Anyone knows these old SW board games?
Posted: 2003-07-16 03:30am
Eons ago, there were two very nice board games that were SW based.
Game #1: Up to 4 players (or so) had to escape the Death Star. The map is a lot of circles connected by lines, and you rolled the dice to see how many circles you walked. There were some special rooms and random things (like in Monopoly) and you could end up losing your turn or in the trash compactor. To escape, you started in the Hangar, had to find two rooms - the Tractor Beam room and the Whatever the hell it is where the DS plans are stored - and then back to the hangar. I remember this game being canadian, because it was in english and french.
Game #2: You have a chess-like grid. One player plays the Rebels and the other plays the Imperials. Each piece is a base with a picture that only you can see, and initially you arrange them on your side as you please. Each turn, you move one piece, and if you want you can attack the piece to the left or right of yours (you have to show your piece to the opponent and vice versa) and each piece has specific weaknesses - like for instance the Death Star can kill anyone but gets killed by an X-Wing - and some pieces can't move.
Anyone ever played one of these games? I'm curious, maybe somebody still has them and I could somehow recreate them...
Game #1: Up to 4 players (or so) had to escape the Death Star. The map is a lot of circles connected by lines, and you rolled the dice to see how many circles you walked. There were some special rooms and random things (like in Monopoly) and you could end up losing your turn or in the trash compactor. To escape, you started in the Hangar, had to find two rooms - the Tractor Beam room and the Whatever the hell it is where the DS plans are stored - and then back to the hangar. I remember this game being canadian, because it was in english and french.
Game #2: You have a chess-like grid. One player plays the Rebels and the other plays the Imperials. Each piece is a base with a picture that only you can see, and initially you arrange them on your side as you please. Each turn, you move one piece, and if you want you can attack the piece to the left or right of yours (you have to show your piece to the opponent and vice versa) and each piece has specific weaknesses - like for instance the Death Star can kill anyone but gets killed by an X-Wing - and some pieces can't move.
Anyone ever played one of these games? I'm curious, maybe somebody still has them and I could somehow recreate them...