alderaan right before it blows up and have the films interact better with the PT.

Posted: 2003-06-24 11:23pm
by neoolong
--Leia-- wrote:
neoolong wrote:
--Leia-- wrote:I heard rumors that some OT archival footage was also shot in Tunisia during Episode II.
Maybe for the eventual OT trilogy DVD release.
I heard it was coming out on VHS first. :cry: It's supposed to show Alderaan right before it blows up and have the films interact better with the PT.
Say what?

Alderaan is supposed to look like the parts of Tunisia used for SW? It's another desert like Tatooine?

Jeez. Lucas needs some creativity.

Posted: 2003-06-24 11:25pm
by --Leia--
Tunisia isn't being used as Alderaan. I was just saying that in the Archival editions we will see Alderaan. I'm quite sure Lucas has confirmed this.

Posted: 2003-06-24 11:28pm
by Vympel
--Leia-- wrote:Tunisia isn't being used as Alderaan. I was just saying that in the Archival editions we will see Alderaan. I'm quite sure Lucas has confirmed this.
Most certainly not. There's been all sorts of bullshit rumours about the OT DVD release, and they're all exactly that. They will be the Special Edition.

Posted: 2003-06-24 11:29pm
by neoolong