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Another TIE Fighter?

Posted: 2002-09-22 12:13am
by RayCav of ASVS
Howabout another TIE game?

Posted: 2002-09-22 12:18am
by weemadando
Hell yes, I want to blow more REBEL SCUM into glistening splinters.

Posted: 2002-09-22 05:01am
by Cpt_Frank
Hell yeah!

Posted: 2002-09-22 05:14am
by Vympel
The original TIE Fighter and its expansion packs covered from just after Hoth to right before Endor: there's no room in the OT period for more TIE exploits, unless you want it pre-Hoth which would mean you're stuch with TIE Fighters. Unless you want to set it in the post-OT EU period, which would mean you're fighting for the Imperial Remnant ... not nearly as cool. But doable.

I would love it if they remade TIE Fighter again with the graphics of X-Wing Alliance, just like they remade it once already with the graphics of X-Wing vs TIE Fighter.

I remember back in 1994 when I first played that masterpiece- I was 13 at the time. What a game. And the fantastic original music! Too bad the remake fell back to non-context sensitive CD music- though X-Wing Alliance returned to form.

The next dedicated X-Wing/ TIE Fighter/ X-Wing Alliance style space sim to come out will in all liklihood be based on the events of Episode III: just think of it, a pilot in the Clone Wars or the early days of the Empire!

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:20am
by arctic_series
or better yet make a flight sim that has graphics better than that of rogue leader depicting the whole star wars trilogy from both sides of the war.
would love it if they remade TIE Fighter again with the graphics of X-Wing Alliance
x-wing alliance graphics are way outdated anyway..

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:33am
by Mr Bean
Yes the next SW Space sim (Heh Sim ok, welll I guess)

Should make Doom 3 look like Crap! The minium requirments should be 2 Ghtz P4s(Or 1.6 Athons of course) 256 Megs 0 Ram and a 64 Meg Video Card!

And THAT gets you slide show 5 FPS per second!

25,000 Polygon Ship Modles
AND THATS for the Fighters! Gimmme 250k For the Big Ships, gime 500 ways to blow apart each Fighter AND lets see the full guns of a SD firing for once!

Posted: 2002-09-22 09:45am
by Vympel
Rogue Leader's graphics look impressive but the feel is all wrong. It just [bwould not[/b] be a X-Wing/TIE Fighter style game unless it had the graphical style and feel of X-Wing, TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance. I'm all for better graphics- but I was merely suggesting a remake- not an all new game.

Of course I'm amenable to an all new game but like I said every POSSIBLE period has been done in the OT. We'll have to wait till the middle of 2005 for enough material to make a new space sim.

BTW I love Rogue Leader to death though (got a Game Cube for my 21st last week) it just doesn't feel right. But oh does it look good: even though the Star Destroyers are incredibly easy to kill when those TLs started blinking in Razor Rendezvous I almost got high.

But ...

WTF possessed them to make the domes AND the reactor shield generators?! Like really ... and why do the heavy turbolaser turrets fire BLUE?

Posted: 2002-09-22 04:01pm
by Cal Wright
Why shouldn't they fire blue? Ion cannon shots are red/orange. Personally, if it wasn't as short as it was, I'd take Rogue Leader over any of the X-Wing games. It just has the wimsical, perilious, it's all on the line RIGHT NOW feel to it. Not only that you fly fast. I don't know how many times in the X-Wing games I was flying over an ISD and realized I was still flying over an ISD. I know everyone loves the sim to those games, but man, I hate haveing to lose a ships rated speed in order to actually do what it was meant to do, fire it's guns. That always, pissed me off. I know Galaxy is going to have the space expansion and I've seen the shots of an X-Wing firing on TIE Fighters around an ISD. Looks sweet. But they make it were you play with a mouse?!? Either way, a new game. TIE Fighter : Pilot of the Empire. Yeah. now we're talking. Let it start just before Yavin, and go all the way to Endor. Obviously you will ultimately lose, as your TIE Interceptors last sight is the Falcon leaving the shaft, but oh well. You could have an expansion after that of flying during Allston's books and through the Thrawn Trilogy. As far as performance, they really have to live up to the speed of Star Wars, so flying fast needs to be and feel fast. I could see keeping the cycling settings. Diverting power from lasers to sheilds, or sheilds to engines , but an X-Wing needs it's top speed with the ability to shoot it's weapons that stay charged. Other than that, I guess I wouldn't change to much more. Just take the ISD model from Rogue Leader and put it in there, same with the Mon Cals and the other ships. Just not able to blow them up.

Posted: 2002-09-22 04:28pm
by Raptor 597
LucasArts is making a NJO X-Wing Alliance. It'll be cool too fight under Pellaeon's command at Ithor with those shiny Interceptors, or being a Chiss under Jagged Fel's commang flying Chiss Clawcraft coldy, effectively destroying mass waves of Coralskippers :D Maybe even the Destiny's Way Imperial Battlefields. Not too mention the Rebels. I don't know when the game is being released though. They had an article abou under the NJO I think.

Posted: 2002-09-22 07:33pm
by Vympel
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Why shouldn't they fire blue? Ion cannon shots are red/orange.
Eh? They're Imperial heavy turbolaser turrets. They fire GREEN. No space weapon in SW fires blue. What do ion cannons have to do with it, they're not heavy turbolaser turrets.

But yeah I see what you mean about the speed thing.

I think everyone wants a SUPER-CANON space sim ... that would be AWESOME.

Posted: 2002-09-22 07:39pm
by Mr Bean
Yes, Imagin that coming in Flak Bursts of HTLs crusing by, Real strait up fights between Ships, I want to see the Terror on the crews faces when my little Convoy The Yellow Aces and I are protecting in Route away from Yavin is attacked by a Pair of ISDs and its just us tweleve Y-Wings two Corrila Corvetts and a Frigit running for our Lives when those HTLs start tearing through the Ships,

Posted: 2002-09-22 07:50pm
by Cal Wright
Vympel wrote:
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Why shouldn't they fire blue? Ion cannon shots are red/orange.
Eh? They're Imperial heavy turbolaser turrets. They fire GREEN. No space weapon in SW fires blue. What do ion cannons have to do with it, they're not heavy turbolaser turrets.

But yeah I see what you mean about the speed thing.

I think everyone wants a SUPER-CANON space sim ... that would be AWESOME.
Well, I mentioned the blue color, because I incorrectly thought that you were making a reference to ions. In the games and just about everything else ions are considered blue. The PIC from Hoth fired red/orange shots. Blue HTL shots really to me was great. You could see the difference in weaponary. Then again also, the N-1's fired green, and they're not Imperial. Ah ha! I just think the blue helps add something more to it. Of course. I have always played video games RELIGIOUSLY. Console mainly until a few years ago. The Star Wars games on console have up until recently just sucked ass. They never adhered remotely to the movies. The PC has that problem too, they're just so expansive it makes up for it. If they could take the immense size of missions, the number of missions, the stories and some partial sim aspects, and combine those with Rogue Leader's gameplay, graphics and all around fun factor I think they'd own the market.

Posted: 2002-09-22 07:58pm
by HemlockGrey
Personally, I always wanted the Tie Fighter or X-Wing Alliance engagements to be bigger.

Not one or two Mon Cals, a few frigates, an ISD, and an Interdictor. I want to see full-blown star wars with dozens or hundreds of capital ships a side.

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:01pm
by Vympel
Yes the N-1 fires green, but you forget that it's a Republic ship (pretty much)- the Republic becomes the Empire :)

Is PS2 Starfighter and Jedi Starfighter any good?

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:05pm
by RedImperator
If they ever remake TIE fighter, could the possibly not include so many damned missions flying against Imperial traitors? I want to slaughter X-Wings, not TIE Interceptors.

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:11pm
by Cal Wright
Vympel wrote:Yes the N-1 fires green, but you forget that it's a Republic ship (pretty much)- the Republic becomes the Empire :)

Is PS2 Starfighter and Jedi Starfighter any good?
Naboo actually. Nice technicality though

Starfighter I have is fairly good. Jedi Starfighter could be better. If flies a lot like Colony Wars. I LOVE Colony Wars. It has the inertia (whatever the fuck it is) sliding thing, where you make a hard cut and you'll actually be slide slipping. Works really good on strafe runs. Only thing, it's like the Rogue Squadron games, your always under a constand thrust, so it seems like it shouldnt be doing that as bad as it does. They are definitely interesting to say the least. In Jedi SF I unlocked a poorly made model of an Xwing and a poor TIE Fighter. However, the mission I was struggling on, I took the Xwing and FUCKED the capital ships like there was no tomorrow. It was faster, more manuverable and stronger all around than the other craft. The difference was staggering. In the first starfighter you can unlock the Sith Infiltrator. It sucks, but it's cool to have.

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:13pm
by Cal Wright
One thing I'd like to note, is that if you ever have to go against an ISD in a game they should do it like this. Have a Mon Cal or another capital ship(s) battering that thing with thier weapons while you perform cover from other fighters and bombers (that's why your there anyways). Then get a transmission to perform missile strikes against her tower. :lol: