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When did Obi-Wan know?
Posted: 2003-07-25 03:22am
by Crown
The Emperor knew, as I did, that if Anakin were to have any off-spring they would be a threat to him.
Well, when does the 'Supreme Chancellor's' secret get revealed to Obi-Wan, one imagines that it was before Luke and Leia were both born, or one has to wonder why Vader suddenly forgot that he had children.
Did Obi-Wan suspect before Anakin turned that there was a connection between the Dark Lord of the Sith Dooku mentioned in AotC and Palpantine himself, and when Anakin does begin to display some questionable judgement, does Obi-Wan press Amidala for the truth? Learning of course that they are married?
Posted: 2003-07-25 04:23am
by Boba Fett
I think Vader didn't know that he had children.
After the destruction of DS1, he started an investigation on the young boy who managed to destroy the mechanical moon.
The investigation revealed the secret that Luke's family name is Skywalker => it's probably his son.
I think Amidala left Anakin before his pregnancy was revealed.
Although these are just my thoughts.
Posted: 2003-07-25 06:02am
by Darth Fanboy
you suffer from a disorder known as "MUST WATCH EPISODE III" Syndrome.
Of course the only cure is to go read Force Heretic II which will temporarily make you sick of Star Wars until its closer to the release date in 2005.
Posted: 2003-07-25 06:04am
by Boba Fett
Who suffers?
Crown or me?
Posted: 2003-07-25 06:06am
by Darth Fanboy
and if i may add that Vader didn't know he had a daughter, and he didn't even know his son's last name was Skywalker until after Yavin.
Probably he heard the name "skywalker" and went in for the full investigation on background.
Remember is ESB when he is chatting with the EMperor and he tells the EMperor he has felt Luke's presence, knowing through the force of Lukes heritage. the EMperor even says something during this conversation myself, when Vader plants the idea of turning luke to the Dark SIde as well. "the Son of Skywalker must not be allowed to become a Jedi."
Re: When did Obi-Wan know?
Posted: 2003-07-25 10:18am
by Illuminatus Primus
Crown wrote:The Emperor knew, as I did, that if Anakin were to have any off-spring they would be a threat to him.
Well, when does the 'Supreme Chancellor's' secret get revealed to Obi-Wan, one imagines that it was before Luke and Leia were both born, or one has to wonder why Vader suddenly forgot that he had children.
Did Obi-Wan suspect before Anakin turned that there was a connection between the Dark Lord of the Sith Dooku mentioned in AotC and Palpantine himself, and when Anakin does begin to display some questionable judgement, does Obi-Wan press Amidala for the truth? Learning of course that they are married?
The key phrase is "if" to me.
Simply put, from the perspective of a budding Sith Lord, or a Jedi Knight, children were a dubious complication from both Obi-Wan's and Palpatine's perspectives.
Posted: 2003-07-25 10:38am
by Crown
I am asking when did Obi-Wan realise that Chancellor Palpatine was the Dark Lord of the Sith?
The phrase (while you are right in saying it does go against Sith and Jedi practices to have children), implies that at some point, before Anakin fully falls to the Dark Side, Obi-Wan knew that Palpatine was the Sith Master.
Otherwise Obi-Wan would have said Vader instead of Anakin.