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Do SW ships have an alternate FTL drive in case of trouble?
Posted: 2003-07-05 04:41pm
by Admiral_K
I was just sort of wondering since, somehow the falcon manaed to limp its way to Bespin despite not having a hyper drive, within a relatively short period of time. It sort of makes me wonder, do they have some sort of backup FTL drive that is just slower than hyperdrive? Perhaps there are ways of jamming that type of travel, thus its not useful in most combat situations...
Anyone have any theories on this?
Posted: 2003-07-05 04:42pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
EU suggests a much slower backup Hyperdrive.
Posted: 2003-07-05 10:25pm
by Master of Ossus
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:EU suggests a much slower backup Hyperdrive.
That starts off with freighters and light transports--it doesn't extend to starfighters.
Posted: 2003-07-06 03:07am
by FettKyle
Posted: 2003-07-06 08:58am
by TurboPhaser
Maybe its an equilavent to a Star Trek Warp Drive?
Slow, but fast enough for backup.
Posted: 2003-07-06 12:19pm
by YT300000
TurboPhaser wrote:Maybe its an equilavent to a Star Trek Warp Drive?
Slow, but fast enough for backup.
They had those 25 000 years BBY.
Posted: 2003-07-06 05:35pm
by StarshipTitanic
YT300000 wrote:TurboPhaser wrote:Maybe its an equilavent to a Star Trek Warp Drive?
Slow, but fast enough for backup.
They had those 25 000 years BBY.
We don't know that.
Posted: 2003-07-06 09:03pm
by YT300000
StarshipTitanic wrote:We don't know that.
Then what did they have in Xim's time, before hyperdrive, but after Empires larger than the Federation which could be crossed in a matter of days?
Posted: 2003-07-06 09:09pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Well actually the Falcon rode the Avenger from Hoth to Anoat. The two are closeby systems, but still a fair distance away that using sublight drives would take forever.
From there it went to Bespin.
Now the Avenger hadn't gone to hyperspace before because it would've dumped its garbage then (and I'm not to sure how well the Falcon would've done in hyperpace attached to the Avenger's bridge). So how does the Avenger get from Hoth to Anoat without hyperdrive and not taking a gazillion years?

Posted: 2003-07-06 09:35pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Now the Avenger hadn't gone to hyperspace before because it would've dumped its garbage then (and I'm not to sure how well the Falcon would've done in hyperpace attached to the Avenger's bridge). So how does the Avenger get from Hoth to Anoat without hyperdrive and not taking a gazillion years?

In hyperspace. The SD makes enough garbage between dumps, and an X-Wing bolted on to the
Falcon works fine in hyperspace.
Posted: 2003-07-06 09:44pm
by YT300000
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Well actually the Falcon rode the Avenger from Hoth to Anoat. The two are closeby systems, but still a fair distance away that using sublight drives would take forever.
From there it went to Bespin.
Now the Avenger hadn't gone to hyperspace before because it would've dumped its garbage then (and I'm not to sure how well the Falcon would've done in hyperpace attached to the Avenger's bridge). So how does the Avenger get from Hoth to Anoat without hyperdrive and not taking a gazillion years?

Maybe Hoth and Anoat are interchangable names for the same system?
Posted: 2003-07-06 09:48pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
No, they're different systems, just very close to each other.
Posted: 2003-07-06 10:50pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:No, they're different systems, just very close to each other.
They could actually be smaller planetary systems in a large multi-stellar system.
Posted: 2003-07-06 10:55pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Illuminatus Primus wrote:In hyperspace. The SD makes enough garbage between dumps, and an X-Wing bolted on to the Falcon works fine in hyperspace.
Phew. Thought we were in trouble there for a moment. So which book does the Falcon piggy-back an X-Wing into hyperspace?
They could actually be smaller planetary systems in a large multi-stellar system.
You mean like single star systems (of which are reffered to by name--Anoat and Bespin--if the user is trying to scale down where they are going) being part of a larger one incorperating both? The Bespoat system?
Could be.
Posted: 2003-07-06 11:08pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I think he means Anoat and Hoth, Gnome. Remember that Han told Leia Bespin was "pretty far, but we can make it" (or something like that).
Hmm... A Hoth-Anoat "double system" would be pretty easy to rationalise. And I think I've heard that theory before. I'm guessing each's respected stars and planets would be at either end and the asteroid field in the middle (maybe closer to Hoth). And Bespin would either be a close system or a far intersystem star.
I think the piggyback incident was during the Black Fleet Crisis, IIRC...
Posted: 2003-07-06 11:15pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I think he means Anoat and Hoth, Gnome. Remember that Han told Leia Bespin was "pretty far, but we can make it" (or something like that).
Ahhh, that is a bit easier to rationalize.
Posted: 2003-07-06 11:28pm
by Sea Skimmer
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Phew. Thought we were in trouble there for a moment. So which book does the Falcon piggy-back an X-Wing into hyperspace?
Could be.
I don’t know about the Falcon and an X-Wing. But in
Solo Command another small freighter, a YT-2400 IIRC, is modified to look like the Falcon and carries an A-Wing through hyperspace inside of a fake add on hull section. That piece of hull is blown off in action and the fighter is released into action.
Posted: 2003-07-07 12:37am
by StarshipTitanic
YT300000 wrote:StarshipTitanic wrote:We don't know that.
Then what did they have in Xim's time, before hyperdrive, but after Empires larger than the Federation which could be crossed in a matter of days?
Obviously not Star Trek warp...

broken power coupling and hyperdrive.
Posted: 2003-07-07 12:56am
by omegaLancer
It very doubleful that Bespin was in the Anoat system, but the Hyperdrive was not exactly broken. Remember according to 3ceepo the problem was a pulverized power coupling.
It very likely that they figure a way to patch the Coupling or come up with another method to power the hyperdrive. The resulting repair would only be able to get them to Bespin.
Re: broken power coupling and hyperdrive.
Posted: 2003-07-07 01:13am
by Isolder74
omegaLancer wrote:It very doubleful that Bespin was in the Anoat system, but the Hyperdrive was not exactly broken. Remember according to 3ceepo the problem was a pulverized power coupling.
It very likely that they figure a way to patch the Coupling or come up with another method to power the hyperdrive. The resulting repair would only be able to get them to Bespin.
Not after a lucky shot from the Avenger destroyed the Hyperdrive modivator which is why they had to go to Bespin in the first place. Bespin is in the Anoat System and when they are on the Avenger it is stated they are now int the Noad system so their are several systems in this area that apear to be close togather.
Posted: 2003-07-07 05:02am
by Sea Skimmer
StarshipTitanic wrote:
Obviously not Star Trek warp...

Warp would be too slow for a war spanning at least the core regions of the galaxy, however the Quantum Slipstream drive that came up in Voyager could work. IIRC it would have gotten Voyager home in six months had been compatible with the ship.
Hoth-Anoat-Bespin question
Posted: 2003-07-07 09:35am
by BenRG
The big problem is that the term 'system' in Star Wars is interchangable and isn't used consistently. As I understand it, 'system' can refer to either a planetary system around a sun, or all the objects in the local space around a planet. This is why the fifth moon of Yavin in ANH is in the 'Yavin'
System and Alderaan and all its' associated bodies is referred to as the 'Alderaan System' by the duty officer on the DS1's bridge.
In the case of Hoth, I feel sure that this refers to the system's primary. the late Admiral Ozzel referred to the ice planet the Rebels were hiding on as "the fifth planet in the Hoth System."
I have a workable theory about the other two systems. There is no reason why Anoat and Bespin can't be two worlds in the same solar system. Anoat is a lightly-populated Earth-like world (somewhere the 'Falcon' would be likely to set down), while Bespin is a Jupiter-like world further out in the same solar system. So it would have been fairly easy for the Falcon to make the journey to Bespin at sub-light speeds. Maybe an hour or less, given how fast that 'piece of junk' can move.
As for how the Avenger got to Anoat... Well, there is no reason they can't have done it by going through Hyperspace. Han was just waiting until the Avenger performed a garbage dump, no matter how many jumps through lightspeed that took. He was probably looking at the dump airlock through the viewport and waiting for it to open.
Posted: 2003-07-07 01:13pm
by Knife
Agreed. IIRC the dialouge of ESB, Leia said that there was not much there (meaning the Anoat system), then Han said that he found something interesting (in the novel he was reviewing his logs IIRC) in that he saw Bespin.
To me, this implies that Bespin was in the Anoat system. Your Earth, Jupiter comparison would seem to work well. Too bad the EU has totally fucked it up.
There are various instances in the EU where one ship piggiedbacked on another in a hyperspace jump. So I really don't see a problem with the Falcon getting a ride with the Avenger to the Anoat system. Hell, I could be possible that the Falcon toured a couple systems on the Avenger as the fleet checked out every sytem along the Falcons last know trajectory.
It is possible that the ISD creates that much trash to dump every jump but it is also possible that in their haste to please Lord Vader, that Needa cut corners on procedure to get to the nearest systems and run a scan to try to find the Falcon.
Dumping the trash
Posted: 2003-07-08 09:42am
by BenRG
Knife wrote:It is possible that the ISD creates that much trash to dump every jump but it is also possible that in their haste to please Lord Vader, that Needa cut corners on procedure to get to the nearest systems and run a scan to try to find the Falcon.
I think that this is a misinterpretation of the dialogue. IIRC, the exact phrase is: "Typically, an Imperial Star Destroyer always dumps its' garbage before jumping to lightspeed." (although I might have the phrase slightly wrong

). Anyway, this isn't saying that they
always dump before they jump. What the phrase means is
whenever they have any garbage, then they will dump it before jumping to lightspeed. Even a ship as large as an ISD can't produce
that much debris in a short stay in-system.
Posted: 2003-07-08 02:49pm
by vakundok
From the asteroid field to Bespin:
I think Han managed to repair the hyperdrive to a low level functionality during the (otherwise endless) sublight travel toward Bespin, but it gave enough time to Fett to pinpoint its direction.
From Hoth to the asteroid field:
Is it sure that the release of the Falcon happened in the Anoath system? In the novelization, Han said that they were not far from the Anoath system. (And since they most likely wanted to avoid Hoth at all costs it does not even mean that they were closer to Anoath than to Hoth.)
Garbage dumping:
I think the real typical imperial procedure is dumping the garbage when they jump from the middle of nowhere. (Jumping to unpopulated systems only for dumping is also possible.) I canot imagine an ISD dumping its garbage above Coruscant.