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Does EU show any instances of brain-crushing?
Posted: 2003-07-01 04:15pm
by Shinova
You know, using Force-TK to turn a being's brain to pulp. Has there been any instance in the EU, either explicit or implied, where that's happened?
Posted: 2003-07-01 04:55pm
by Lord Pounder
In the Courtship of Princess Leia one of the force witches caused massive brain hemorages in Skywalker by bursting his blood vessels. With a bit more brute force i imagine you can just squeeze the brain into mush.
Posted: 2003-07-01 05:56pm
by Agent Fisher
In one of the NJO books, Mara Jade tells Corran Horn that he needed a little TK to pinch a blood vessel in the brain and kill Kyp Durron( not sure of the spelling of the last name).
Posted: 2003-07-02 12:39am
by Spanky The Dolphin
IIRC, the WEG entry for Telekinetic Kill mentioned "shaking (vibrating?) the brain" was one of the possible methods of inflicting death.