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Defeating a Death Star
Posted: 2003-06-26 02:15am
by Sarevok
How do you destroy a fully operational Death Star II battlestation. No sabotage or other tricks are possible. The Death Star must defeated in conventional fight. No superweapons are allowed.
IMHO destroying a fully operational Death Star is nearly an impossible task. The only conventioanal way to overwhelm its shields is to use an astronomical number of ships. Even without the shields the Death Star remains a thousand kilometer sphere of nearly indestructible neutronium.
I have no idea if it can be destroyed using technology available to the SW galaxy.
Posted: 2003-06-26 03:54am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
There is no way to destroy a fully operational DSII. It has too much firepower, protection, and it's just plain too big. You'd have better luck taking down a battle ship with a toothpick.
Posted: 2003-06-26 04:23am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Did the Death Stars use neutronium in their hulls?

Posted: 2003-06-26 04:34am
by FTeik
Lots of torpedospheres.
Posted: 2003-06-26 04:34am
by Sarevok
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Did the Death Stars use neutronium in their hulls?

Star Destroyers use neutronium as armor. Since the Empire wanted the Death Star as the ultimate weapon they may have used the strongest material available which is neutronium. Also the Death Star would have been destroyed by its own forces of acceleration when moving if it was not built using some impossibly strong material. Anyway it is just a guess, correct me if I am wrong.
Posted: 2003-06-26 04:43am
by NecronLord
It has a thick armour belt below the surface made of dura-armour. Thus containing neutronium
Posted: 2003-06-26 07:10am
by DPDarkPrimus
Would "conventional" include a GSV or two?
Posted: 2003-06-26 07:23am
by Isolder74
The Death Star II had the design flaw shored up. This is why the Rebellion could not pass up any chance to destroy the station. If it was finished they would be no possible way to destroy it and the Rebellion would effectively be over. The only way to fight this death Star would be to build your own Death Star!
Posted: 2003-06-26 08:01am
by Sarevok
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Would "conventional" include a GSV or two?
No ships from the culture books are allowed, only star wars ships are allowed.
Posted: 2003-06-26 08:38am
by Ghost Rider
You would need a fleet in the worth of hundreds if not thousands.
The firepower it had with it's Turbolasers combined with the off-axis and better targeting of the main gun...screws most fleets.
Posted: 2003-06-26 08:26pm
by YT300000
I the shields are down, you need billions of SSDs to slowly rip the station to pieces. Or a dozen ESDs ready to fire their superlasers. 11 would be destroyed, and one would fire, blowing away a portion of the DS, overloading the reactor and destroying the station.
In other words, a near-impossible task.
If the sheilds are up, don't even bother to fight.
Posted: 2003-06-26 09:15pm
by StarshipTitanic
YT300000 wrote:I the shields are down, you need billions of SSDs to slowly rip the station to pieces. Or a dozen ESDs ready to fire their superlasers. 11 would be destroyed, and one would fire, blowing away a portion of the DS, overloading the reactor and destroying the station.
In other words, a near-impossible task.
If the sheilds are up, don't even bother to fight.
Overloading the reactor? Unless they have it aimed directly at the reactor, it's more likely going to slice through the thing, only causing "minor" damage.
Posted: 2003-06-26 09:29pm
by Howedar
I expect the same mass and/or worth of smaller capital ships would take out a DS without undue difficulty.
Posted: 2003-06-26 11:54pm
by Sea Skimmer
Of course it can be destroyed. It does not have unlimited power or strength. Once a hemisphere is clear of turbolasers you simply keep firing until you carve a path to the core. How many ships might be needed for this? Millions easily.
Posted: 2003-06-27 01:16am
by Dark Hellion
The only thing that can beat a giant sphere of death is an even larger sphere, so ram in with kuat drive yards that'll show that upidy deathstar whos the boss of giant spheres.
Posted: 2003-06-27 06:29am
by vakundok
Could Interdictors bomb it with moons or very large asteroids? (Interdictors are said to be able to create a planetary level gravity well. Maybe two of them could move a moon to a new course.)
Ehh, forget it, most likely they could not be accelerated to the speed at which the DS would be unable to avoid them.
Posted: 2003-06-27 07:10am
by Enforcer Talen
give me a galaxy gun, a couple of world devastors, and several weeks, and I might manage it.
Posted: 2003-06-27 08:22am
by Cpt_Frank
Enforcer Talen wrote:give me a galaxy gun, a couple of world devastors, and several weeks, and I might manage it.
That leaves you with several weeks since superweapons are not allowed.
Re: Defeating a Death Star
Posted: 2003-06-27 08:29am
by nightmare
evilcat4000 wrote:How do you destroy a fully operational Death Star II battlestation. No sabotage or other tricks are possible. The Death Star must defeated in conventional fight. No superweapons are allowed.
No superweapons? Many, many standard ships.
Otherwise, I'd use two Eclipses, ready to fire as they jump in. Or just pelt it with GG missiles from the other side of the galaxy until it explodes.
Posted: 2003-06-27 08:59am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Dark Hellion wrote:The only thing that can beat a giant sphere of death is an even larger sphere, so ram in with kuat drive yards that'll show that upidy deathstar whos the boss of giant spheres.
Incorrect. There is little to no evidence that Kuat Drive Yards is enclosed inside of a Dyson Sphere...
Posted: 2003-06-27 09:00am
by consequences
this is messy, none of the strategies I have for reducing DS1 effectiveness are going to help, unless they somehow still left the shields open for snubfighter penetration.
First, get a number of Interdictors to lock it in place.
Second, deploy a nightcloak system around it to blind it as much as possible.
Third, assemble the largest SW fleet you've ever imagined, at a minimum, tens of thousands of heavy capital ships.
Fourth, throw as many noncombatant vessels as you can strip from your economy at it at .99C simultaneously, to attempt to create localised shield overload, while continually bombarding it with your super fleet.
Fifth, Pray.
Posted: 2003-06-27 09:23am
by Enforcer Talen
Cpt_Frank wrote:Enforcer Talen wrote:give me a galaxy gun, a couple of world devastors, and several weeks, and I might manage it.
That leaves you with several weeks since superweapons are not allowed.
o_O define superweapon. the death star is a lot higher on the scale then the little toys I mentioned.
Posted: 2003-06-27 09:32am
by Spanky The Dolphin
The Death Stars, World Devestators, and the Galaxy Gun were all classified as superweapons, EF...
Posted: 2003-06-27 10:28am
by Ghost Rider
Enforcer Talen wrote:Cpt_Frank wrote:Enforcer Talen wrote:give me a galaxy gun, a couple of world devastors, and several weeks, and I might manage it.
That leaves you with several weeks since superweapons are not allowed.
o_O define superweapon. the death star is a lot higher on the scale then the little toys I mentioned.
True...but I believe most would qualify them as Superweapons given what their primary use was for.
It seems the OP was refering more towards fleets with the highest being an
EclipseSD being the largest allowable ship.
Posted: 2003-06-27 11:06am
by Ted C
For starters, truly obscene numbers of fighters would be needed. They can get inside the main shield and strafe the surface, eliminating turbolaser batteries and shield generators. If you expect one fighter to clear a 10 km by 10 km area (which is probably expecting a lot), then you'll need over 25,000 fighters (plus enough to counter the DS2's own fighter complement).
Once the fighters suppress the station's firepower and shielding, capital ships can safely approach (the need only stay out of the superlaser's line of fire at this point) and start pounding slowly but steadily through the surface. Blast a tunnel through to the core and blow the reactor: end of death star.
An operation like this could potentially be handled by a minimum of 350 Imperial Star Destroyers, depending on the fighter resources and other fleet defenses (i.e. capital ship escorts) available to the DS2 (which would increase the requirements for the attacking fleet accordingly).