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Shortening the Size yet again
Posted: 2003-06-27 11:21pm
by CaptJodan
Ok, so it may not be the best site in the galaxy for good information, but it is a nice site. And the bastard caved!!!
He's put the SSD and Death Star II back to "Official" source sizes.
What the hell? I thought this site was getting through to people...educating them...are we degressing here?
At least...
Posted: 2003-06-27 11:40pm
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
He told us the correct site to go to for accurate info.
And I'm wondering. What "public pressure"? What does his E-mails say?
Posted: 2003-06-27 11:48pm
by Howedar
Old news.
Posted: 2003-06-27 11:49pm
by CaptJodan
Yeah, I give him credit for at least understanding that he is right, even though he's having to change it for others. (It's his site, I don't know why he has to do that, unless it's'ers who are up to it.
Guess I can't blame him for anything but not sticking to his guns on that one. At least he has the right idea on what it truly is. Must've been some kind of pressure to change it.
Re: At least...
Posted: 2003-06-27 11:51pm
by Wild Karrde
Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:He told us the correct site to go to for accurate info.
And I'm wondering. What "public pressure"? What does his E-mails say?
I'm pretty sure it was the idiots from TFN who kicked up a royal shit storm over it because he dared to use the canon length instead of following weg, which in their minds somehow overrides canon evidence.

Posted: 2003-06-28 12:38am
by Kintaro
Goddamn it, what the fucking hell? Why did he even change it? It's his Goddamn site, and if no one likes it, they can visit instead. We should ask him how many rats asked him to change it.

Posted: 2003-06-28 03:19am
by Emperor Palpatine
Interesting site.
Hmm... now that I have seen the other ships, the SSD seemed so small.

There's even one probe (in Star Trek, I believe?) that is bigger than the SSD and it was built in the 2-th century. Could have read wrongly, though. But 20th century?
And there's this Marduk Mothership that could have easily swallowed the entire SSD.
Even the deathstar seemed small when compared to its peers.
Emperor Palpatine
Posted: 2003-06-28 03:32am
by NecronLord
Emperor Palpatine wrote:the SSD seemed so small.

There's even one probe (in Star Trek, I believe?) that is bigger than the SSD and it was built in the 2-th century. Could have read wrongly, though. But 20th century?
It's called Vejur, it was lost and upgraded by an alien race, to carry out the over ambitious mission it was given, to learn all that is learnable. It did so before returning to earth, upgrading itself as it went along. It was surrounded by a 42 AU radius energy field, and is more powerful than the Voth, and probably Q.
Posted: 2003-06-28 04:18am
by Spanky The Dolphin
You mean a 41 AU radius energy field, since it was 82 AU in diameter.
Or would that be a 1 AU radius energy field, given the alteration in the Director's Edition...

Posted: 2003-06-28 05:11am
by Vympel
Caving to public pressure? WTF? Strange. I'd tell those self-important wankers to fuck off, personally, and if they don't like the true size, then they don't need to visit the site.
Posted: 2003-06-28 06:34am
by Sir Sirius
He is either a fucking coward for changing those sizes because some babies "pressured" him or fucking stupid for thinking that the "official" figures are superior to the movies. Let's all mail him and tell him how we feel.
He also has all the B5 ship sizes fucked up. 475.6 meter Whitestar?
Posted: 2003-06-28 06:50am
by Vympel
Sir Sirius wrote:He is either a fucking coward for changing those sizes because some babies "pressured" him or fucking stupid for thinking that the "official" figures are superior to the movies. Let's all mail him and tell him how we feel.
He also has all the B5 ship sizes fucked up. 475.6 meter Whitestar?
Don't be too harsh on him- it's a pretty cool page, but I don't understand what obligation he's under to resize any of his work to conform with 'public pressure'. Fucking official fanboys.
Posted: 2003-06-28 06:52am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Sir Sirius wrote:He is either a fucking coward for changing those sizes because some babies "pressured" him or fucking stupid for thinking that the "official" figures are superior to the movies.
He already knows what the real sizes for
Executor, DSI, and DSII are. He said so on his own site that he finally caved into public pressure and changed them to the "official" figures. But he put up links to SWTC so people can see how the real figures were derrived.
And for all you know, he could have been getting hundreds of angry e-mails a week from people just because he decided to tell the truth...
Frankly, you're sounding like rageful bitch here...
Posted: 2003-06-28 07:00am
by Vympel
I wouldn't presume to email him and try and pressure him the other way. I did however, out of curiosity, send him an email as to what public pressure he recieved.
Posted: 2003-06-28 08:46am
by Sir Sirius
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:He already knows what the real sizes for Executor, DSI, and DSII are. He said so on his own site that he finally caved into public pressure and changed them to the "official" figures. But he put up links to SWTC so people can see how the real figures were derrived.
A coward it is then.
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:And for all you know, he could have been getting hundreds of angry e-mails a week from people just because he decided to tell the truth...
So? How many angry E-mails does Mike get in a week? Has he caved in on SW Vs. ST? Or on Creationism? Or on anything?
I wonder how many E-mails Saxton get's about this.
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Frankly, you're sounding like rageful bitch here...

Yeah, I'm evil.
Posted: 2003-06-28 10:33am
by CaptJodan
Sir Sirius wrote:He also has all the B5 ship sizes fucked up. 475.6 meter Whitestar?
While I question it to some extent, I think the size is that way due to the fact that it would be difficult to fit 4 Nials, plus a Minbari transport or two inside that small hanger WITHOUT it being that big...but don't quote me on that. Anyway, the figures actually come from B5Tech, so I'd say hit them on the head.
I'm pretty sure 150 meters or so wouldn't work for the Nial thing.
Posted: 2003-06-28 10:39am
by Vympel
CaptJodan wrote:
While I question it to some extent, I think the size is that way due to the fact that it would be difficult to fit 4 Nials, plus a Minbari transport or two inside that small hanger WITHOUT it being that big...but don't quote me on that. Anyway, the figures actually come from B5Tech, so I'd say hit them on the head.
I'm pretty sure 150 meters or so wouldn't work for the Nial thing.
bah, BabTech On the Net urinates on B5Tech from a great height, while it flails and drowns in it's own vomit.
I'll take Brian Young's canon-based scaling work off of extremely dubious 'official' size charts.
Posted: 2003-06-28 03:04pm
by Master of Ossus
I don't think he should have changed the sizes to an incorrect length, but I can also understand how many people would have been out to get him because of his "incorrect" sizes.
Posted: 2003-06-28 06:50pm
by FTeik
Have those assholes nothing better to do?
If they donĀ“t like it, they should make their own page.
Posted: 2003-06-28 10:49pm
by Slartibartfast
Stupid rabid fanwhores who wank to 5/9/whatever small mile sizes... had I received those mails I would have caved alright... I would have removed the ship entirely and said it was because of TF.netters bitching.
Anyway, I like the last Warrior Bug in the 1x section

Posted: 2003-06-29 11:42am
by Emperor Palpatine
As mentioned... the gigantic SSD seemed so small compared to the other ships. To think the ISD used to be called a 1-mile long monster.
Yeah, I don't understand why that guy had to conform to what the others' wishes. It is
his site after all, not those people's. Who are they to tell him what to do?
Anyway, do you think any of those much much larger than the SSD ships could defeat the Empire? They have superweapons bigger than the DS and DS2 as well.
Even the independence days' mothership was bigger by a lot than the SSD... It could smash and deliberately collide and destroy the entire fleet of SSD and ISDs... if its shields can withstand the collision.
Posted: 2003-07-03 06:14pm
by Ender
CaptJodan wrote:Sir Sirius wrote:He also has all the B5 ship sizes fucked up. 475.6 meter Whitestar?
While I question it to some extent, I think the size is that way due to the fact that it would be difficult to fit 4 Nials, plus a Minbari transport or two inside that small hanger WITHOUT it being that big...but don't quote me on that. Anyway, the figures actually come from B5Tech, so I'd say hit them on the head.
I'm pretty sure 150 meters or so wouldn't work for the Nial thing.
Then you are a fucking idiot.
The 275 meter long "tiny" Whitestar is the size of an aircraft carrier.
If you think it can't carry a few, what, 9 meter long fighters, you have no idea what you are talking about.
For fucks sake people, I'm gone for less then a week and as always without my constant supervision this place goes to hell in a hand basket.
Posted: 2003-07-03 06:24pm
by Master of Ossus
The problem with the White Star carrying its Nial fighters is that we've actually seen the hangar bay (which is cavernous), and it couldn't possibly fit into the design of the White Star unless the ship was several hundred meters long, which in turn defeats the statements that make the White Star the smallest ship to carry a jump engine.
Posted: 2003-07-03 06:46pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Emperor Palpatine wrote:As mentioned... the gigantic SSD seemed so small compared to the other ships. To think the ISD used to be called a 1-mile long monster.
Yeah, I don't understand why that guy had to conform to what the others' wishes. It is
his site after all, not those people's. Who are they to tell him what to do?
Anyway, do you think any of those much much larger than the SSD ships could defeat the Empire? They have superweapons bigger than the DS and DS2 as well.
Even the independence days' mothership was bigger by a lot than the SSD... It could smash and deliberately collide and destroy the entire fleet of SSD and ISDs... if its shields can withstand the collision.
What are you on?
Posted: 2003-07-03 06:47pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
CaptJodan wrote:Sir Sirius wrote:He also has all the B5 ship sizes fucked up. 475.6 meter Whitestar?
While I question it to some extent, I think the size is that way due to the fact that it would be difficult to fit 4 Nials, plus a Minbari transport or two inside that small hanger WITHOUT it being that big...but don't quote me on that. Anyway, the figures actually come from B5Tech, so I'd say hit them on the head.
I'm pretty sure 150 meters or so wouldn't work for the Nial thing.
Wrong. Learn to read. ... .html#size