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Darkside training Emphasis in OT
Posted: 2003-07-12 01:09am
by Stravo
I'm watching AOTC (I SWEAR, HBO plays this movie daily.) Anyway, as I'm wacthing it I start thinking, about my Twilight War plot and something clicks as I'm thinking about the Jedi traning of a main character and comparing it to the training of Luke in ESB. DO you suppose Yoda focussed on the Darkside in his training BECAUSE of Vader's fall? If you watch TPM...wait...DON"T watch TPM...but seriously if you watch the prequels, the Dark side is not on the Jedi's minds. Its not the over all encompassing thing that it is in OT.
Perhaps the Jedi have training that sort of has the Dark side mentioned as sort of a taboo subject, trusting in the Jedi training method to weed out the weakness that Luke had to the dark side.
If you're a padawan, hanging out with your master for most of your young to young adult life if you ever do get the itch the master is there to answer your questions.
Luke, bereft of this advnantage is sort of force fed Dark side warnings by Yoda. Yoda has to hope that Luke will be a good enough person that he will resist the temptations of the darkside, despite the fact that his father had Obi Wan for most of his life and still fell to the darkside.
Long story short, do you think the dark side was talked about as openly among the Jedi as it was with Luke, where almost every lesson touched on a warning about the dark side or was the dark side an almost taboo subject, never really brought up because of the Jedi lifestyle of the prequel era?
In the prequels, they are sort of lost as to what precisely a Sith can do (ie the clouding of their vision, force lightning, etc) and the novels mention that up until the battle of Naboo, Jedi hadn't crossed sabers in anger for centuries. So perhaps Anikan fell to the dark side easier because his training lacked this emphasis on dark side warnings that Luke recieved.
Posted: 2003-07-12 01:56am
by Eframepilot
I'd definitely agree that Luke got the extra-heavy warnings about the Dark Side. Anakin MIGHT not have turned with more warnings, though knowing him he would just be encouraged by it.
My theory is that Luke was warned so sternly because he was in particular danger from two Sith Lords who wanted to forcibly turn him. "Only together may we turn him to the Dark Side, etc." Anakin wiped out a whole village in anger without being totally turned. However in ROTJ the implication is that if Luke gave into his anger and killed Vader, he would turn and be forced to obey the Emperor forever. There is a definite element of outside control. "You do not know the power of the Dark Side. I must obey my master." Luke had a last moment of free choice between Dark and Light. Presumably Anakin will have a similar moment in Ep. 3.
Re: Darkside training Emphasis in OT
Posted: 2003-07-12 02:21am
by Howedar
Stravo wrote:
Luke, bereft of this advnantage is sort of force fed Dark side warnings by Yoda.
Force fed, LOL
I agree, Yoda probably put extra emphasis on anti-Dark Side teachings.
Re: Darkside training Emphasis in OT
Posted: 2003-07-12 03:10am
by Isolder74
Howedar wrote:Stravo wrote:
Luke, bereft of this advnantage is sort of force fed Dark side warnings by Yoda.
Force fed, LOL
I agree, Yoda probably put extra emphasis on anti-Dark Side teachings.
There is something Obi-Wan said in RofTJ
I thought I could train him just as well as Yoda
It seems that Yoda does take special care with all of his students, for before he was paired with Qui-Gon Obi-wan was trained by Yoda personally. This was because at 3 Obi-Wan was said to be too old to begin the training! Anikin was 9! Explains why Obi-Wan KNEW what the council would say!
Re: Darkside training Emphasis in OT
Posted: 2003-07-12 04:09am
by Dorsk 81
Stravo wrote:I'm watching AOTC (I SWEAR, HBO plays this movie daily.) Anyway, as I'm wacthing it I start thinking, about my Twilight War plot and something clicks as I'm thinking about the Jedi traning of a main character and comparing it to the training of Luke in ESB. DO you suppose Yoda focussed on the Darkside in his training BECAUSE of Vader's fall? If you watch TPM...wait...DON"T watch TPM...but seriously if you watch the prequels, the Dark side is not on the Jedi's minds. Its not the over all encompassing thing that it is in OT.
Mostly likely because "The Sith have been extinct for a milenium", they aren't exactly expecting them to come knocking on the doors of the senate...
Posted: 2003-07-16 03:08pm
by Lord_Xerxes
Perhaps Yoda is extra careful with the emphasis on the importance of not falling to the Darkside because it has happened so closely around him. Not only did Anakin fall, the one that many of them quickly feel was the choosen one (Mace chides Obi-Wan in AOTC, saying "He IS the choosen one", after Obi addresses his fears of Anakin's recklessness and whatnot.) And also because Yoda personally lost a Padawan to the Darkside later in life (Dooku). Perhaps Yoda is feeling some sort of personal shortcommings, that if he had been more careful with his teachings with Dooku, Dooku might never have left to order and later joined the Sith...and he is projecting these shortcommings onto Luke.
Posted: 2003-07-16 05:17pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The Dark Side Sourcebook indicates that Jedi are frequently warned of the dangers and many padawans still do sucuumb.
Qui-Gon's first padawan Xanatos became a Dark Jedi. The busts of the only twenty Jedi Masters to ever leave the Order are presented in the Library as an example. Many of those Master became Dark Jedi, or even Sith.
Posted: 2003-07-16 05:31pm
by Howedar
Qui-Gon clearly had some bad associates. Both his master and his padawan went Sith?
Posted: 2003-07-16 05:53pm
by Stravo
Howedar wrote:Qui-Gon clearly had some bad associates. Both his master and his padawan went Sith?
I think this has to do with Qui Gon's propensity to teach his padawans to question authroity figures which he may have learned from Dooku.
Posted: 2003-07-16 11:56pm
by Lord_Xerxes
In Xanatos' case, IIRC Qui's hand was forced by Xanatos' father. He did not want to kill the man, but I believe he wasn't left with any choice. I'm not sure, it's been a while since I read that book. So there was resentment there from Xanatos because of what happened with his father, and I suppose that's somewhat acceptable.
Posted: 2003-07-17 06:10pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Howedar wrote:Qui-Gon clearly had some bad associates. Both his master and his padawan went Sith?
Dark Jedi != Sith.