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Posted: 2003-08-02 08:02pm
by MKSheppard
YT300000 wrote: I have a better theory: endurance. In the arena, if you get too tired to block blaster bolts you die. If you jump around a lot, do a lot of TK and run real fast, you get tired. And you die. It takes a certain amount of concentration to use these powers. Take too much off blocking blasts, and you die. A lose, lose, lose situation all around.
You miss the point that there were 200 fucking jedi in that arena. A fucking COMPANY. Now, you're telling me that
200 Jedi are going to get tired from a 1 minute chopping spree where
all they have to do is run around the droids with force speed at 50 gees, whirling their lightsabres....

Posted: 2003-08-02 09:55pm
by YT300000
200 Jedi. How many droids? About 100 000. Fine, the Jedi destroy those droids. Then more come in. And more. And more. And more. And more.

When you are in a 10 km marathon, do you start at a dead run? No. Because if you do, you will collapse 2 km into the track.

Posted: 2003-08-02 11:43pm
by Sea Skimmer
There ability to use the force had been greatly reduced by AOTC, or did you miss that part of the movie? Moving at 50G's wasn't possibul anymore and while one Jedi did smash some driod's via the force he was a council member IIRC. They would have started out more powerful to begin with, while normal knights Obi Wan likely couldn't move much more then a map projecting marble by that time.

Posted: 2003-08-03 02:39am
by Illuminatus Primus
I don't think the Force affecting thing was that straight-forward or dramatic. The EU certainly paints it otherwise.

It seems to be a "worsening the luck," "hurting the vision/foresight of the Jedi," "slightly fucking up their ability to use their powers." Deal.

I could be wrong, but I do think its more subtle than that.

Posted: 2003-08-03 02:56am
by Joe
Making judgments on the power of the Jedi based on the Geonosis battle is a bit hasty. Their performance was absolutely sub-mediocre. A more cohesive group effort might have won the day.

Posted: 2003-08-03 05:03am
by CaptainChewbacca
Fighting a defensive battle against superior numbers. Distracted by wounded companions. It is understandable that they could look at 10,000 blasters pointed at them and say "You know, one or two might get through."

Of course, if any of them can do Corran's energy absorbtion thing, they'd have been set.

Posted: 2003-08-03 07:51am
by FTeik
Not to forget, that two-hundred lone fighters or hundred two-men-teams are hardly the same as a two-hundred-men-company.

"We are preservers of peace, not soldiers."