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Star Wars and the metric system
Posted: 2003-09-19 06:15pm
by PzGren
Has anyone ever wondered how in a galaxy far away they could measure in the same units as we do? As you know, the origins of the meter were a fraction of the equatorial cicumference of Earth.
Btw, has any trekkie ever tried the MIB 2 advance? That Deathstar 2 was only 10cm in diameter?
Just kidding.
Posted: 2003-09-19 06:24pm
by YT300000
Well, they seem to talk in English. But in Japan, it sounds like Japanese. All the words and measurements are just translations.
EDIT: "Oh my, I'm melting, this is your fault!" Used to be "adfjs klh waeo urnhas jawpm!"

Re: Star Wars and the metric system
Posted: 2003-09-19 07:52pm
by Sea Skimmer
PzGren wrote:Has anyone ever wondered how in a galaxy far away they could measure in the same units as we do? As you know, the origins of the meter were a fraction of the equatorial cicumference of Earth.
The odds of humanity evolving on another world in a another galaxy are nil, thus they must have come from earth, and could have brought the system with them. Or possibly they could be using the current and accurate definition of the meter which is based off the distance light travels in some absurdly small time period. Or the they may use meters but ones that are not the same length as ours, even on earth the same unit of measurement may vary from state to state.
Btw, has any trekkie ever tried the MIB 2 advance? That Deathstar 2 was only 10cm in diameter?
Just kidding.
One or two have attempted to argue that the Star Wars galaxy is absurdly small as a way of disputed the high speed of hyperdrive.