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Destruction of Kessels's moon in Jedi Academy Trilogy
Posted: 2003-09-04 05:03pm
by 2000AD
In the third one (IIRC) the death star prototype destroys Kessel's moon. Wouldn't that have some effect on Kessel itself, such as massive chunks of rock raining down on it?
n.b. I know the KJA books are crap, i still think this is a valid question.
Re: Destruction of Kessels's moon in Jedi Academy Trilogy
Posted: 2003-09-04 05:11pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
2000AD wrote:In the third one (IIRC) the death star prototype destroys Kessel's moon. Wouldn't that have some effect on Kessel itself, such as massive chunks of rock raining down on it?
n.b. I know the KJA books are crap, i still think this is a valid question.
One would presume such an important and rich planet would have shields.
I, however, don't recall enough of the JAT to tell you whether or not this is true.
Posted: 2003-09-04 05:39pm
by Ender
We are talking about a book series that has a semi-habitable planet orbiting a star when the very same system had hundreds of black holes in it a little further out.
The destruction of the moon should have a relatively small effect compared to what realistically should be happening to the planet.
Posted: 2003-09-04 06:36pm
by Solauren
Actually, I always thought the 'Maw' was only a few black holes (like 5 or 6), like from a small group of super giants that vent Supernova a long time ago and all collapses into black holes.
Then again, it IS KJA we are talking about.
Good ideas, bad execution at times.
Posted: 2003-09-04 06:43pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Since when is the Maw in the same system as Kessel?
I always thought they were just really close to each other, but not in the same system.
Posted: 2003-09-04 06:56pm
by Ender
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Since when is the Maw in the same system as Kessel?

Since Han is able to be there in minutes sans hyperdrive. Basically KJA was trying to recreate the Asteroid belt sequence from ESB. (he often tries to exactly copy the movies in his novels, showing a stunning dearth of creativity)
I always thought they were just really close to each other, but not in the same system.
No, that was the retcon after someone realized the 5 ear old type mistake the moron made. The novel has them in the same system.
Posted: 2003-09-04 07:00pm
by Ender
Solauren wrote:Actually, I always thought the 'Maw' was only a few black holes (like 5 or 6), like from a small group of super giants that vent Supernova a long time ago and all collapses into black holes.
Thinking back now, i believe the exact statement is "dozens", but I'd have to look it up to confirm it. However, even a single blackhole proves his idiocy, as it would draw in the system, instead of having Kessel calmly orbit its star
Then again, it IS KJA we are talking about.
Good ideas,
Since when? I can't think of a single thing he did that isn't a ripoff
bad execution at times.
At times?!
Posted: 2003-09-06 02:30pm
by The Cleric
The Maw is composed of hundreds of black holes. However, 3 mins in hyperspace would put the Maw MUCH farther away than in-system.
Posted: 2003-09-06 03:04pm
by LadyTevar
Ender wrote:Solauren wrote:Actually, I always thought the 'Maw' was only a few black holes (like 5 or 6), like from a small group of super giants that vent Supernova a long time ago and all collapses into black holes.
Thinking back now, i believe the exact statement is "dozens", but I'd have to look it up to confirm it. However, even a single blackhole proves his idiocy, as it would draw in the system, instead of having Kessel calmly orbit its star
Wasn't there some vague explaination about the gravity pull of the various blackholes cancelling/evening each other out? Or am I confusing that with something else?
Posted: 2003-09-06 03:31pm
by Sea Skimmer
Ender wrote:Thinking back now, i believe the exact statement is "dozens", but I'd have to look it up to confirm it. However, even a single blackhole proves his idiocy, as it would draw in the system, instead of having Kessel calmly orbit its star
I believe the number was once placed as 22 but is generally just "dozens"
Posted: 2003-09-06 10:16pm
by Ender
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:The Maw is composed of hundreds of black holes. However, 3 mins in hyperspace would put the Maw MUCH farther away than in-system.
Yes, unfortunatly the reason they go into the maw is because they can't go to hyperspace, the nav comp is out.
Posted: 2003-09-06 10:30pm
by The Cleric
The simplest answer is that the forces cancel each other out.
Posted: 2003-09-06 10:47pm
by Ender
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:The simplest answer is that the forces cancel each other out.
Ok, pipe down, as you have no idea what you are talking about. The force from a sun will not "cancel out" hundreds of black holes, or "cancel out" all that radiation that the black holes are constantly emitting.
Posted: 2003-09-07 05:05pm
However, even a single blackhole proves his idiocy, as it would draw in the system, instead of having Kessel calmly orbit its star
Er, why? Do you have any numbers that tell how far Kessel is from the Maw? Any numbers that tell what mass those black holes (collectively) have? A black hole of 1 stellar mass will have the gravitational pull of 1 stellar mass, y'know. They're not magical super-suckage machines.
The simplest answer is that the forces cancel each other out.
Only inside the cluster, where you might have 1 stellar mass to one side, and another on the other side, creating an area directly in the middle where you'd have zero g's. But outside the cluster, the black holes might as well act as a single super-massive hole.
(NOTE: The usage of 1 stellar mass is an arbitrary number, used as an example. Most black holes are much more massive, though the point still stands)
Posted: 2003-09-07 05:12pm
by The Cleric
I guess so. But we do need some explanation as to why the Kessle system is still intact.
Posted: 2003-09-07 08:07pm
by YT300000
And why hyperspace travel is possible in a system with so many black holes.
Posted: 2003-09-07 08:42pm
by Ender
SPOOFE wrote:However, even a single blackhole proves his idiocy, as it would draw in the system, instead of having Kessel calmly orbit its star
Er, why? Do you have any numbers that tell how far Kessel is from the Maw? Any numbers that tell what mass those black holes (collectively) have? A black hole of 1 stellar mass will have the gravitational pull of 1 stellar mass, y'know. They're not magical super-suckage machines.
It was close enough that Han was able to have Kyp dive for the cluster within minutes of takeoff.
Posted: 2003-09-07 08:43pm
by Ender
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:I guess so. But we do need some explanation as to why the Kessle system is still intact.
KJA is dumber then a retarded fly. That's why.
Posted: 2003-09-07 09:05pm
by YT300000
Ender wrote:StormTrooperTR889 wrote:I guess so. But we do need some explanation as to why the Kessle system is still intact.
KJA is dumber then a retarded fly. That's why.
I guess that answers my question too.
Posted: 2003-09-07 10:12pm
by Stormbringer
There's no reason short of repealing the laws of physics. Kessel as KJA described it just isn't fucking possible.
Posted: 2003-09-07 10:55pm
by Tychu
Just one thing to say. In order to figure out why Kessel isnt torn apart we first must figure out whey the Maw Instalation is not torn apart. (Instalation in middle of black hole cluster and closer to them then Kessel is). There is no way that the Instalation should be able to stay together with so many black holes like KJA tells us.With all those black holes pulling on the installation is should be ripped open. As oposed to the planet in the StarGate epiose "mater of time" when the planet had one black hole and only time slowed down it was taking a while for the planet and system to be ripped apart.
It could be that the Kessel system is being slowly sucked into the black hole cluster and you can read in the Time Tales in that the Kessel system is eventually sucked into the Maw (i read it a while ago and dont remember the years after ANH it is)
As for radiation on Kessel it is stated that there is no way that a person can stay on the surface of Kessel for a long period of time since there is "no" atmosphere and you cant really go on the surface without some kind of protective suit (if i remember correctly)
Posted: 2003-09-08 07:27am
by PainRack
Tychu wrote:Just one thing to say. In order to figure out why Kessel isnt torn apart we first must figure out whey the Maw Instalation is not torn apart. (Instalation in middle of black hole cluster and closer to them then Kessel is). There is no way that the Instalation should be able to stay together with so many black holes like KJA tells us.With all those black holes pulling on the installation is should be ripped open. As oposed to the planet in the StarGate epiose "mater of time" when the planet had one black hole and only time slowed down it was taking a while for the planet and system to be ripped apart.
It could be that the Kessel system is being slowly sucked into the black hole cluster and you can read in the Time Tales in that the Kessel system is eventually sucked into the Maw (i read it a while ago and dont remember the years after ANH it is)
As for radiation on Kessel it is stated that there is no way that a person can stay on the surface of Kessel for a long period of time since there is "no" atmosphere and you cant really go on the surface without some kind of protective suit (if i remember correctly)
IIRC, the novelisation itself states that the Kessel system is doomed to be eaten in the Maw.
However, any attempt to rationalise the Maw cluster itself is impossible. Either we assume the blackholes are lightyears apart, thus raising the question of how running through it at impulse will save time and money or that the blackholes are actually mini-blackholes, put very close together. In that case, we have to explain why material and debris is being sucked into it from lightyears away.
Posted: 2003-09-15 03:57am
by Dargos
Are there not quotes in the EU suggesting that the Maw is an artificial creation created by an unknown Race...perhaps the same that created Centerpoint?
Posted: 2003-09-15 01:32pm
by Kuja
Tychu wrote:
It could be that the Kessel system is being slowly sucked into the black hole cluster and you can read in the Time Tales in that the Kessel system is eventually sucked into the Maw (i read it a while ago and dont remember the years after ANH it is)
Since it appears in the YJO series, it would have to be shortly before or during the Vong invasion.
As for radiation on Kessel it is stated that there is no way that a person can stay on the surface of Kessel for a long period of time since there is "no" atmosphere and you cant really go on the surface without some kind of protective suit (if i remember correctly)
Yes and no. Massive airmaking machines provide a breathable atmosphere in the mines, and some of that leaks up to the surface. However, it's too thin to breath for any amount of time, which means that while on the surface, a breath mask must be worn.