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Luke's scope goes dead in TESB, why?

Posted: 2003-08-14 01:13pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
When Luke descends into Dagobah's atmosphere in TESB he panics and shouts to R2, "My scopes are dead, I can't see a thing!" Why would all of his sensors suddenly go out? He was able to scan it just fine from space.

Posted: 2003-08-14 01:20pm
by Montcalm
Maybe its some jamming device has to hide his presence on Dagobah.

Posted: 2003-08-14 01:23pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
The atmosphere may have disrupted the external instruments themselves.

Re: Luke's scope goes dead in TESB, why?

Posted: 2003-08-14 01:59pm
by Isolder74
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:When Luke descends into Dagobah's atmosphere in TESB he panics and shouts to R2, "My scopes are dead, I can't see a thing!" Why would all of his sensors suddenly go out? He was able to scan it just fine from space.
Try flying an airplane through a heavyly lighning area and see how long you have Radar, ect. The sensors were most likely Jammed from natural sources that the operator(Luke) had not compensated for.

Posted: 2003-08-14 02:05pm
by RogueIce
I always figured it was Yoda screwing with it.

Didn't he say in (I think) HttE (or one of the Thrawn Trilogy) that he'd never again run across the same problem he had with his first trip there?

Posted: 2003-08-14 02:12pm
by Isolder74
RogueIce wrote:I always figured it was Yoda screwing with it.

Didn't he say in (I think) HttE (or one of the Thrawn Trilogy) that he'd never again run across the same problem he had with his first trip there?
Or because he is now properly preparing his sensor system for the heavly stormy environs of Degobah. Yoda using any form of jamming tech would give away his position. Storms of all types do nansy things to todays sensors of all types except the mark 1 eyeball. If the system has been set properly to work better under the conditions of the weather then he can see better but it would stiull cause him some problems. It doesn't make sense that he would have no problems with the weather's electronic noise.

Posted: 2003-08-14 02:17pm
by RogueIce
Isolder74 wrote:Or because he is now properly preparing his sensor system for the heavly stormy environs of Degobah. Yoda using any form of jamming tech would give away his position. Storms of all types do nansy things to todays sensors of all types except the mark 1 eyeball. If the system has been set properly to work better under the conditions of the weather then he can see better but it would stiull cause him some problems. It doesn't make sense that he would have no problems with the weather's electronic noise.
Why wouldn't he notice the storms in the first place, and take action in orbit? Unless he's something of a moron...

I figured it was Yoda using the Force, to guide Luke to that spot, and crashing him in the mud to use as a lesson for later (which worked out quite well, IMO...quite the demonstration). And if Obi wan can screw with the insides of droids, why not Yoda screwing with Luke's X-wing? Especially since he knew he was coming (Obi wan can communicate with him, so he might've told Yoda about the Hoth incident...or even Yoda instructing him to tell Luke).

Posted: 2003-08-14 02:22pm
by Isolder74
RogueIce wrote:
Isolder74 wrote:Or because he is now properly preparing his sensor system for the heavly stormy environs of Degobah. Yoda using any form of jamming tech would give away his position. Storms of all types do nansy things to todays sensors of all types except the mark 1 eyeball. If the system has been set properly to work better under the conditions of the weather then he can see better but it would stiull cause him some problems. It doesn't make sense that he would have no problems with the weather's electronic noise.
Why wouldn't he notice the storms in the first place, and take action in orbit? Unless he's something of a moron...

I figured it was Yoda using the Force, to guide Luke to that spot, and crashing him in the mud to use as a lesson for later (which worked out quite well, IMO...quite the demonstration). And if Obi wan can screw with the insides of droids, why not Yoda screwing with Luke's X-wing? Especially since he knew he was coming (Obi wan can communicate with him, so he might've told Yoda about the Hoth incident...or even Yoda instructing him to tell Luke).
I appears that in his rush to check out the place he only noted if there were ant technology(cities) and Life form readings. The possibility that Yoda used the force to manipulated the ship is viable. It seems though that Luke was not taking the precautions that they should have.

Posted: 2003-08-14 03:16pm
by Shinova
I always thought it was all the foliage, not any storms that was making Luke's sensors go nuts. When he landed we didn't see any rain dripping down and there should've been some, despite whatever heavy foliage there may be.

Posted: 2003-08-14 03:19pm
by Stravo
I've always thought it was Yoda. How else would Luke know where to land? Think about it. An entire planet and he happens to land within walking distance of Yoda's hut? Luke could have spent days searching by air for Yoda, days Yoda did not have to waste when it came to training Luke.

Posted: 2003-08-14 03:22pm
by RogueIce
Shinova wrote:I always thought it was all the foliage, not any storms that was making Luke's sensors go nuts. When he landed we didn't see any rain dripping down and there should've been some, despite whatever heavy foliage there may be.
Well, I thought I saw some lightning in the clouds he went through...he might've flown out of it though.

Still, I think Yoda had a hand. Like Stravo said, is was simply too coincidental.

Posted: 2003-08-14 03:23pm
by Lord Pounder
In HttE Luke did say that ever since the 1st time the sensors where ok. He surmised that it was Yoda doing it to guide him. Personally i think Yoda was doing the Mind Trick to make Luke think the scopes where out and planted a subconsious thought from him to land where he landed. IMHO the X-Wing crashing is a result of careful manipulation by Kenobi and Yoda.

Posted: 2003-08-16 04:59pm
by YT300000
Timothy Zahn, Heir to the Empire, page 109 wrote:"Hang on, Artoo," Luke called as the first gusts of atmospheric turbulence began to bounce the X-wing around. "We're coming in. Scanners all working okay?"
There was an affirmative twitter from the rear, the translation appearing across his computer scope. "Good," Luke said, and turned his attention back to the cloud-shrouded planet rushing up to meet them. It was odd, he thought, how it had only been on his first trip in to Dagobah that the sensors had so totally failed on approach.
Or perhaps not so odd. Perhaps that had been Yoda, deliberately suppressing his instruments so as to be able to guide him unsuspectingly to the proper landing site.
And now Yoda was gone...

Posted: 2003-08-16 07:40pm
by Lord Pounder
I still say that Yoda was supressing Luke's perceptions of the insturments readings.

Posted: 2003-08-16 11:59pm
by Lord of the Farce
Lord Pounder wrote:I still say that Yoda was supressing Luke's perceptions of the insturments readings.
But Yoda would still have to deal with R2's perception of the events, and if Yoda can do that, he may as well have just done it to the X-Wing to begin with.

Posted: 2003-08-17 01:45am
by PainRack
Or it could have been a routine, simple failure. After all, approximately 20% of any sortie results in some minor malfunction being detected on the aircraft, and this could be one of the 1% failure that results in an RTB neccessity.

Luke had after all just taken off from a world under attack and presumably fought his way through enemy TIE fighters before reaching Dagobah.

P.S What is this storm? Where is the evidence for a heavy storm in the Dagobah system?

Posted: 2003-08-17 12:49pm
by Wild Karrde
PainRack wrote:Or it could have been a routine, simple failure. After all, approximately 20% of any sortie results in some minor malfunction being detected on the aircraft, and this could be one of the 1% failure that results in an RTB neccessity.

Luke had after all just taken off from a world under attack and presumably fought his way through enemy TIE fighters before reaching Dagobah.
Nope. In the ESB radio drama when Luke takes off the TIEs are not in the same area as him. He has Wedge and another X-wing pilot escort the transport they were protecting to saftey while he sneaks off to Dagobah without engaging the TIEs.

Posted: 2003-08-17 10:21pm
by Solauren
Face it, it was Yoda.

"Okay, Anakin's kid here comes. Get him down here, better I will.
Suppress his awareness, I shall
Make him do as needed, I shall
Make him think he is doing or saying something else I shall.
Talk like a pimp to his droid through him, I shall not"

Posted: 2003-08-18 07:29am
by Darth Fanboy
Stravo wrote:I've always thought it was Yoda. How else would Luke know where to land? Think about it. An entire planet and he happens to land within walking distance of Yoda's hut? Luke could have spent days searching by air for Yoda, days Yoda did not have to waste when it came to training Luke.
Plus, Yoda was proably always looking "over his shoulder" in case Vader ever showed up on dagobah. So its not like someone as strong in the force as Luke would have just slipped in unnoticed? Perhaps?

Posted: 2003-08-18 10:05am
by PainRack
Wild Karrde wrote:
PainRack wrote:Or it could have been a routine, simple failure. After all, approximately 20% of any sortie results in some minor malfunction being detected on the aircraft, and this could be one of the 1% failure that results in an RTB neccessity.

Luke had after all just taken off from a world under attack and presumably fought his way through enemy TIE fighters before reaching Dagobah.
Nope. In the ESB radio drama when Luke takes off the TIEs are not in the same area as him. He has Wedge and another X-wing pilot escort the transport they were protecting to saftey while he sneaks off to Dagobah without engaging the TIEs.
I've forgotten about that.

Nevertheless, this is a rebel organisation, with presumably the same level of maintenance support of the USAF at most. Even during the Cold War, with civilian resources to support the USAF in Europe, it was estimated that even with prior warning, only 70% of the aircraft would be ready to fly to do battle against the Soviet Union.

I'm tending towards the technical aspects, rather than some mystical explaination. Now, if someone says that Luke crashes his X-wing near Yoda due to the Force, I can accept that. After all, Luke Force Inituition was what led him to Dagobah in the first place. It presumably will guide him further on to meet Yoda, no matter what the circumanstances.

And JediNeophyte and Isolder has still not answered my question. What storm was there?

Posted: 2003-08-18 01:26pm
by Isolder74
PainRack wrote:
Wild Karrde wrote:
PainRack wrote:Or it could have been a routine, simple failure. After all, approximately 20% of any sortie results in some minor malfunction being detected on the aircraft, and this could be one of the 1% failure that results in an RTB neccessity.

Luke had after all just taken off from a world under attack and presumably fought his way through enemy TIE fighters before reaching Dagobah.
Nope. In the ESB radio drama when Luke takes off the TIEs are not in the same area as him. He has Wedge and another X-wing pilot escort the transport they were protecting to saftey while he sneaks off to Dagobah without engaging the TIEs.
I've forgotten about that.

Nevertheless, this is a rebel organisation, with presumably the same level of maintenance support of the USAF at most. Even during the Cold War, with civilian resources to support the USAF in Europe, it was estimated that even with prior warning, only 70% of the aircraft would be ready to fly to do battle against the Soviet Union.

I'm tending towards the technical aspects, rather than some mystical explaination. Now, if someone says that Luke crashes his X-wing near Yoda due to the Force, I can accept that. After all, Luke Force Inituition was what led him to Dagobah in the first place. It presumably will guide him further on to meet Yoda, no matter what the circumanstances.

And JediNeophyte and Isolder has still not answered my question. What storm was there?
That grey stuff he flew through was either a storm or a very high altitude fog bank. since it did not extend to the ground it must have been some type of storm.

Posted: 2003-08-24 12:00pm
by PainRack
Isolder74 wrote: That grey stuff he flew through was either a storm or a very high altitude fog bank. since it did not extend to the ground it must have been some type of storm.
And why can't that be a cloud bank? I don't recall seeing any lightning bolts or rain, where Luke crashed his fighter.

neither do I recall Luke exclaiming that he was experiencing serious turbulence.

Posted: 2003-08-25 12:53am
by CaptainChewbacca
Also recall from HttE that the closest landing site to Yoda's house was right next to the Dark Side cave.

I think Yoda brought down the X-wing so he wouldn't just be near him, but away from the cave.

Posted: 2003-08-26 04:27pm
by Zoink
I always thought it was a technical problem. Luke had never been to such a planet before, he was a natural pilot but didn't have the experience of a veteran pilot, ... I think Luke's overconfidence got the better of him. He came in recklessly, his sensors overloaded or were blinded, he lost control and crashed.

It fits with the story; Luke's recklessness and overconfidence would lead to the path of the dark side. A perfect example of why he needs Yoda's help.

Up to that point in the movie, we'd seen examples of Luke successes (eg. using the forse to defeat the monster, destroying the AT-AT singlehandedly), the story needed an example of Luke attitude leading to failure to validate Yoda's concern.

Posted: 2003-08-26 06:55pm
by Straha
It's been a while since I last watched TESB but what I remember was that the scopes went out after the crash, leading me to believe that it was just crash damage. Yoda guiding him in, however, makes much more sense because Luke did randomly pick to land, of all of the places on a planet, reletivley next to Yoda's hut.