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Why did the Household Phalanx distrust Jedi?

Posted: 2003-07-18 11:49pm
by Trytostaydead
Thrawn, Admiral Parck and the Household seemed to have a very deep-rooted distruct or fear of Jedi and thought they were a danger.

When Parck was talking to Mara in VotF, he seemed scared at mentioning Jedi and yet he thought the attack on the Outbound flight was more than completely justified and there was a bit of terror in his face.

Even Baron Fel, who worked with Luke before all of sudden didn't seem the least bit concerned in sending the Phalanx to hunt him down with a real possibility of serious injury or even death.

What's the deal? Is this ever explained?

Posted: 2003-07-18 11:51pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Probably because Thrawn realized that the Jedi would always be a threat to his power and instilled a prudent fear of them into his chosen.

Posted: 2003-07-19 12:02am
by Trytostaydead
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Probably because Thrawn realized that the Jedi would always be a threat to his power and instilled a prudent fear of them into his chosen.
Didn't Parck say it was Dorianna Kinman that told Thrawn why the Outbound flight should be eliminated?

Posted: 2003-07-19 12:24am
by Illuminatus Primus
Dorianna was Sidious' pawn. He was instructed to destroy the Outbound Flight. He convinced Thrawn to do so. Though knowing Thrawn and Dorianna, I would bet my ass it was somesort of political deal (agreed Republic and help from the Supreme Chancellor and any job or assistance Thrawn would ever need). Thrawn's motivations were firstly his power, and secondly, the Chiss.

Posted: 2003-07-19 06:43am
by FTeik
Well, i would distrust beings, who can do things i will never be able to do no matter how long or hard i try or train.

Besides, the greatest dangers to galactic peace and order have always been fallen members of the Jedi.

And i´m willing to grant Thrawn to care for his people in the first place. He only arrogantely believed, that he also knew, what was best for them.

Posted: 2003-07-19 10:38am
by Joe
The Jedi are also all members of the racially inferior peoples who don't live in the Chiss Empire. They hate everyone else, why not the Jedi as well?