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Clone Troopers in Episode 3(Possible Spoilers!)
Posted: 2003-07-11 03:00am
by Clone Sergeant
I was reading an transcript of an online chat with Robert Coleman, the animation direction for Episode III. During it he said that all of the troopers will be CGI again this time around. But we will see some new types of troopers. I know a lot of people were annoyed that Lucas didn't use actual people in suits of armor. I don't really mind, since they did such a good job in Episode 2. I'm just wondering what you guys think about this news. The chat is part of the official site's hyperspace service so I can't give a link.
Posted: 2003-07-11 04:59am
by Peregrin Toker
Maybe we'll see the ARC Clonetroopers from the Dark Horse comics in EP3.
Posted: 2003-07-11 05:46am
by Vympel
There'll be stormtroopers in Episode III, McCallum said.
Posted: 2003-07-11 06:12am
by vakundok
Since there will be large scale space battles, maybe we will see zero G troopers invading a station or a ship. Were biker-troopers seen in AotC?
Posted: 2003-07-11 06:57am
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
The troopers were CGI?

Posted: 2003-07-11 07:05am
by Vympel
Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:The troopers were CGI?

Ummm .... YEAH.
Jeezus man. That's just scary. Or maybe we've all become to cynical and the CGI was that good. Not that I thought it looked bad. It looked great.
Posted: 2003-07-11 07:33am
by Boba Fett
Yes...there was a picture of a regular stormtrooper on a couple of months ago. It showed a regular stormie armor all painted to black with several armor pieces painted to red.
Description said it was meant to be a new Senate Guard.
The picture dissapeared from the site after a week....

Posted: 2003-07-11 05:31pm
by Clone Sergeant
Simon H.Johansen wrote:Maybe we'll see the ARC Clonetroopers from the Dark Horse comics in EP3.
Sorry, but in the chat Coleman gives a definitive no on seeing ARC troopers in Episode III.
Posted: 2003-07-12 06:23am
by Dorsk 81
Maybe we'll see some early version of the Royal Guard? Or some other special group designated to guarding Palpy.
Posted: 2003-07-12 06:28am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Dorsk 81 wrote:Maybe we'll see some early version of the Royal Guard? Or some other special group designated to guarding Palpy.
They're in Ep.2 inside Palp's office at the beginning when they're discussing the assasination atempt.
Posted: 2003-07-12 06:33am
by Dorsk 81
KhyronTheBackstabber wrote:Dorsk 81 wrote:Maybe we'll see some early version of the Royal Guard? Or some other special group designated to guarding Palpy.
They're in Ep.2 inside Palp's office at the beginning when they're discussing the assasination atempt.
Oh yea, my bad.

The guys who look like a cross between a Centurian (sp) and the OT Royal Guard, wearing a nasty shade of dark green...IIRC.
Posted: 2003-07-12 07:26am
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
Vympel wrote:Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:The troopers were CGI?

Ummm .... YEAH.
Jeezus man. That's just scary. Or maybe we've all become to cynical and the CGI was that good. Not that I thought it looked bad. It looked great.
No seriously tough, i didnt even notice nor THINK that maybe the troopers were CGI before this thread.
Posted: 2003-07-12 09:34am
by Alan Bolte
I must admit, it is some of the better CGI work in that film.
Posted: 2003-07-12 11:05am
by Old Plympto
Dorsk 81 wrote:KhyronTheBackstabber wrote:Dorsk 81 wrote:Maybe we'll see some early version of the Royal Guard? Or some other special group designated to guarding Palpy.
They're in Ep.2 inside Palp's office at the beginning when they're discussing the assasination atempt.
Oh yea, my bad.

The guys who look like a cross between a Centurian (sp) and the OT Royal Guard, wearing a nasty shade of dark green...IIRC.
Nope. The red Royal Guards were in AOTC, stationed at Palpie's office door. We see the blue Senate Guards later when Mace Windu met Yoda in the large Senate chamber.
Posted: 2003-07-12 11:49am
by Joe
Most of the CGI work with the Clonetroopers was absolutely awesome, but some of it was just terrible. There are some close-up scenes that are blatantly fake, and a scene where Obi-Wan and Lama Su are looking over a regiment of clonetroopers that is obviously fake. There is nothing wrong with using low tech (i.e. dudes in clonetrooper armor) when necessary; Peter Jackson isn't afraid to use low tech, and he does so with great success. Obviously the CGI is going to be absolutely necessary for many of the scenes, but I think real actors would have been better for a select few of them.
Posted: 2003-07-12 04:09pm
by Dorsk 81
Old Plympto wrote:Dorsk 81 wrote:KhyronTheBackstabber wrote:
They're in Ep.2 inside Palp's office at the beginning when they're discussing the assasination atempt.
Oh yea, my bad.

The guys who look like a cross between a Centurian (sp) and the OT Royal Guard, wearing a nasty shade of dark green...IIRC.
Nope. The red Royal Guards were in AOTC, stationed at Palpie's office door. We see the blue Senate Guards later when Mace Windu met Yoda in the large Senate chamber.
Yea, I remember blue/green ones in his office, didn't remember seeing any red ones though. I'll have a look later.
Posted: 2003-07-12 06:34pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Dorsk 81 wrote:
Yea, I remember blue/green ones in his office, didn't remember seeing any red ones though. I'll have a look later.
I didn't notice them untill the third time I watched the movie. They kind of blend into the background.
Posted: 2003-07-12 07:54pm
by YT300000
KhyronTheBackstabber wrote:Dorsk 81 wrote:
Yea, I remember blue/green ones in his office, didn't remember seeing any red ones though. I'll have a look later.
I didn't notice them untill the third time I watched the movie. They kind of blend into the background.
Yeah, the red walls are a bit wierd. Maybe they were painted that way on purpose to camouflage the guards.
Posted: 2003-07-12 08:14pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
They're probably a lot easier to see in real life then on film. Film tends to flatten everything out.
Posted: 2003-07-12 09:28pm
by Sea Skimmer
vakundok wrote:Since there will be large scale space battles, maybe we will see zero G troopers invading a station or a ship. Were biker-troopers seen in AotC?
No, however they were originally going to be in it, and made there way into the previsualization of the battle. It seems quite a lot got cut for time.
Posted: 2003-07-12 09:33pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Sea Skimmer wrote:No, however they were originally going to be in it, and made there way into the previsualization of the battle. It seems quite a lot got cut for time.
Yeah, the pre-visualization bit's on the DVD. There's about three clones riding speeder bikes and they ride under one of those big spider droids and toss a bomb on it; blasts the thing to pieces.
Posted: 2003-07-15 11:37am
by Illuminatus Primus
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Sea Skimmer wrote:No, however they were originally going to be in it, and made there way into the previsualization of the battle. It seems quite a lot got cut for time.
Yeah, the pre-visualization bit's on the DVD. There's about three clones riding speeder bikes and they ride under one of those big spider droids and toss a bomb on it; blasts the thing to pieces.
This was documented in the
Inside the Worlds of Attack of the Clones.
Posted: 2003-07-15 07:54pm
by Slartibartfast
Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:The troopers were CGI?

Not a single clone trooper suit was actually made.
Posted: 2003-07-15 07:55pm
by Slartibartfast
Durran Korr wrote:Most of the CGI work with the Clonetroopers was absolutely awesome, but some of it was just terrible. There are some close-up scenes that are blatantly fake, and a scene where Obi-Wan and Lama Su are looking over a regiment of clonetroopers that is obviously fake. There is nothing wrong with using low tech (i.e. dudes in clonetrooper armor) when necessary; Peter Jackson isn't afraid to use low tech, and he does so with great success. Obviously the CGI is going to be absolutely necessary for many of the scenes, but I think real actors would have been better for a select few of them.
There's no reason why Obi vs Jango needed CGI at all. Instead of a doll that looks like it's made with Play Doh, we'd should have invisible wires.
Posted: 2003-07-15 09:33pm
by YT300000
Slartibartfast wrote:Durran Korr wrote:Most of the CGI work with the Clonetroopers was absolutely awesome, but some of it was just terrible. There are some close-up scenes that are blatantly fake, and a scene where Obi-Wan and Lama Su are looking over a regiment of clonetroopers that is obviously fake. There is nothing wrong with using low tech (i.e. dudes in clonetrooper armor) when necessary; Peter Jackson isn't afraid to use low tech, and he does so with great success. Obviously the CGI is going to be absolutely necessary for many of the scenes, but I think real actors would have been better for a select few of them.
There's no reason why Obi vs Jango needed CGI at all. Instead of a doll that looks like it's made with Play Doh, we'd should have invisible wires.
But, the battle looked entirely real.