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Big Star Wars night
Posted: 2003-07-26 02:56am
by Hethrir
I got back from a big movie night where we watched all five Star Wars movies (6:30pm - 6:00am). The dude who brought the SE OT realised it was not opened and wanted to keep it that way, so we watched the original.
There were a few things i actually liked about the original over SE:
The 'old feel'
Greedo doesn't shoot first
the original song in Jabbas Palace
The original end ROTJ Ewok theme
No Jabba in ANH
and a few other misc changes
What do you guys think?
Posted: 2003-07-26 03:23am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Never seen it

. Actually, I have, but I was like 6 and don't remember much.
Posted: 2003-07-26 03:26am
by Joe
Despite some good stuff added to the films in the CG department, the SE version of the OT is clearly inferior. The original version lacks the embarassing stupidity of the RoTJ song in Jabba's Palance (in my opinion, the worst thing ever to take place in SW), and the mind-numbing idiocy of Greedo shooting first and missing.
Posted: 2003-07-26 03:30am
by DPDarkPrimus
Original > Special Edition. 'Nuff said.
Posted: 2003-07-26 03:45am
by vakundok
Jabba was in the ANH novelization, so I have no problems with it.
What makes me angry:
- the stormtrooper riding on that drawback.
- Han being an ultra white guy instead of gray. (Greedo shooting first, spice being not a drug and the prostitute scene is still being cut.)
- the celebration scenes in RotJ (especially the Bespin scene, since it was left under military control)
I also dislike the new Sarlack.
Other than these, well, I like the SE.
Posted: 2003-07-26 04:06am
by Howedar
I have not seen the SE of TESB or ROTJ. I saw the SE of ANH only once, back in the day.
Was that confusing enough?
Posted: 2003-07-26 04:12am
by Vympel
What's wrong with the Stormtrooper on the Dewback? That was cool.
Posted: 2003-07-26 04:22am
by DPDarkPrimus
Vympel wrote:What's wrong with the Stormtrooper on the Dewback? That was cool.
Not to mention there IS a shot of a Stormie on a dewback in the original...
Posted: 2003-07-26 04:36am
by Hethrir
Up on the sand dune to the top right.
Posted: 2003-07-26 04:49am
by DPDarkPrimus
Hethrir wrote:Up on the sand dune to the top right.
Thas right.
Posted: 2003-07-26 05:08am
by Darth Garden Gnome
There's only one cool thing about the entire SE, and that's the extended (and thus CGI updated) Battle of Yavin. Everything else was stupid, IMO.
Posted: 2003-07-26 07:01am
by vakundok
Vympel wrote:What's wrong with the Stormtrooper on the Dewback? That was cool.
When I first saw the SE, I thought: "My God! That tropper will fall apart in no time!"
Yes one was in the original, but it was so far away, that I thought it was a bantha, and created my opinion based on that.
My opinion was the following:
Vader ordered the officer to avoid attracting attention. (It is in the novelisation.) So, the stormtroopers went down, killed some Tuskens to mask their acts as local raiding party and killed everyone who saw them. Later Vader said that he wanted those datas back no matter what the governor would say (it is also in the novelisation), and the stromtroopers "swarmed" Tatooine.
It was so logical.

But now they needed some contact with local merchants (town) or with the local garrison. None of them seems to be really consistent with the order "avoid attracting attention".

Posted: 2003-07-26 07:45am
by PainRack
vakundok wrote:Vympel wrote:What's wrong with the Stormtrooper on the Dewback? That was cool.
When I first saw the SE, I thought: "My God! That tropper will fall apart in no time!"
Yes one was in the original, but it was so far away, that I thought it was a bantha, and created my opinion based on that.
My opinion was the following:
Vader ordered the officer to avoid attracting attention. (It is in the novelisation.) So, the stormtroopers went down, killed some Tuskens to mask their acts as local raiding party and killed everyone who saw them. Later Vader said that he wanted those datas back no matter what the governor would say (it is also in the novelisation), and the stromtroopers "swarmed" Tatooine.
It was so logical.

But now they needed some contact with local merchants (town) or with the local garrison. None of them seems to be really consistent with the order "avoid attracting attention".

Considering that the entire planet was already under a blockade by 'Imperial Cruisers", I somehow doubt that Vader can maintain any kind of sublety for long.
Posted: 2003-07-26 08:42am
by vakundok
PainRack wrote:Considering that the entire planet was already under a blockade by 'Imperial Cruisers", I somehow doubt that Vader can maintain any kind of sublety for long.
I have no clues about a blockade before the "swarm".
Posted: 2003-07-26 08:44am
by Tribun
The goons who hate the SE and stomp on it on every occassion are back.
What is your problem? Can't live with the fact, that the Star Wars universe is not frozen in ice since 1983?!
To say, the new is bad only because its new is really so.........
Posted: 2003-07-26 10:18am
by Illuminatus Primus
vakundok wrote:spice being not a drug and the prostitute scene is still being cut.).
Posted: 2003-07-26 10:24am
by Montcalm

I should have bought the original untouched trilogy when i had the chance.

Posted: 2003-07-26 10:52am
by Peregrin Toker
vakundok wrote:(Greedo shooting first, spice being not a drug and the prostitute scene is still being cut.)
Prostitute scene?? I've never heard of that before.
I also dislike the new Sarlack.
I've only seen the SE, but according to what I've heard the Original sarlacc was disturbingly vaginal...
Posted: 2003-07-26 11:05am
by Illuminatus Primus
Where was spice not a drug?
Posted: 2003-07-26 11:19am
by Ghost Rider
My likes:
Nice new CGI on the dogfights are very nice.
New end scenes for RoTJ.
Greedo shooting first and that godawful Han head movement. Sorry I've sen photoshop newbies do a better job.
Luke screaming down the shaft in TESB.
The Jabba song in god why did they use an Animal reject.
But I have both...and got my LDs to DVD for safekeeping.
Posted: 2003-07-26 12:50pm
by Tribun
Most of the SE-haters didn't even know, what they are talking about. They gloryfy the OT, and then can't live with even the slightest change.
Many things were BETTER in the SE, that looked chep or stank in the old version. I suggest to read this site:
The best site i encountered dealing with the SE. Read it, and be surprised by the before-after pics.
And I admit, the only thing, I think was not good was the Greedo thing. Thats the only questionable thing in the SE.
Posted: 2003-07-26 01:15pm
by Ghost Rider
The rest of the complaints have usually been something other then picture quality or graphic quality. That is something virtually everyone agrees.
It the additional garabage he added that didn't need to be there.
Luke's scream in TESB:SE was tacked on horribly, nearly as bad as Han dodging Greedo's blaster shot.
Posted: 2003-07-26 02:14pm
by Wicked Pilot
I don't mind George enhancing scenes he was unable to do originally due to technical or monetary limitations, but other stuff like Greedo shooting first just down right pisses me off.
Posted: 2003-07-26 04:03pm
by vakundok
Illuminatus Primus wrote:vakundok wrote:spice being not a drug and the prostitute scene is still being cut.).
If I remember well, spice miners demonstrated on Naboo in the novelisation of AotC.
The prostitute scene is in the novelisation (in the Cantina) and I saw a (very dark) scene among the cut scenes.
Posted: 2003-07-26 04:47pm
by Stravo
Ghost Rider wrote:The rest of the complaints have usually been something other then picture quality or graphic quality. That is something virtually everyone agrees.
It the additional garabage he added that didn't need to be there.
Luke's scream in TESB:SE was tacked on horribly, nearly as bad as Han dodging Greedo's blaster shot.
The whole end sequence in ESB was HORRIBLE. Vader's voice wasn't even CLOSE to James Earl Jones then they splice in STOCK FOOTAGE of his shuttle returning to the stardestroyer. With all the CGI thye've done to the SE they couldn't film a 10 second sequence of a shuttle landing? And quite frankly did we NEED that sequence. Did ANYONE ever complain, "you know we need to see Vader landing on the Executor because I don't think it was very clear from the Original that he was returning to the Executor."