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Help me give the order of EU Novels to be read.
Posted: 2003-07-27 07:31pm
by Lonestar
There's a buddy of mine who's starting to read the SW novels, his goal is to read damn near all of them. So much he bought a bunch of them from ( I shuddered when I noticed he picked up Children of the Jedi).
Apperently, he intended to read them in chronological order. I'm of the opinion he should be reading the Thrawn Trilogy first, since that's a cental point of the EU. What can I do to convince him of this?
Posted: 2003-07-27 07:38pm
by Master of Ossus
Read him exerpts from The Approaching Storm. He'll think twice.
Posted: 2003-07-27 07:41pm
by Lonestar
Hmm...true, true.
Posted: 2003-07-27 07:45pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
If he wants to read it in chronological order from the very beggining--including the atrocious Jedi Quest books--I would just give him a mercy killing right then. Spare him the horrors.
I would suggest he start chronologically from the post-ROTJ era myself. Truce at Bakura, Alston/Stackpole X-Wing novels, then CoPL ( be warned, this one really sucks ass), Thrawn trilogy, Dark Empire, skip anything by KJA...skip BFC trilogy, skip anything except the Hand of Thrawn, and then we're up to the NJO. Start off at SBS, skip Dark Journey, read the rest and I think he'd be set.
Posted: 2003-07-27 07:57pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:If he wants to read it in chronological order from the very beggining--including the atrocious Jedi Quest books--I would just give him a mercy killing right then. Spare him the horrors.
I would suggest he start chronologically from the post-ROTJ era myself. Truce at Bakura, Alston/Stackpole X-Wing novels, then CoPL ( be warned, this one really sucks ass), Thrawn trilogy, Dark Empire, skip anything by KJA...skip BFC trilogy, skip anything except the Hand of Thrawn, and then we're up to the NJO. Start off at SBS, skip Dark Journey, read the rest and I think he'd be set.
If he wants to read them in chronological order methinks its because he wants to read about all the events outside of the movies. Skipping that many books, however sucky some of them may be, is not a good idea. I didn't read
Vector Prime and I was confused as all fuck for several books.
Posted: 2003-07-27 08:01pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
JediNeophyte wrote:
If he wants to read them in chronological order methinks its because he wants to read about all the events outside of the movies. Skipping that many books, however sucky some of them may be, is not a good idea. I didn't read
Vector Prime and I was confused as all fuck for several books.
Bleh, that's what I did (for the most part) and I turned out OK. Sure, was a tad confusing, but with a little help from the Essential Guides (they're your friend!) I was able to catch up quickly.
Posted: 2003-07-27 08:24pm
by Joe
The Essential Chronology, from what I've heard, is good if you want to skip all the kiddie shit.
Posted: 2003-07-27 09:14pm
by Solauren
Point him to
That will save alot of the painful reading
Posted: 2003-07-28 03:01pm
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Posted: 2003-07-29 05:01am
by CaptainChewbacca
I liked CoPL. Its my favorite stand-alone to read when I'm feeling down. That, or any of the X-Wing books. Sorry, but any planet full of Rancors and force-witches is at least entertaining.
Stay away from Children and Twilight, and you'll be fine. I've read most of the books 2 or 3 times, but I've only read "Twilight" once.
Posted: 2003-07-29 05:03am
by Darth Garden Gnome
CaptainChewbacca wrote:I liked CoPL. Its my favorite stand-alone to read when I'm feeling down. That, or any of the X-Wing books. Sorry, but any planet full of Rancors and force-witches is at least entertaining.
Perhaps the story is entertaining (although I might debate that) but our heroes were written
horribly out of character by Mr. Wolverton. Change a few names around, and you wouldn't even recognize its Han or Luke talking.
Posted: 2003-07-29 05:07am
by Darth Fanboy
If he wants chronological he could take a look at some of the later EU novels produced, they usually have timelines in the first few pages.
Posted: 2003-07-29 05:11am
by Equinox2003
Where in all this would the Jedi Academy books fit in? I do not know
who wrote them. Would anybody recommend those?
Posted: 2003-07-29 05:14am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Equinox2003 wrote:Where in all this would the Jedi Academy books fit in? I do not know
who wrote them. Would anybody recommend those?
Depends, do you like your that gray matter in your noggin totally incinerated, or just horribly disfigured and scarred for life?
Stay away from the Kevin J. Anderson written JA Trilogy; not just for your health, but for your IQ.
Posted: 2003-07-29 05:34am
by Equinox2003
Wow...seems like there was not even one redeeming factor...
I will most certainly pass on the JA series.
Posted: 2003-07-29 05:38am
by Darth Fanboy
jedi Academy Royally Sucked, but chronology wise it (along with I Jedi) would fit in almost right after "Empire's End" and the Dark Empire Trilogy.
Posted: 2003-07-29 12:48pm
by Alyeska
If he wants to read the series in order but doesn't want to read everything, he should read the works by the three core authors.
First he should read the first four X-Wing books by Stackpole. Then he should read the next three X-Wing books by Allston. Next he should read the Thrawn Trilogy followed by the 8th X-Wing book by Stackpole. Then he should read I, Jedi, next he should read the 9th X-Wing book by Allston. To finish up the standard EU he should read the HOT Duology. This gives him a good grounding in the entire EU by its three main writers. In all thats 15 books.
Posted: 2003-07-29 04:42pm
by Stormbringer
Equinox2003 wrote:Where in all this would the Jedi Academy books fit in? I do not know
who wrote them. Would anybody recommend those?
They'd make fine toilet paper. Just watch out for paper cuts.
Posted: 2003-07-29 07:10pm
by Soontir C'boath
You'd need to be a 10 year old kid to read the JA books and live through it.

Posted: 2003-07-29 08:42pm
by YT300000
Soontir wrote:You'd need to be a 10 year old kid to read the JA books and live through it.

Then why are most of us alive?