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Principle photography on Ep3 is complete.
Posted: 2003-09-19 02:42pm
by phongn
Episode III now goes into post-production since taping has been more or less completed.
Posted: 2003-09-19 03:03pm
by Chardok
as an aside:
I dig the hair.
Posted: 2003-09-19 03:08pm
by Stravo
Ep. III is scheduled for 2004 release? I thought for some reason it was 2005.
Posted: 2003-09-19 03:18pm
by NecronLord
And we finally have an answer on wheter or not a Goa'uld can posess a jedi

Posted: 2003-09-19 03:19pm
by Dalton
Stravo wrote:Ep. III is scheduled for 2004 release? I thought for some reason it was 2005.
the article wrote: The new, as yet untitled film, due for release in 2005
Posted: 2003-09-19 03:27pm
by Stravo
Dalton wrote:Stravo wrote:Ep. III is scheduled for 2004 release? I thought for some reason it was 2005.
the article wrote: The new, as yet untitled film, due for release in 2005
Nearly TWO years of post production?! Jeeez!
Posted: 2003-09-19 03:29pm
by Dalton
Stravo wrote:Dalton wrote:Stravo wrote:Ep. III is scheduled for 2004 release? I thought for some reason it was 2005.
the article wrote: The new, as yet untitled film, due for release in 2005
Nearly TWO years of post production?! Jeeez!
18 months, according to the article. Special effects are no joke.
Posted: 2003-09-19 05:11pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
From what we've heard that they plan on doing, I'm not too suprised.
Posted: 2003-09-19 05:16pm
by Chardok
What have you heard spank? You'd better spill it if it's something not common knowledge or readily available on the net!

Posted: 2003-09-19 05:38pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Don't you read the spy reports and Hyperspace chat summaries on TheForce.Net? While some should be taken with a block of salt due to either fibbing or hyperbole, it seems that they plan for a lot, at least technical-wise.
Posted: 2003-09-19 05:40pm
by kojikun
Aha, so THATS why Anakin went to the Dark Side, all the teasing about looking like a fag.

Posted: 2003-09-19 10:19pm
by CorSec
Stravo wrote:Nearly TWO years of post production?! Jeeez!
Yeah, it takes a while to get Jar Jar to that just right of annoying.
Posted: 2003-09-20 12:40am
by Trytostaydead
Please tell me the whole Chewbacca story is a red herring to keep the fans hopes aimed low :-\
Posted: 2003-09-20 01:35am
by Clone Sergeant
Trytostaydead wrote:Please tell me the whole Chewbacca story is a red herring to keep the fans hopes aimed low :-\
Chewbacca's in the movie. Peter Mayhew in full costume has popped up on the Official site's webcam several times. He and 5 or 6 of his wookie buddies are supposed to be seen in an action sequence.
Posted: 2003-09-20 02:23am
by Dalton
Clone Sergeant wrote:Trytostaydead wrote:Please tell me the whole Chewbacca story is a red herring to keep the fans hopes aimed low :-\
Chewbacca's in the movie. Peter Mayhew in full costume has popped up on the Official site's webcam several times. He and 5 or 6 of his wookie buddies are supposed to be seen in an action sequence.
Mayhaps we shall catch a brief glimpse of Han Solo...but I think that'd be too soon.
Posted: 2003-09-20 02:24am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Han would only be about five to ten years old at the time, so I personally doubt it.
Posted: 2003-09-20 02:31am
by Crayz9000
We'd better not see Han. Chewbacca I can see, given that he's in his 200s anyways, but Han (or the rest of the younger ANH gang)... naah.
Posted: 2003-09-20 02:36am
by Spanky The Dolphin
George Lucas'
Star Wars Babies.

Posted: 2003-09-20 04:15am
by Dalton
I'd like to see Corellia in the new film...
Posted: 2003-09-20 10:03am
by Stuart Mackey
Looks like he was bulking up for Ep3. I wonder how much of the Vader bits he will actually do in the suit?
Posted: 2003-09-21 03:44pm
by FaxModem1
Besides the hair, I don't see any difference in Hayden Christensen, how has he bulked up?
Posted: 2003-09-21 05:27pm
by YT300000
According to hyperspace chats, his arms are as big as Rick McCallum's thighs. As Hayden said: "You can't have a skinny Vader."
Posted: 2003-09-22 08:30am
by Stuart Mackey
Yes mum
Sorry mum

Posted: 2003-09-22 12:31pm
by CorSec
Clone Sergeant wrote:Chewbacca's in the movie. Peter Mayhew in full costume has popped up on the Official site's webcam several times. He and 5 or 6 of his wookie buddies are supposed to be seen in an action sequence.
Yay! Hopefully we'll have some of that old fashioned arms out of sockets goodness!
Posted: 2003-09-22 08:27pm
by kojikun
I hope we get to see hayden without many clothes on. Mmm muscly pretty boys.. ::droool::