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The Origin of Species
Posted: 2003-07-10 06:37pm
by Slowhand
No, this is not about Darwin and his finches.
Even though I have no concrete evidence that Ewoks evolved on Endor, I assume that they did indeed. Considering that Ewoks have no knowledge of hyper-matter, I cannot assume that they evolved anywhere else but Endor.
However, a great deal of species in SW do have hyperspeed capable vessels as is evidenced by the huge multitude of different patrons bustling about Mos Eisley, a spaceport. Is there literature, or does anyone here know the "home" planets for the peoples of SW?
I can guess that Coruscant is the homeworld for humans but beyond that, I don't have a clue.
Posted: 2003-07-10 06:40pm
by Illuminatus Primus
No one knows where humans evolved, if they even did in the SW galaxy...
Spanky and I have an interesting theory on that.
Posted: 2003-07-10 06:43pm
by Montcalm
Illuminatus Primus wrote:No one knows where humans evolved, if they even did in the SW galaxy...
Spanky and I have an interesting theory on that.
Don`t keep us waiting,"say it say it say it"

Posted: 2003-07-10 07:48pm
by Joe
Even though I have no concrete evidence that Ewoks evolved on Endor, I assume that they did indeed. Considering that Ewoks have no knowledge of hyper-matter, I cannot assume that they evolved anywhere else but Endor.
Not necessarily. The fact that the Rebel Alliance was not aware of the fact that the Ewoks were on Endor throws this into question, because C3P0 knows the Ewok language, suggesting they were obscure but not unknown. If the Ewok native language is known well-enough to be included in standard issue protocol droids, then the Ewoks must be known as well. It's possible that they were taken from their original homeworld for some reason - resettlement due to environmental contamination, for example. In any case, it doesn't make any sense for the Ewoks to have evolved on Endor's moon and for the Rebel Alliance to not be aware of their presence on the planet but somehow have droids that are aware of their language; that would be like finding aliens speaking Spanish on an Iovian moon. So their origin is probably somewhere else.
No one knows where humans evolved, if they even did in the SW galaxy...
Spanky and I have an interesting theory on that.
The humans of the SW Galaxy, the Chiss, and the Yuuzhan Vong all could not have originated from the SW Galaxy. The humans are apparently the perfect genetic matches of Terran humans, so obviously they had to come from our Earth. The Chiss and the Yuuzhan Vong are not very far off from Terran humans, either; the Chiss are a near perfect match and the Vong have essentially the same physiology with a few superficial differences (taller, a bit more muscular). I mean, GL tells us straight out that SW takes place in a GFFA, so obviously it takes place in our universe (or a parallel version of it). I like Mike's theory; humans from our Galaxy being the ancestors of SW humans via time travel into the distant past. That seems plausible to me; genetically identical species don't just evolve independent of one another (unless you're ready to throw out biology).
Another somewhat offbeat piece of evidence can be found in The Phantom Menace. We see an alien who looks exactly like the alien from Steven Spielberg's ET in the Senate. Now look at ET; ET sees a child dressed up in a Yoda costume and seems to recognize him. This may be a subtle reference from GL that SW takes place in our universe.
Posted: 2003-07-10 07:52pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
I thought the "Where are humans from in the GFFA?" question had something to do with the Hyperspace aliens.

Posted: 2003-07-10 07:55pm
by Matt7
The Ewoks weren't necessarily "unknown", because 6 million languages is a lot. I doubt the Rebels would have asked 3P0 if he spoke Ewok - it's just something that he happened to know
Note: I'm slightly unsure of this, because of the fact that if you're invading a world, you want to know as much as possible about it. Unless Endor was in or beyond the Outer Rim, or the only thing known about the base was that there was a shield generator, the basic planetary data and lifeforms may have been known. Either that, or because the Empire wants to keep it secret, they erase the data on Endor
Posted: 2003-07-10 08:04pm
by Mad
I thought Threepio had some trouble making out the Ewok language? He said they were "using a very peculiar dialect." So the Ewoks themselves could've been pretty much unkown, but a culture that used a very similar language was known. That culture was knownand important enough to have their language in a standard package, and they probably had contact with the Ewoks such that they both spoke a very similar language. But the known culture left without spending much time documenting the Ewoks such that they would be well known. And then, over time, the languages of both the Ewoks and the other culture grew apart to become two different dialects.
Posted: 2003-07-10 08:09pm
by Cal Wright
Durran Korr wrote:
Not necessarily. The fact that the Rebel Alliance was not aware of the fact that the Ewoks were on Endor throws this into question, because C3P0 knows the Ewok language, suggesting they were obscure but not unknown. If the Ewok native language is known well-enough to be included in standard issue protocol droids
Actually, when asked by Han, 3PO responds "Hello...I think. They're using a very primitive dialect." Which really contradicts himself because the lines before that 3PO claimed in a way that made it as if he new perfectly the language. Granted, how it comes along. The novelisation actually follows this dialogue fairly close. I would still be lead to believe they were natives.
Posted: 2003-07-10 09:37pm
by Phyre
To bring up the old age question: Just what the heck is Yoda

Posted: 2003-07-10 09:42pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Durran Korr wrote:*snip*
Spanky and I theorized that the "Hyperspace Aliens" who built the Corellian System, and Centerpoint, and probably the Maw and bequeathed the Corellians the Hyperdrive, seeded the GFFA with humans from Earth.
It is possible the Corellian System was to be the heart of their experiment. Humans would eventually evolve into or force the evolution of many of the species which are remotely humanoid in the "modern" SW galaxy.
It is possible the YV are long lost colonists from the GFFA, or even another experiment by the Hyperspace Aliens gone awry in another galaxy.
Posted: 2003-07-10 09:52pm
by Joe
Spanky and I theorized that the "Hyperspace Aliens" who built the Corellian System, and Centerpoint, and probably the Maw and bequeathed the Corellians the Hyperdrive, seeded the GFFA with humans from Earth.
They travelled back in time with Terran humans, you mean. Time travel is the only was I can think of (and feel free to correct me) to rationalize the fact that SW takes place in a galaxy "far, far away."
It is possible the YV are long lost colonists from the GFFA, or even another experiment by the Hyperspace Aliens gone awry in another galaxy.
I would take "possible" out of that and replace it with "definite." The YZ are way to close to humans to not propose that the two are genetically related to one another.
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:04pm
by Phyre
Phyre wrote:To bring up the old age question: Just what the heck is Yoda

Anyone know the answer?!
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:06pm
by Joe
Phyre wrote:Phyre wrote:To bring up the old age question: Just what the heck is Yoda

Anyone know the answer?!
Neither he nor Yaddle have ever revealed their race or home planet.
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:26pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Durran Korr wrote:Spanky and I theorized that the "Hyperspace Aliens" who built the Corellian System, and Centerpoint, and probably the Maw and bequeathed the Corellians the Hyperdrive, seeded the GFFA with humans from Earth.
They travelled back in time with Terran humans, you mean. Time travel is the only was I can think of (and feel free to correct me) to rationalize the fact that SW takes place in a galaxy "far, far away."
Durran Korr wrote:It is possible the YV are long lost colonists from the GFFA, or even another experiment by the Hyperspace Aliens gone awry in another galaxy.
I would take "possible" out of that and replace it with "definite." The YZ are way to close to humans to not propose that the two are genetically related to one another.
Not definite, because is said "or." They are either colonists or another experiment from the same time-traveled Terran humans in some other galaxy by the Hyperspace Aliens, but you are correct, they are a
Homo sapiens subspecies.
Re: The Origin of Species
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:45pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Slowhand wrote:
Even though I have no concrete evidence that Ewoks evolved on Endor, I assume that they did indeed. Considering that Ewoks have no knowledge of hyper-matter, I cannot assume that they evolved anywhere else but Endor.
Actually, they may have not. Leia seemed surprised to learn Endor was inhabited. Since it is a santuary moon, perhaps during the Old Republic the original Ewok homeworld was somehow destroyed, and they moved any survivors to Endor to make sure it didn't happen again? (Which would make Dr. Saxton's proposed holocaust terribly ironic)
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:48pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Illuminatus Primus wrote:
Not definite, because is said "or." They are either colonists or another experiment from the same time-traveled Terran humans in some other galaxy by the Hyperspace Aliens, but you are correct, they are a Homo sapiens subspecies.
Assuming they're not from the HA, could they be decendents of some religous fanatics, who hated Technology and Jedi, and used genetic engineering to add the wierd gene thing that makes them immune to the Force, and then using organic ships ran from the galaxy?
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:57pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:
Not definite, because is said "or." They are either colonists or another experiment from the same time-traveled Terran humans in some other galaxy by the Hyperspace Aliens, but you are correct, they are a Homo sapiens subspecies.
Assuming they're not from the HA, could they be decendents of some religous fanatics, who hated Technology and Jedi, and used genetic engineering to add the wierd gene thing that makes them immune to the Force, and then using organic ships ran from the galaxy?
I've theorized that both ysalamiri and the Vong are creations of the ancient Sith, thus explaining their bizarre Force properities.
Posted: 2003-07-10 11:01pm
by YT300000
Durran Korr wrote:Phyre wrote:Phyre wrote:To bring up the old age question: Just what the heck is Yoda

Anyone know the answer?!
Neither he nor Yaddle have ever revealed their race or home planet.
But for age: When 900 years old, look as good, you will not.
Posted: 2003-07-10 11:01pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Durran Korr wrote:
Time travel is the only was I can think of (and feel free to correct me) to rationalize the fact that SW takes place in a galaxy "far, far away."
Just because it says "a long time ago" (I assume that is what you meant to say), doesn't mean it takes place in OUR past. It could very well be told many, many millenia from now, about events that took place a hundred years before then.
Posted: 2003-07-10 11:03pm
by Illuminatus Primus
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Durran Korr wrote:
Time travel is the only was I can think of (and feel free to correct me) to rationalize the fact that SW takes place in a galaxy "far, far away."
Just because it says "a long time ago" (I assume that is what you meant to say), doesn't mean it takes place in OUR past. It could very well be told many, many millenia from now, about events that took place a hundred years before then.
That introduces unrequired elements. Occam's Razor.
Nice discussion
Posted: 2003-07-11 12:55am
by Slowhand
Thanks for the input everyone.
Regarding C3PO's interaction with the Ewoks, he clearly has trouble communicating with them in the beginning. I would agree with the statement that Ewokenese was not in 3PO's memory. This lends creedence to the idea that neither the rebels nor the Empire knew of the Ewoks. I suppose, that in its hurry, the Imperial war machine did not consider them a threat, much to its chagrin. The fact that 3PO eventually communicated effectively with the Ewoks by extrapolating from at least one other language in his memory casts doubt on Endor being the home world for Ewoks. If something close enough to share dialect heritage with Ewokenese is/was being spoken elsewhere in the galaxy, then I can no longer affirm that Ewoks are indeginous to Endor.
Never before did I consider that SW takes place in this galaxy, the Milky Way. Ableit, it is the only sure fire explanation for two identical species living at opposite ends of the cosmos. In this case, "far, far, away..." is to indicate this galaxy, circa. 1000 millenia ago, or something to that effect. I had always considered that these respective species were human, each of them existing in the planes of imagination. If SW does happen here, is that to say that over 1000 millenium the New Republic will fall, hyperspace will be long forgotten, and peoples everywhere will return to their homeworlds with no whiff of a memory that the Empire had ever come to power? The Galactic Republic/Empire was an organization of biblical proportions; it governed trillions of people, with countless millions of them having their own personal hyper-matter reactors. Highly unlikely that no trace of this technologically advanced super union state would survive to the common era.
Even with today's limited means, radio astronomers everywhere would be talking about strange echoes in the spectrum, stuff that sounded like more than just background radiation or the hum of the cosmos. It is easier for me to believe that they're both just stories. Having SW be a chapter in the history of this galaxy brings forth a set of problems that I'm not really qualified to discuss.

Posted: 2003-07-11 01:02am
by Illuminatus Primus
If it existed over 13 billion light-years away, we would never have heard from it yet.
Not this galaxy. Our timeline, long ago, far away.
Posted: 2003-07-11 02:02am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Youg guys are over-analyzing the "long, long ago" bit. Its supposed to be like the "once upon a time" from fairy-tales and stuff. GL was all into that mythological crap, you know.
Posted: 2003-07-11 04:48am
by Peregrin Toker
Durran Korr wrote:Another somewhat offbeat piece of evidence can be found in The Phantom Menace. We see an alien who looks exactly like the alien from Steven Spielberg's ET in the Senate. Now look at ET; ET sees a child dressed up in a Yoda costume and seems to recognize him. This may be a subtle reference from GL that SW takes place in our universe.
On the topic of the link between Spielberg's and Lucas' movies:
It's often noted that the Kaminoans resemble the aliens from "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind." (created by Spielberg, just like ET) They don't look exactly alike, but since "a long time ago" might be
millions of years ago, could it be that the CE3K aliens have evolved from the Kaminoans??
I personally doubt it, but it's an interesting possibility. (One of the reasons I doubt it is that the Kaminoans' eyes have pupils, while the CE3K aliens do not. If dilatory pupils mean better depth perception, wouldn't this be kind of a step backwards??)
Illuminatus Primus wrote:I've theorized that both ysalamiri and the Vong are creations of the ancient Sith, thus explaining their bizarre Force properities.
But then how come the Yuuzhan Vong come from another galaxy than the SW one?
I know it's over analyzed
Posted: 2003-07-11 05:17pm
by Slowhand
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Youg guys are over-analyzing the "long, long ago" bit. Its supposed to be like the "once upon a time" from fairy-tales and stuff. GL was all into that mythological crap, you know.
I'm quite content to regard them both as stories and nothing more.
If SW did happen here in the Milky Way, it begs the question: Is The Federation of Planets a descendant of the Republic/Empire???