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A few minor quibbles with Wong

Posted: 2003-10-08 10:10am
by Smiling Bandit
From the AotC technical analysis
The battle droid body gets C3PO's head. Its in-body processor does not detect the presence of a battle droid brain, so it assumes that the control ship has been destroyed. It goes independent, using the inputs from C3PO's audio/video sensors to guide its decision-making and movements. At one point it even sends words to C3PO's voice box, but after letting one epithet through, C3PO is able to quickly override that.
Might I suggest that there was no reason to think the battledroid specifically sent a verbal signal to C-3P0's voice box? After all, we have very few examples of such droids talking; they are usually very quiet in combat. The one with 3P0's body was probably very confused as to what was going on, and was trying to ask for an update from its compatroits.a signal that said "Kill Jedi! Kill Jedi! Kill Jedi!" is own brain recieved this signal and tried to respond to it my laying the verbal smack down upon the Jedi. 3P0 evidently worked out this was not the right signal.

Posted: 2003-10-08 10:54am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I don't see how Mike was in any error with his original hypothesis, nor can I make out a clear point to your suggestion.

Posted: 2003-10-08 11:55am
by Smiling Bandit
Oh, he wasn't neccessarily wrong. I was just suggesting a mechanism that I thought was more logical. Sure,it s minor nitpick that means nothing to anyone else, but that's what fanboards are *for*.

BTW, nice "angry Asuka" pic.

Posted: 2003-10-08 05:26pm
by The Dark
Smiling Bandit wrote:Oh, he wasn't neccessarily wrong. I was just suggesting a mechanism that I thought was more logical. Sure,it s minor nitpick that means nothing to anyone else, but that's what fanboards are *for*.
I'm not sure what the mechanism you're suggesting is. Just for my edification, could you re-explain that? The way it's written is rather confusing to me.

Posted: 2003-10-08 05:50pm
by Darth Servo
IIRC, the exact line spoken by the battledroid/C3PO head was "die jedi dogs". If it was simple operating instructions, it wouldn't have included the insult.

Posted: 2003-10-08 06:05pm
by The Cleric
The new films and the NJO books must die!!!!! Horrible, painful deaths!!!!

Posted: 2003-10-08 06:17pm
by Robert Treder
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:The new films and the NJO books must die!!!!! Horrible, painful deaths!!!!
What the fuck?

Posted: 2003-10-08 07:28pm
by thecreech
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:The new films and the NJO books must die!!!!! Horrible, painful deaths!!!!
And what is the point of your post? oh yeah there is none... if you don't have anything to say about the topic at hand piss off and don't spam

Posted: 2003-10-08 10:50pm
by The Cleric
Would you like me to clarify? Sure, I can do that.

The original trilogy was a work of art. They not only had awesome special effects (for their time), but also a plot, and character development. They also sparked a terrific backstory. Then Lucas decides that it's time to milk his cash cow a little more and make the first trilogy. Now, if I had been personally consulted, then things might have gone alright. However, Lucas proceeds with no approval from me and decides that cool special effects and some superficially funny characters (not to mention the market to the adolescent audience) would provide the most return for his investment. Voila, we have the PoS known as The Phantom Menace. Then, he decides that it's not cool to even attempt to follow any of the vague backstory created by the EU and that more special effects and lightsaber battles more than make up for random and bullshit scenes that are supposed to develop the characters. Throw in some cool alien space names, and you have Attack of the Clones. And don'teven get me started on Boba Fett; he has been maligned by both EU authors and Lucas.

Onto the NJO. Since we know it's not cool to have enemies that have any connection to any sort of reality, the YV are created. The Jedi are returning, so they can't be affected by the Force or that would be too easy. THEY KILL CHEWBACCA!!!!! THIS IS EVIL!!!!! These YV have all sorts of special animals that can do anything technology might do, and most of the time do it better. Never mind how this stuff might actually work, just describe it and off you go (one directional black holes?). Of course, the Jedi won't go medival and kick some ass until the whole galaxy is about to fall apart. No, moral principles are much more important that trillions upon trillions of individuals. And no one in the entire Senate has the balls to stand up to Felya. No one can call for a massive muster to kick the YV's ass. That would be too simple. SBS kills off Anikan and it kills of Courascant (sp?). Why? The book could have been accomplished without either one. Now, I liked Traitor. That was well written, and delved into the fine line between light and dark and then smeared that line until it was no more. After this, a decimated galaxy manages to reband and kick the YV's ass. Why they didn't do this before their galaxy was laid to waste, I don't know. And then the end will be smashed into place without and real closure and in much more space but with less true content than there should be. And it's late and I'm tired. Yeah.

Posted: 2003-10-08 11:11pm
by Mutant Headcrab
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:Would you like me to clarify? Sure, I can do that.

Please, clarify on what this has to do with C-3PO's head on a battle droid....

Posted: 2003-10-08 11:35pm
by Utsanomiko
Mutant Headcrab wrote:
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:Would you like me to clarify? Sure, I can do that.

Please, clarify on what this has to do with C-3PO's head on a battle droid....
The n00b wants attention or a gold medal, methinks. :roll:

Posted: 2003-10-09 04:56am
by vakundok
I cannot see any problem with Threepeo saying what it said. The novelisation mentions that it received a massive programming (during the production) but it was able to divide up and translate again and again the new instructions to the level that they lost their priority and did not function properly. It was nearly sent back to reprogramming (which would overwhelm and erase 'Threepeo'), but a geonosian technician desided to leave it to keep the deadline.
So the robot that entered the arena was a half Threepeo- half battledroid in mind, with the Threepeo half having a better chance to regain full controll.

Side note:
Also in the novelisation it was able to free Artoo with a single shot without aiming (or thinking about a shot), whereas the other battle droids were far less precise.

Posted: 2003-10-09 08:15am
by CJvR
Considering that C-3PO is a translation droid he might simply have blurted out the attack command sent to the battledroids in the closest approximation available in this databanks.

Posted: 2003-10-09 09:33am
by Smiling Bandit
Considering that C-3PO is a translation droid he might simply have blurted out the attack command sent to the battledroids in the closest approximation available in this databanks.
That is pretty much what I was thinking.

Step 1) C3P0 gets soldered onto the war droid body.

Step 2) C3P0 stays put since he can't really go anywhere, probably stuck in a abig crate full of droids.

Step 3) The secondary chip is activated. C3P0-in-war-droid is sent with his unit to the arena battle. C3P0's upper brain (as opposed to the loer brain that has the body under control) receives command order saying: Kill Jedi!

Step 4) 3P0's more adaptable brain (its obvious he does experience emotions) hears this, interprets temporarily as its own thought, and spits out "Die Jedi Dogs!". 3P0 realizes that was not backed up by his cranium and cuts that signal. The body remains under the lower body chip's command.
but a geonosian technician desided to leave it to keep the deadline.
So the robot that entered the arena was a half Threepeo- half battledroid in mind, with the Threepeo half having a better chance to regain full controll.
See, that just doesn't make any sense to me. The techs were wondering whether or not to erase 3P0, but never noticed he had the wrong frickin' head? But I never got my hands on the novelization.

Posted: 2003-10-09 10:56am
by Spanky The Dolphin
What about the other halves?

Remember "My legs aren't moving: I must require maintainence."

You're hypothesis seems more complicated.

Posted: 2003-10-09 11:28am
by His Divine Shadow
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:Would you like me to clarify?ยด
Not really no.
StormTrooperTR889 wrote:Sure, I can do that.

Posted: 2003-10-09 12:24pm
by Smiling Bandit
What about the other halves?

Remember "My legs aren't moving: I must require maintainence."
That has nothing to do with my comment, though. In this case, the battledroid head clearly figured out his body was screwed up, and probably wasnt recieving the right kind of signal, so he wasn't getting any feedback from the body. He was probably trying to call for maintenence, although obviously he wasn't going to get it.

Posted: 2003-10-09 04:38pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
He was obviously "thinking out loud."

Especially considering that saying "I must require maintainence" is a stupid way to request it...

The more you try to explain/rationalise your hypothesis the more complicated it gets... :roll:

Posted: 2003-10-09 05:28pm
by The Cleric
AHHHHHH!!!!! Goddamit, i really should remember what the topic I posted about was. I'm sorry; while I do believe all that I wrote, it was the wrong topic. You can delete it if you want, as it has no relevance to the subject.

My point was that most of the new movies (AoTC included) are made to market. They have funny and cute and flashy scenes that are put in to make a buck. That is one of the main reasons that I don't like them. C3PO's head is just one example; humor that really doesn't have any place in the movie.

Posted: 2003-10-10 09:05am
by Smiling Bandit
He was obviously "thinking out loud."
Yes, i would agree. I think he was trying to get information about the situation, since he apparently couldn't bend his head and look down.
Especially considering that saying "I must require maintainence" is a stupid way to request it...

The more you try to explain/rationalise your hypothesis the more complicated it gets...
No! I meant he was probably trying to call maintenence or more information from the computer controllers, via a comlink.

I am perfectly willing to accept Wong' elegant idea of a double-controller in the droids; I just disagreed as to the cause of C3P0's comment. None of the other Battledroids ever yelled out insults to the Jedi, so i found it highly unusual and important that C3P0 did.