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Favorite Villian?
Posted: 2003-10-09 12:18am
by Ender
Who is your favorite villian in SW?
Personally I like Zsinj the best. He died like a punk, but the way Allston crafted him was just amazing. All these other people create characters that are tall, strong, dark, and very imposing from the get go. Zsinj is short, fat, and upbeat, the complete opposite of all that. He was a cheerful bastard one second, and a complete psychopath the next. My favorite bit has to be where he goes nuts, shoots up his office, then turns around and tells Melvar he will be redecorating with a smile.
Posted: 2003-10-09 12:21am
by Darth Garden Gnome
I gotta go with the Emperor himself, Palpatine. Nothing quite like the sneering omnipotent baddie he plays in ROTJ. His resurection was a dumb idea IMO, but he was still pretty bad. He either goes out in a profound or grandoise way (Vader's betrayal, Eclipse blowing up) or in an underwhelmingly opposite way (getting shot by Han).
Cool guy.
Posted: 2003-10-09 12:40am
by Isolder74
Darth Vader
The worlds first Sci-Fi Super villian. the moment he walks through that door you know he is no one to mess with!

and then in Empire he gets even worse.

Posted: 2003-10-09 01:05am
by Howedar
Truly Darth Vader's entry in ANH has yet to be bested.
Posted: 2003-10-09 01:14am
by Joe
"Apology accepted, Captain Needa."
"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
"There is no conflict."
Come on, you can't beat that shit. Vader takes it and then he force chokes every other SW villain for good measure.
Posted: 2003-10-09 01:17am
by Frank Hipper
Howedar wrote:Truly Darth Vader's entry in ANH has yet to be bested.
That entrance set the standard, because of that, it cannot be bested. Nor can he in a survey of favorite hero...err, villains.
Posted: 2003-10-09 02:11am
by Knife
Vader with out any questions.
My son was a huge Darth Vader freak from when he was about two to when he was about four. When he was four, he figured out that Vader was a really bad guy. I think it crushed him.
Posted: 2003-10-09 02:20am
by Trytostaydead
#1 - Darth Vader
#2 - Emperor Palpatine
#3 - Grand Moff Tarkin
#4 - Boba Fett
Was Thrawn considered a villain or not?
Posted: 2003-10-09 02:23am
by El Moose Monstero
It's either Thrawn or the Emperor. The Emperor has the whole evil classically trained British bad guy thing going, and is sufficiently evil to merit a place in the Blofeld hall of fame, being in a similar vein. Thrawn because he is the only EU character from the books I have read (consisting of Jedi Academy lot, Thrawn trilogy, Darksaber, Shadows of the Empire and New Rebellion), who actually had some depth to him.
But then again, Tarkin, standing awaiting the destruction of the Rebellion, stiff upper lipped and arrogant to the last... hmmm...
Posted: 2003-10-09 02:59am
by Trytostaydead
The_Lumberjack wrote:It's either Thrawn or the Emperor. The Emperor has the whole evil classically trained British bad guy thing going, and is sufficiently evil to merit a place in the Blofeld hall of fame, being in a similar vein. Thrawn because he is the only EU character from the books I have read (consisting of Jedi Academy lot, Thrawn trilogy, Darksaber, Shadows of the Empire and New Rebellion), who actually had some depth to him.
But then again, Tarkin, standing awaiting the destruction of the Rebellion, stiff upper lipped and arrogant to the last... hmmm...
See.. I don't know whether or not Thrawn was actually a villain per se. He was most definately a conqueror.. warlord, what have you.. but he never did anything evil or bad for the enjoyment of it. I mean, would we consider Julius Casear or Alexander a villain?
Posted: 2003-10-09 03:03am
by neoolong
Trytostaydead wrote:#1 - Darth Vader
#2 - Emperor Palpatine
#3 - Grand Moff Tarkin
#4 - Boba Fett
Was Thrawn considered a villain or not?
Was Boba Fett? The guy's a bounty hunter, and his bounty, in the movies' case Han Solo, was still technically a criminal.
Posted: 2003-10-09 03:08am
by El Moose Monstero
Trytostaydead wrote:The_Lumberjack wrote:It's either Thrawn or the Emperor. The Emperor has the whole evil classically trained British bad guy thing going, and is sufficiently evil to merit a place in the Blofeld hall of fame, being in a similar vein. Thrawn because he is the only EU character from the books I have read (consisting of Jedi Academy lot, Thrawn trilogy, Darksaber, Shadows of the Empire and New Rebellion), who actually had some depth to him.
But then again, Tarkin, standing awaiting the destruction of the Rebellion, stiff upper lipped and arrogant to the last... hmmm...
See.. I don't know whether or not Thrawn was actually a villain per se. He was most definately a conqueror.. warlord, what have you.. but he never did anything evil or bad for the enjoyment of it. I mean, would we consider Julius Casear or Alexander a villain?
I see your point, as I recall from the many years since I read the Thrawn trilogy, Thrawn was trying to restore the order not the Dark Side. Ah well. Bring me Palpatine and Tarkin then...

Posted: 2003-10-09 04:51am
by Crown
Trytostaydead wrote:Was Thrawn considered a villain or not?
Yes Thrawn was a villian, he didn't blink an eye lid to sacrificing two un-born children to C'boath ... how could he be anything other than that? Just because he is
honourable (after a fashion) doesn't excuse his bad ways.
Posted: 2003-10-09 06:19am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Fett's a bad guy because he was an antagonist. Just a basic "good guys, bad guys" level.
My favourite would have to be Vader. His arrival in the carbonite chamber is one of my favourite scenes of the OT, and his opening line to Luke is in my opinion one of Vader's best.
Posted: 2003-10-09 07:43am
by Sarevok
The Emperor is my favorite villian in Star War. His apperence in ROTJ will always be one of the most memorable scenes I ever saw.
Posted: 2003-10-09 07:48am
by Chardok
Ha. easy one. Jabba the (Motherfucking) Hutt, Intergalactic pimp extraordinairre. He be havin' bitches, fly-assed rides, bubonic chronic (spice), and be blastin' out da tunes on dat sail barge and he makes Puke Guystalker his Beeotch! (Well, for a moment anyway)
Puke: Yo, bitch, you finna let my niglet Han go.
Jabba: Whateva, foo.
Puke: Punk bitch, dontchu be dissrespeccin me! Gimme mah homee!
Jabba: Ho ho ho ho...ha ha ha...pleasse, muthafucka. you ain't gon' sweet talk THIS muthfucka. Getcha gone, foo.
*Hits button*
Jabba: Kiss Rancor Bitch!
Now...where's me anutha one o' them fly-ass twi'lek hoes?
Posted: 2003-10-09 08:21am
by AdmiralTDM
Boba Fett!
then after him maybe....
Random Storm Trooper that shot the pooooor!!! Ewok! How could you kill somthing so cute and fuzzy? thats gotta be evil!

j/k I'd kill all the lil fuzzy basterds... BBQ baby!
Posted: 2003-10-09 11:02am
by 2000AD
Chardok wrote:Ha. easy one. Jabba the (Motherfucking) Hutt, Intergalactic pimp extraordinairre. He be havin' bitches, fly-assed rides, bubonic chronic (spice), and be blastin' out da tunes on dat sail barge and he makes Puke Guystalker his Beeotch! (Well, for a moment anyway)
Puke: Yo, bitch, you finna let my niglet Han go.
Jabba: Whateva, foo.
Puke: Punk bitch, dontchu be dissrespeccin me! Gimme mah homee!
Jabba: Ho ho ho ho...ha ha ha...pleasse, muthafucka. you ain't gon' sweet talk THIS muthfucka. Getcha gone, foo.
*Hits button*
Jabba: Kiss Rancor Bitch!
Now...where's me anutha one o' them fly-ass twi'lek hoes?
Posted: 2003-10-09 11:27am
by Chardok
whts FUQ? (Fuck you?) or a clever acronym?
Posted: 2003-10-09 11:30am
by Spanky The Dolphin
It's a site that Dalton has up for ASVS. One of its areas is an archive of quotes from ASVS and here.
Personally, I didn't think it was very funny...
Posted: 2003-10-09 11:34am
by 2000AD
Chardok wrote:whts FUQ? (Fuck you?) or a clever acronym?
What SPanky said. You might want to Google for "ASVS FUQ".
Posted: 2003-10-09 11:35am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Or just click the link in Dalton's profile.

Posted: 2003-10-09 11:42am
by Knife
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Personally, I didn't think it was very funny...

You don't understand the power of the dark humor. You must laugh at funny shit.
Posted: 2003-10-09 11:43am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I don't have to when I don't find it funny.
And since when is writing dialogue in gangsta-speak considered dark humour?

Posted: 2003-10-09 11:50am
by Kuja
Movies: Vader.
EU: Zsinj.