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Refugees in AOTC
Posted: 2003-07-26 07:48am
by PainRack
Is there any kind of online data about what caused the massive refugee flux? Other than the fluff released on during the promotion period for the movie.
Posted: 2003-07-26 05:47pm
by Robert Treder
HolonetNews has some stuff. Basically it's just that because of the secessions, billions of beings are coming to Coruscant and other key Republic worlds because they want to remain in the Republic, while billions of beings are also trying to leave Republic worlds to join the CIS. It creates a logistical nightmare for the Republic.
Posted: 2003-07-26 06:54pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Fun fact: By the time of AOTC, refugees are leaving Coruscant at a rate that would depopulate an ordinary planet in one standard month.