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YVH series VS Dark Trooper
Posted: 2003-08-27 04:48pm
by Crazedwraith
YVH droid vs automated dark trooper.
YVH droid has varible yeild laser cannon and the secondary weapon of your chioce: chose from
-Heavy laser
- 50 mini rockets
-Sonic rifle
- depelted Baradium peltet launcher
Dark trooper is any phase. infomation about them can be found here: ... rs/eu.html
Combat takes place on corusant. They start with no knowledge of each other and at a distance of 100 metres
Posted: 2003-08-27 07:11pm
by YT300000
You need to define the type of Dark Trooper (1, 2 or 3). Phase 1 is pathetically weak, and will lose no matter what. Phase 2 is a close one, but I think the YVH might take it. It really depends on what weapons the ones you mentioned are. Phase 3 wins.
Sonic weapons are useless on a droid.
Be specific about the weapons. A G-9 is a heavy blaster, but so is a T-27A2, which is more powerful and has a higher ROF.
Posted: 2003-08-28 12:49am
by Trytostaydead
Not sure about their specs. But from what I remember from Dark Forces so long ago.. Phase II's took apart a major rebel base in a very damn short amount of time.
And if it wasn't for your character's shield.. even a Phase I could do a hell of a lot of destruction with their blades ripping into whatnot. Phase II's still took a lot of shots to take down and they were always zipping around and shooting their goddamn plasma cannons. Phase III.. if that thing ever got out.. I'm sure the Rebellion would not have survived that thing.
Posted: 2003-08-28 01:19am
by Sea Skimmer
The YVH can withstand star fighter grade weaponry and dish out comparable punishment if it needs to. Its going to win even over the phase III darktrooper.
Posted: 2003-08-28 08:17am
by Smiling Bandit
Isn't this sort of like putting an infantry man against a tank? Sure, he might sneak up or get lucky, but the game is sort of rigged from the start...
Posted: 2003-08-28 12:56pm
by Crazedwraith
Phased iii automated dark trooper.
Sorry i cant be more specific about the weaponry. The blaster rifle is said to be able to destroy a coralskipper in one hit an max power.
The armour can also take a coralskipper plasma blast to the chest and survive although then its amour is bust.
Smiling bandit how is it sending a tank against infantry?
The YVH has a blaster and ONE of the other weapon sydtems i mentioned the phase 3 Dark trooper has:
Star wars Databank wrote:
laster rifle, seeker missiles, assault cannons, various others
Posted: 2003-08-28 04:32pm
by YT300000
Sea Skimmer wrote:The YVH can withstand star fighter grade weaponry and dish out comparable punishment if it needs to. Its going to win even over the phase III darktrooper.
I don't think so. The Phase 3 could hide behind a wall or something, and launch a shitload of guided missiles at the YVH. And IIRC, it takes 2 missiles to kill a human at full health with full supershields. If the YVH steps into range, the P3 just fires up it's jetpack, while launching more missiles, as well as a torrent of plasma shells from it's G-12, and a hail of blaster bolts from the blaster cannon (I don't know what designation it is).
Also, the Phrik armour on a Phase 3 can take a lot of punishment. Possibly more than the YVH can dish out. If you don't believe me, replay the last level of Dark Forces. A Phase 1 can be brought down with ~ 200 blaster bolts (E-11). When you first find the Phase 2 (level

, the only weapons you have that can only take it down are explosives (all three types in the game work), or a full magazine load of bolts from an Imperial Repeater. The G-12 (Assault Cannon) can destroy them fairly easily. A Phase 3 takes lots of fire from your G-12. About half your ammo.
Posted: 2003-08-28 05:52pm
by Sea Skimmer
Crazedwraith wrote:
Smiling bandit how is it sending a tank against infantry?
The YVH has a blaster and ONE of the other weapon sydtems i mentioned the phase 3 Dark trooper has:
Star wars Databank wrote:
laster rifle, seeker missiles, assault cannons, various others
The YVH is capable of carrying a vast array of other weapons as well, the Star by Star mentioned them unpacking several TONS worth of munitions just for a single driod to demonstrate with and in action single YVH driod's have used more then just two weapons types.
Posted: 2003-08-28 05:55pm
by Sea Skimmer
YT300000 wrote:
I don't think so. The Phase 3 could hide behind a wall or something, and launch a shitload of guided missiles at the YVH. And IIRC, it takes 2 missiles to kill a human at full health with full supershields.
I highly doubt that shield can stop a Starwars kiloton rnage fighter weapon.
If the YVH steps into range, the P3 just fires up it's jetpack, while launching more missiles, as well as a torrent of plasma shells from it's G-12, and a hail of blaster bolts from the blaster cannon (I don't know what designation it is).
So what? The YVH can also fly, it also has a very powerful blaster, it also has guided missiles and it can destroy starfighters with them.
Also, the Phrik armour on a Phase 3 can take a lot of punishment. Possibly more than the YVH can dish out. If you don't believe me, replay the last level of Dark Forces. A Phase 1 can be brought down with ~ 200 blaster bolts (E-11). When you first find the Phase 2 (level

, the only weapons you have that can only take it down are explosives (all three types in the game work), or a full magazine load of bolts from an Imperial Repeater. The G-12 (Assault Cannon) can destroy them fairly easily. A Phase 3 takes lots of fire from your G-12. About half your ammo.
You know, I doubt half the ammo carried by one person is comparable to a kiloton range blast from a Star Wars fighters.
Posted: 2003-08-28 05:57pm
by Crazedwraith
Sea Skimmer wrote:Crazedwraith wrote:
Smiling bandit how is it sending a tank against infantry?
The YVH has a blaster and ONE of the other weapon sydtems i mentioned the phase 3 Dark trooper has:
Star wars Databank wrote:
laster rifle, seeker missiles, assault cannons, various others
The YVH is capable of carrying a vast array of other weapons as well, the Star by Star mentioned them unpacking several TONS worth of munitions just for a single driod to demonstrate with and in action single YVH driod's have used more then just two weapons types.
The only thing i can think of is that they stored thermal detonators in their upper arms. It was clearly stated that the left arm would only carry one of the secondary weapon options at a time it's possible that it is quite easy to swop the left arms weapons which would explain the tons of ammuntion they had.
Posted: 2003-08-28 06:09pm
by Sea Skimmer
Crazedwraith wrote:
The only thing i can think of is that they stored thermal detonators in their upper arms. It was clearly stated that the left arm would only carry one of the secondary weapon options at a time it's possible that it is quite easy to swop the left arms weapons which would explain the tons of ammuntion they had.
They could just have them on a bandolier and throw them, it doesn't matter how, the fact remains that they can carry and use more then two weapons types which was the issue.
Posted: 2003-08-28 06:13pm
by YT300000
Sea Skimmer wrote:The YVH is capable of carrying a vast array of other weapons as well, the Star by Star mentioned them unpacking several TONS worth of munitions just for a single driod to demonstrate with and in action single YVH driod's have used more then just two weapons types.
Yes, but CrazedWraith said they get two weapons.
Posted: 2003-08-28 06:20pm
by YT300000
Sea Skimmer wrote:I highly doubt that shield can stop a Starwars kiloton rnage fighter weapon.
Still, the missiles put out a lot of firepower. And a P3 and fire at about a dozen a second.
Sea Skimmer wrote:You know, I doubt half the ammo carried by one person is comparable to a kiloton range blast from a Star Wars fighters.
IIRC, the coralskipper didn't have it's voids turned on. Even if the YVH can put out kilotons, that doesn't mean that it can take them.
And, with the game mechanics, Kyle could carry many tons of stuff easily. Remember, the G-12 is too heavy for a normal human to use, but this doesn't stop Kyle from carrying it and over fifty other weapons at once (I count individual explosives as weapons). So the amount of firepower from the G-12 could be considerable, although not kiloton level.
Posted: 2003-08-28 06:33pm
by Sea Skimmer
YT300000 wrote:
IIRC, the coralskipper didn't have it's voids turned on. Even if the YVH can put out kilotons, that doesn't mean that it can take them.
Read the book. Lando specifically says that its chest plate can take a hit from a coal skipper's plasma cannon and heal the resulting damage.
And, with the game mechanics, Kyle could carry many tons of stuff easily. Remember, the G-12 is too heavy for a normal human to use, but this doesn't stop Kyle from carrying it and over fifty other weapons at once (I count individual explosives as weapons). So the amount of firepower from the G-12 could be considerable, although not kiloton level.
Concession accepted, the YVH wins.
Posted: 2003-08-28 06:35pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Here's a question: How the fuck are YV effective in combat AT ALL?
Posted: 2003-08-28 06:41pm
by Sea Skimmer
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Here's a question: How the fuck are YV effective in combat AT ALL?
I don't know, there uber armor that stops practically all blaster fire and their little biological guided missiles could be somewhat effective but they should be massacred in far greater numbers. In large scale combat they seem to be a bit better off with big multi legged creatures that haul around voids and plasma cannons. They also seem to make semi decent use of CAS.
I think a big part of it is the New Republic simply didn't have much of anything in the way of heavy ground forces and only small numbers of lighter forces. Given sufficient numbers Zulu's can overrun rifle armed infantry after all. The YVH driod is to the Vong what the Maxim machine gun was to the Zulu, shear unrelenting slaughter.
Posted: 2003-08-28 07:46pm
by YT300000
Sea Skimmer wrote:YT300000 wrote:
IIRC, the coralskipper didn't have it's voids turned on. Even if the YVH can put out kilotons, that doesn't mean that it can take them.
Read the book. Lando specifically says that its chest plate can take a hit from a coal skipper's plasma cannon and heal the resulting damage.
Conceeded. I didn't remember that laminanium could take that much damage.
Posted: 2003-08-28 09:15pm
by Solauren
Hello all.
Here's the best way to find this out.
(Gets out Star Wars D20 books, pulls out NJO and Rebel Era source books)
Finds stats on the various models and weapons
YVH 1-1A (difference between the prototype and production model is weapons) vs Darktrooper stats
YVH 1-1A
Scout 2/Soldier 4
Init +6
Defense +19 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +10 natural)
Speed 10 meters
VP/WP (Hit points): 69
Attack +9, +4 melee (1d6+4 points of damaged unarmed)
or +7/+2 ranged.
blasters do 3d8 (15 points average per hit)
mini rockets do 6d10 (average 35 on a hit)
Darktrooper Phase 1
Solider 4
Int +5
Defense: 14 (+3 class, +1 dex, +1 shield, -1 size)
Speed 12m
VP/WP (HP) 33/14
Attack +5 melee (1d8+2) (Ave 6 points)
+4 ranged
YVH takes it without a lot of problems
Darktrooper Phase 2
Solider 8
Int +6
Defense 17 (+2 dex, +6 armor, -1 size)
Spd 10m
VP/WP 82
Attack +10/+5 meele (1d3+3 punch) (5 ave)
+10/+5 (4d8 assault cannon) (18 average)
Rockets: 10d6 damage, range 80 meters without penalty (35 ave)
YVH and Phase 2 are the same speed
YVH has slightly better armor
YVH has a 50% (needs a 10) of hitting a Phase 2 with its first attack in a round
and the second 25% (needs a 15) with it's second
Average damage per round with blaster: 15/2 + 15/4 = 7.5 + 3.25 = 10.75
Average damage per round with rockets: 35/2 + 35/4 = 17.5 + 8.75 = 26.25
Rounds for a YVH to kill a Phase 2 with Blaster: Approx 8
Round for a YVH to kill a Phase 2 with Rockets: Approx 4
Phase 2 has a 55% (needs a 9) of hitting a YVH with it's first attack
has a 30% with the second (needs a 14 )
Average damage per round with Cannon: 18 * (55 * 100) + 18 * (30 * 100) = 10 + 6 = 16
Average damage per round with Rockets: 35 * (55 * 100) + 35 * (30 * 100) = 19.25 +10.5 = 29.75
Rounds to kill YVH with Cannon: Approx 4
Rounds to kill with Rockets: Approx 3
Darktrooper takes it after taking between 44 and 80 points of damage (Half damage to barely functioning)
It would need servicing
Darktrooper Phase 3
Solider 8, Elite Solider 4
Int +5
Defense: 18 (+1 Dex, +8 armor, -1 size)
Speed 10m
VP/WP (96/19) = 115
Atack: +15/+10/+5 melee (1d3+3 punch)
or +14/+9/+4 (4d8 assault cannon) (5 ave)
Rockets: 10d6, range 80 meters (35 ave)
Seeker Missiles: 6d10 (35 ave)
YVH 1-1A
Scout 2/Soldier 4
Init +6
Defense +19 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +10 natural)
Speed 10 meters
VP/WP (Hit points): 69
Attack +9, +4 melee (1d6+4 points of damaged unarmed)
or +7/+2 ranged.
blasters do 3d8 (15 points average per hit)
mini rockets do 6d10 (average 35 on a hit)
YVH has a 40% to hit with first shot (needs 12) and a 20% with the second (needs a 16)
Average damage per round with blaster: 15 * (40/100) + 15 * (20/100) = 6 + 3 = 9
Average damage per round with rockets: 35 * (40/100) + 35 * (20/100) = 14 + 7 = 21
Rounds to kill a Phase 3 with blaster: Approx 13
Rounds to kill a Phase 3 with rockets: Approx 6
Phase 3 has a 80% to hit with first shot (needs a 4)
55% to hit with second shot (needs a 9)
30% to hit with third shot (needs a 14)
Average damage per round with Cannon: 18 * (80 * 100) + 18 * (55 * 100) + 18 * (30 * 100) = 14.4 + 9.9 + 5.4 = 29.7
Average damage per round with Rockets: 35 * (80 * 100) + 35 * (55 * 100) + 35 * (30 * 100) = 28 + 19.25 + 10.5 = 57.75
Rounds to kill YVH with Cannon: Approx 3 (2.3 actually)
Rounds to kill with Rockets: 1 (1.19)
A Phase 3 would take a YVH apart so damn quick it's not even funny.
It would win with taking approximately 9 - 75 points of damage (the 75 is if the Phase 3 just uses it's canon, and the YVH uses nothing but rockets)
(Minor damage to moderate damage if the YVH goes all out and the Darktrooper just uses it's blaster)
With Rockets, In the time it would take a YVH to kill a Phase 3, a Phase 3 could kill 5 or 6
Using blasters, in the time it would take a YVH to kill a Phase 3, a Phase 3 using blasters could take down 4 - 5.
Darktroopers take it.
This reflects average combat. I have no interest in running 10+ fights just to figure out which is a better Fictional robot (unless I could make money off it)
Posted: 2003-09-03 04:48am
by His Divine Shadow
Sea Skimmer wrote:I highly doubt that shield can stop a Starwars kiloton rnage fighter weapon.
I dunno about the blaster being that powerfull... Sure it can destroy coralskippers, but they don't have shields, any shot thats gonna pass through it's defences will hit the coral surface of the skipper.
As for it's armor, Yuuzhan Vong thud-bugs leave craters in it when impacting, those are hand weapons, their blaster analogs, in the SBS book the droid once had it's internal structure showing from all the hits it had taken.
this does make me wonder though how it could possibly take a plasma ball from a coral-skipper in the chest and survive, ofcourse we have not had any confirmation of this beyond Lando's claims.
Maybe he meant a lowpowered shot(y'know, those shifty salesmen putting a certain spin on things), or maybe the armor is somehow more effective at protecting against one big blast than several small ones or something?
Posted: 2003-09-03 05:00am
by His Divine Shadow
Sea Skimmer wrote:Read the book. Lando specifically says that its chest plate can take a hit from a coal skipper's plasma cannon and heal the resulting damage.
True, but it'd take an entire day and after that the armor would no longer heal as the container for the armor would have drained from repairing all the damage.
The armor seems to work by being liquid that can turn solid, hence an internal system can refill holes and craters in the armor.