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Systems around Corescant

Posted: 2003-06-25 03:58pm
by Kitsune
In the XWing novels, it sounds like the life supporting systems around Corescant are not heaviliy developed. To me, it does not make alot of sense. I would suggest that they would either heavy agriculture worlds or would be heavy populated worlds.

Posted: 2003-06-25 05:50pm
by FTeik
It makes even less sense, that a strategically important system as Borleias has only two squadrons of TIEs to defend it (every prefabricated imperial garrison has at least fourty).

On the other side Ysanne Isard wanted the rebels to conquer Coruscant, so this lack of defenses was perhaps on purpose (although still to low for something we would expect from the empire, Stackpole seems to be even more minimalistic than Zhan).

As far as we can tell from the EU entire sectors seem to change ownership with the conquest of a few key-worlds. Under those circumstances we have perhaps to rethink the make up of most major worlds.

Posted: 2003-06-25 08:27pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Close to the core there are fewer systems with habitable worlds because of the proximity of nearby stars.

Posted: 2003-06-26 02:19am
by Sarevok
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Close to the core there are fewer systems with habitable worlds because of the proximity of nearby stars.
From what I know planets located in the Galactic core are unlikely to support life and would be poor in heavy elements. That could explain the lack of inhabited star systems near Corscunt.

Posted: 2003-06-26 02:41am
by FTeik
Don´t mistake the core with the deep core.

And they don´t call them core-worlds for nothing. :wink:

Posted: 2003-06-26 08:02am
by Slartibartfast
For practical purposes, the galaxy is a sort of ring - meaning that the center doesn't count. Or maybe two hypotethical rings (or rims). You have the Outer Rim with the backwater worlds, and the Core Worlds, which would actually be an inner ring - not the core itself.

Posted: 2003-06-26 08:35am
by Illuminatus Primus
I've hypothesized that the NJO novel maps are actually artistic road-maps, not showing the true galactic structure, as the Deep Core is too small to be actual galactic bulge, and systems like Dantooine actually are just beyond the galactic disk, as we can see other galaxies (huge disk in the night sky) in the Sith War comics without them being obscured by the brightness of the disk or without the galaxy being so close as to be tidally ripped apart by the GFFA. The map in Inside the Worlds of TPM also showed the arms not going far beyond the Mid Rim.

This would explain a lot of things, it would make the galactic bulge = the Deep Core, explain the Unknown Regions, and make sense of how the Sith Empire became "lost" to the Old Republic (if it occupies only fringe stars or only globular clusters and small satellite galaxies in the halo, as many Outer Rim/Wild Space systems appear not to be inside the disk: Dantooine, Rishi, Kamino, etc. than such star systems would easily be ignored by the Republic, and also explains if such systems are often ignored anyway, how Palpatine didn't have too much trouble locking them down).