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Was Yoda's Geonosis decision the right one?

Posted: 2003-09-12 06:10pm
by Straha
Was Yoda's decision to attack at Geonosis the right decision?
I personally think so because it helped to show that the republic did have an army, and it did destroy a droid army as well. But I understand there are other opinions out there, and was wondering what they were...

Re: Was Yoda's Geonosis decision the right one?

Posted: 2003-09-12 06:13pm
by Raven
Straha wrote:Was Yoda's decision to attack at Geonosis the right decision?
Yes, because it resulted in a kickass battle, and we all love those.
Especially after the first 2.5 hours preceding, hell yes Yoda made the right decision.

Posted: 2003-09-12 07:01pm
by Sea Skimmer
It's kind of hard to argue against an action, which ended in a victorious rout of the enemy for minimal losses.

Posted: 2003-09-12 07:10pm
by Frank Hipper
I would say no, but we have better information than Yoda had.
He played right into Palpatine's hands, this battle signals the end for the Old Republic, and the Jedi. They won the battle, but will lose the war, so to speak.

Posted: 2003-09-12 07:25pm
by Ender
Given that the Sith were ensuring that war was inevitable, yes, he did the right thing. Had he not gone there, war still would have come, Palpatine still would have risen, the Jedi still have fallen, and with Anakin dead the prophecy would not have been fulfilled.

Posted: 2003-09-12 07:36pm
by Joe
Capturing or killing Dooku would have made things much more difficult on Palpatine, and Yoda came pretty close to doing that. So yeah, it was worth it.

I personally think Yoda made the wrong decision when he saved Obi-Wan and Anakin - he should have killed Dooku right then and there. But he acted impulsively to save his friends, so he can be forgiven.

Posted: 2003-09-12 07:39pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Anakin had to be saved. As Ender said, with the Chosen One dead, then the prophecy to bring balance to the Force would never be fulfilled ~25 years later.

Posted: 2003-09-12 09:18pm
by Howedar
How is that a problem?

Posted: 2003-09-13 03:39am
by Darth Wong
Yoda accomplished most of his mission objectives by going there. They smashed the droid army, destroyed many enemy vessels, seized control of the droid factory and dealt a serious blow to the enemy's infrastructure. Since not going would have not accomplished any of this, and it was achieved at minimal cost, the mission was a success. Ergo, he was right to go.

Posted: 2003-09-13 11:55pm
by willburns84
I don't know. I rather like what Jedi Master Depa Billaba said during "Shatterpoint" - that dropping a barradium bomb (spelling) would have been much more effective and/or proper. :twisted:


::dust clears::

"Did we get Dooku and the other seperatists?"

"Well, if we did, there won't be much trace of them."

Anyone know the stats for a barradium bomb?

Posted: 2003-09-14 12:14am
by Ender
willburns84 wrote:I don't know. I rather like what Jedi Master Depa Billaba said during "Shatterpoint" - that dropping a barradium bomb (spelling) would have been much more effective and/or proper. :twisted:


::dust clears::

"Did we get Dooku and the other seperatists?"

"Well, if we did, there won't be much trace of them."

Anyone know the stats for a barradium bomb?
Barradium is what the reactant inside a Thermal Detonator is. I'd imagine its one of those on a huge scale.

Posted: 2003-09-14 03:42pm
by The Cleric
Since one thermal detonator can take out either a huge palace on Couruscant, or blow kilometer diameter holes in icefields, I'd say really powerful. The only thing stopping him from that was saving Anakin.

Posted: 2003-09-14 03:47pm
by Darth Wong
willburns84 wrote:I don't know. I rather like what Jedi Master Depa Billaba said during "Shatterpoint" - that dropping a barradium bomb (spelling) would have been much more effective and/or proper. :twisted:
That would have caused far more civilian casualties. Remember that there was a stadium full of tens of thousands of Geonosian civilians at the site, and that the attack took place around a major Geonosian city-spire (where they all presumably fled once the shooting started).

The actual attack was conducted in such a fashion as to limit enemy casualties almost entirely to combatants.

Posted: 2003-09-14 04:21pm
by YT300000
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:Since one thermal detonator can take out either a huge palace on Couruscant, or blow kilometer diameter holes in icefields, I'd say really powerful. The only thing stopping him from that was saving Anakin.
Xixor's palace went boom when a Class-A thermal detonator exploded in (IIRC) a reactor. I don't know about the other incident, but it sounds like a starship variant, like in TESB when Tie Bombers were dropping blue balls into the asteriod's craters. Those were ship scale thermal detonators.

Posted: 2003-09-16 08:58am
by Col. Crackpot
personally i think it was inceridibly stupid to send the jedi in first. Jedi are far more valuable than clones and to use the Jedi as the first wave to be slaughtered by the hundreds or thousands to save two Jedi and a senator rises to a maginot line level of stupidity. What they should have done was lanch the clone attack first and use that as cover to drop a Jedi team in to rescue Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan while everyone is distracted fighting the clone army. But noooo! we need to have a dick waving contest between Dooku and Windu.

Posted: 2003-09-16 11:20am
by Slartibartfast
Col. Crackpot wrote:personally i think it was inceridibly stupid to send the jedi in first. Jedi are far more valuable than clones and to use the Jedi as the first wave to be slaughtered by the hundreds or thousands to save two Jedi and a senator rises to a maginot line level of stupidity. What they should have done was lanch the clone attack first and use that as cover to drop a Jedi team in to rescue Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan while everyone is distracted fighting the clone army. But noooo! we need to have a dick waving contest between Dooku and Windu.
Remember Yoda arrived as soon as he could. Anakin, Obi and Padme would have been dead by the time the clones attacked. Mace was hidding, and probably wanted to wait as long as he could before trying to save them.

Posted: 2003-09-16 02:40pm
by greenmm
Slartibartfast wrote:
Col. Crackpot wrote:personally i think it was inceridibly stupid to send the jedi in first. Jedi are far more valuable than clones and to use the Jedi as the first wave to be slaughtered by the hundreds or thousands to save two Jedi and a senator rises to a maginot line level of stupidity. What they should have done was lanch the clone attack first and use that as cover to drop a Jedi team in to rescue Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan while everyone is distracted fighting the clone army. But noooo! we need to have a dick waving contest between Dooku and Windu.
Remember Yoda arrived as soon as he could. Anakin, Obi and Padme would have been dead by the time the clones attacked. Mace was hidding, and probably wanted to wait as long as he could before trying to save them.
Windu and company traveled straight to Geonosis. Yoda had to travel to Kamino first, pick up the clone army, then travel to Geonosis. They were lucky to have Yoda arrive so soon with the cavalry as they did.

As for sending the Jedi in... it's been a while since I saw AotC, but I'm not sure how much Kenobi saw of the droid factory, if any, and even if he did I don't think he had time to mention in his interrupted report the size of the droid army. Windu may have thought a group of Jedi would have been enough to handle the Geonosians, but not expected such a large number of droid soldiers to be there.

Posted: 2003-09-16 04:27pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Mace was in a tight situation, and didn't have all the facts. He wasn't aware of the droid factory (in the novelization when Dooku claims the Jedi are outnumbered, Windu retorts that the Jedi are more powerful that a hundred Geonosians, so it was to his surprise when the droids came marching out of the hallway), and he had only 200 Jedi that were on Coruscant to take to Geonosis.

Windu did the right thing in sending the Jedi to rescue Obi-Wan and Anakin while Yoda got the clones, but the tactics they used once they were under fire is what doomed them.

Posted: 2003-09-16 05:04pm
by Lord Pounder
Yoda did the right thing. He was in a bad situation and made the most of it.

Mace Windu on the other hand royaly screwed the puppy. His deployments of the Jedi under his command was woefuly ineput and in the end cost many Jedi their lives needlessly.

Posted: 2003-09-17 09:09am
by Sharp-kun
If he hadn't, it's likely the droid army would have been deployed against some target that he wouldn't have been able to reach in time.

Mace was the one that screwed up.

Posted: 2003-09-17 12:57pm
by Col. Crackpot
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Mace was in a tight situation, and didn't have all the facts. He wasn't aware of the droid factory (in the novelization when Dooku claims the Jedi are outnumbered, Windu retorts that the Jedi are more powerful that a hundred Geonosians, so it was to his surprise when the droids came marching out of the hallway), and he had only 200 Jedi that were on Coruscant to take to Geonosis.

Windu did the right thing in sending the Jedi to rescue Obi-Wan and Anakin while Yoda got the clones, but the tactics they used once they were under fire is what doomed them.
If Windu and Yoda only suspected there to be a hundred Geonosians, then whay did they bother getting the army in the first place?

Posted: 2003-09-17 01:50pm
by D.Turtle
He says something along the lines of: "A single Jedi is stronger than a hundred Geonosians."

To which Count Dooku retorts something along the lines of: "But stronger than a thousand doids?"

Thats how I remember some people quoting the book, so it isnt very exact, but the general direction should be correct.

Posted: 2003-09-17 01:56pm
by neoolong
It probably also led to the capture of Genosis, which cuts off what seemed to be a rather good supply of the Seperatists weapons and such. Maybe even many of the top guys at that Council too.

Capturing Dooku, which seemed to be a key element of the plan as well would have been pretty useful in exposing the plot, if they had succeeded.

I think the decision to attack was right. Though I may question how it was done.

Posted: 2003-09-17 01:57pm
by greenmm
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Mace was in a tight situation, and didn't have all the facts. He wasn't aware of the droid factory (in the novelization when Dooku claims the Jedi are outnumbered, Windu retorts that the Jedi are more powerful that a hundred Geonosians, so it was to his surprise when the droids came marching out of the hallway), and he had only 200 Jedi that were on Coruscant to take to Geonosis.

Windu did the right thing in sending the Jedi to rescue Obi-Wan and Anakin while Yoda got the clones, but the tactics they used once they were under fire is what doomed them.
If Windu and Yoda only suspected there to be a hundred Geonosians, then whay did they bother getting the army in the first place?
Not that they expected 100 Geonosians only, but that he thought his 200 Jedi could take on an army of 20,000 Geonosians. To have 200 Jedi take on 200,000 droids, however, would be different.

Posted: 2003-09-17 02:02pm
by Stravo
I viewed the battle as a gamble. They risked heavy casualties in exchange for decapitating the Sepratists leadership in one swift stroke. Think about ot, everyone who was anyone in the Separatists was there on Geonosis forging the pact. If they cpatured Dooku and few heads then most likely the movement would have collapsed or at the very least have been crippled.

It was a gamble that ultimately failed.

Also we have to keep in mind that the Republic has not fought a major war in millennia so they are somewhat inexperienced in the Art of War. Experience is the only true teacher for combat.