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Luke and his parents

Posted: 2003-08-08 12:53am
by Tychu
It seems to me that anytime Luke comes close to knowing how his parents his father mostly lived and what they did the people he speaks to talks in tounges. in puzzels or shy away from actually telling him. Take Obi-Wan in the movies, when he was telling Luke about his father, Luke didnt even know that it was his father. When Luke finally has conversations to Vergere she talks in tounges and dosent want to tell Luke about his father. Then in Force Heretic 3 (havent finished) the Ferrorans speak of Jedi that came to Zenoma Sekot and a Jedi Knight and his "apprentice" came. They know that this "apprentice" and Luke share the same last name of Skywalker and still they dont tell him. In the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy Luke is lied to over and over again about his mother.

You would think that somebody Luke finds will tell him directly about what happend to his mother or what his father used to be like. Either we have to wait for Episode 3 to come out until we see some connections in the EU or Luke is just one strange person that every one in the galaxy thinks of him as a child and hides the truths from him.

Posted: 2003-08-08 09:09am
by Tribun
The EU got horrible writing, that it.

ObiWans and Yodas tactics in the movies were not so far fetched, since they were involved and also share thier part of the trouble.

Posted: 2003-08-13 12:32pm
by The Dark
As far as the Zenoma Sekot part goes, unless they know for certain that the two are related, having the same last name does not necessarily mean that they're blood relatives. I know of at least four families with the same last name I have that are not blood relations (for at least 10 generations), of which one is a rather well-known political person, two I've gone to school with, and the fourth is at the same church I attend. None are related to me, none are related to each other. If you ran across a random person with the same last name as mine, going by those odds, at most there'd be a ~20% chance they're a relative (probably far less, as I doubt I know every family with my last name). Would you gamble on a 20% chance?

Posted: 2003-08-13 12:52pm
by Knife
I know that Palpatine destroyed about as much info on the Jedi as he could, but you would think that the Naboo incident and the begaining of the Clone War(both very important moments in Palpatines carreer) would have records or books or data of some sort that still exsists. With in these records would be Lukes answer. My god there has to be billions of books, holo's and the like on the subject. Enough that Luke could piece together his heritage.

Posted: 2003-08-14 09:06am
by Darth Fanboy
Knife wrote:I know that Palpatine destroyed about as much info on the Jedi as he could, but you would think that the Naboo incident and the begaining of the Clone War(both very important moments in Palpatines carreer) would have records or books or data of some sort that still exsists. With in these records would be Lukes answer. My god there has to be billions of books, holo's and the like on the subject. Enough that Luke could piece together his heritage.
all the records of the jedi were wiped out, the events of TPM could be easily lost on the people in the entire galaxy depending on how public Anakin's involvement was made. There was still recognition of the name Skywalker on Tatooine (Read: Tatooine Ghost)

Darth Vader though, in orbit around Tatooine in ANH though now, not sensing Obi Wan or Luke from the ship....harder to explain now.

Its very likely the name Anakin Skywalker was lost to all but those who knew him.

As for the beginning of the clone wars, why would it be known that Obi Wan and Anakin were the specific jedi who were captured/ It doesnt strike me as something that was necessarily newsworthy.

Posted: 2003-08-14 12:50pm
by PainRack
Darth Fanboy wrote: As for the beginning of the clone wars, why would it be known that Obi Wan and Anakin were the specific jedi who were captured/ It doesnt strike me as something that was necessarily newsworthy.
Here's a first name. See if you recognise her.


Posted: 2003-08-18 01:53am
by Tychu
After getting gurther along in Reunion i find that the Ferroans do infact remember Anakin Skywalker and they do make the connection with Luke. Mainly because they were both Jedi and had the name Skywalker. If last names are so common in the Star WArs galaxy as it is in our world like most of you are saying then how come we havent seen anybody with the same names and not related in SW movies or EU.

My point is that there has to be some other race out there or people that were so common as the others around them that they werent killed by the Empire for knowing information on Jedi. Retards on Ansion? and what about the leaders of the Rebellion. Most of them were around during the wanning days of the Old Republic, you would think that Mon Mothma and Bel Iblis would have told Luke about what the Jedi used to do in the Old Republics government.

Posted: 2003-08-18 07:27am
by Darth Fanboy
PainRack wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote: As for the beginning of the clone wars, why would it be known that Obi Wan and Anakin were the specific jedi who were captured/ It doesnt strike me as something that was necessarily newsworthy.
Here's a first name. See if you recognise her.


?, im not getting the reference?

Edit: What I mean is, Who is Jessica?

Posted: 2003-08-18 10:06am
by Lord Poe
Read Tatooine Ghost. Luke and Leia find out everything.

Posted: 2003-08-19 08:13pm
by Lt. Dan
Tribun wrote:The EU got horrible writing, that it.

ObiWans and Yodas tactics in the movies were not so far fetched, since they were involved and also share thier part of the trouble.
Sounds good. Your might go to your father right away if you find out that he is the second most powerful person in the galaxy. But, if you are trained to hate something from the start, I think that you might be more inclined to resist.

Posted: 2003-08-19 08:15pm
by The Dark
Darth Fanboy wrote:
PainRack wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote: As for the beginning of the clone wars, why would it be known that Obi Wan and Anakin were the specific jedi who were captured/ It doesnt strike me as something that was necessarily newsworthy.
Here's a first name. See if you recognise her.


?, im not getting the reference?

Edit: What I mean is, Who is Jessica?
I think Lynch was intended, but Alba was the first thing to pop into my head.