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Arming the Republic Cruiser.
Posted: 2003-10-18 11:07pm
by Frank Hipper
For purely hypothetical reasons, I'm curious as to how you might go about arming the Republic Cruiser.
The "Salon Pod", while replaceable, doesn't appear to have much in the way of power delivery going to it, so replacing or modifying that would probably be out.
The deflector shield generator is mounted froward of the communications array, but I'm certain that it's output is pretty well eaten up with it's designed function.
That mass of communications equipment could be replaced, maybe, in a ship that didn't function as a diplomatic courier. But would there be enough energy coming from somewhere to power weapons?
And this is not even getting into where weapons could be mounted on the thing...
Any ideas?
Posted: 2003-10-18 11:40pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The Judicials used armed Republic Cruisers. Militarized Republic Cruisers were also featured in Planetary Defense Forces and the makeshift fleet raised by Senator and "General" Tarkin during the Stark Hyperspace War.
Posted: 2003-10-18 11:45pm
by Frank Hipper
Illuminatus Primus wrote:The Judicials used armed Republic Cruisers. Militarized Republic Cruisers were also featured in Planetary Defense Forces and the makeshift fleet raised by Senator and "General" Tarkin during the Stark Hyperspace War.
Really? Very interestink...
I don't suppose there were any illustrations ever made, were there?
Posted: 2003-10-18 11:47pm
by Connor MacLeod
they were at least used in Jedi Council acts of War and Cloak of Deception. They mounted double TLs (At least two. Probably fewer than eight, since they're not much larger than Corellian gunships. I'd guess maybe four or six.) and a pair of concussion missile tubes.
Posted: 2003-10-19 01:25am
by Kerneth
Not a bad loadout. One thing I would add, were I the designer and the ships capable of supporting them, would be ion cannon turrets. For a vessel designed as much for police work as combat, ion cannons strike me as invaluable--since for some reason people occasionally want to bring criminals in alive

and more importantly, there are occasions when there are innocent civilians that you don't want to turn into a bloody steam cloud from a stray laser strike.
Posted: 2003-10-19 02:04am
by Wild Karrde
On a slightly related note, they had Corellian Corvettes running around at the same time as the Radiant VII.

Posted: 2003-10-19 04:28am
by Frank Hipper
Wild Karrde wrote:On a slightly related note, they had Corellian Corvettes running around at the same time as the Radiant VII.
<cool pic snippy>
It's always been slightly nagging to me that a civilization as ancient as Star Wars has so much emphasis on up-to-the-minute equipment. I would expect ships to last centuries, possibly, but designs a few decades old
seem to be replaced with regularity. Like Acclamators. They could have been quite useful at Hoth, I would have thought.
Posted: 2003-10-19 10:00am
by Kerneth
Frank Hipper wrote:Wild Karrde wrote:On a slightly related note, they had Corellian Corvettes running around at the same time as the Radiant VII.
<cool pic snippy>
It's always been slightly nagging to me that a civilization as ancient as Star Wars has so much emphasis on up-to-the-minute equipment. I would expect ships to last centuries, possibly, but designs a few decades old
seem to be replaced with regularity. Like Acclamators. They could have been quite useful at Hoth, I would have thought.
I've thought about this, and tend to conclude it is due to the relative youth of the Star Wars military establishment. For a thousand years during the Old Republic, the "military" was limited to the Jedi and the Republic Judicials--or so I'm given to understand. They had no large fleet-scale combat capability, nor did they have a need for large warships. Now, all of the sudden, the whole galaxy is at war, and shipbuilders are figuring out how to build warships all over again. As a result, ship designs may well be upgrading extremely quickly as the designers refine their ideas based on experience at both shipbuilding and warfare.
Besides, we don't *know* that there are no Acclamators in service by the time of Hoth; they could well be in use as troop transports in lower threat environments but not be considered tough enough or flexible enough for front-line actions against the Rebellion (though this would be more likely the case once the Rebellion begins developing its own capital ships).
Posted: 2003-10-19 10:04am
by Wild Karrde
Frank Hipper wrote:It's always been slightly nagging to me that a civilization as ancient as Star Wars has so much emphasis on up-to-the-minute equipment. I would expect ships to last centuries, possibly, but designs a few decades old seem to be replaced with regularity.
I'd look at it more like designs being adapted to fit the situation or old concepts being reapplied.
Like Acclamators. They could have been quite useful at Hoth, I would have thought.
Why? The Imperators and Executor had plenty of troops, the AT-ATs peformed fine, and the Imperators have a higher shield capacity/weapons number then the Acclamators.
Posted: 2003-10-19 10:42am
by Sarevok
Why? The Imperators and Executor had plenty of troops, the AT-ATs peformed fine, and the Imperators have a higher shield capacity/weapons number then the Acclamators.
Imperators were multirole destroyers not assault ships. They were not intended to be troop carriers. As such they had a smaller ground force contigent than Accamalators. They also lacked units like the LAAT gunships.
Posted: 2003-10-19 11:42am
by Wild Karrde
evilcat4000 wrote:Imperators were multirole destroyers not assault ships. They were not intended to be troop carriers. As such they had a smaller ground force contigent than Accamalators. They also lacked units like the LAAT gunships.
I know. I'm just saying that for Hoth the Imperator's Ground forces were more then enough for that particular situation and the destroyer/carrier aspect of it was a better choice for dealing with the rebel transports and fighters.
Posted: 2003-10-19 04:29pm
by Frank Hipper
Wild Karrde wrote:evilcat4000 wrote:Imperators were multirole destroyers not assault ships. They were not intended to be troop carriers. As such they had a smaller ground force contigent than Accamalators. They also lacked units like the LAAT gunships.
I know. I'm just saying that for Hoth the Imperator's Ground forces were more then enough for that particular situation and the destroyer/carrier aspect of it was a better choice for dealing with the rebel transports and fighters.
An Acclamator or two could have landed inside the theater shield, and disgorged troops and equipment right on top of the base.
I'm not saying that they weren't well equipped, either, just that I could see Acclamators being very handy there.
Re: Arming the Republic Cruiser.
Posted: 2003-10-19 07:20pm
by Sea Skimmer
Frank Hipper wrote:
Any ideas?
I highly doubt the hull is built to take the recoil of any significant weaponry. You can't just slap guns on any place you see or think you can make space. The only thing you could really do its throw a few missile tubes in place of the diplomatic pod and maybe throw some small lasers in place of the communications farm.
Posted: 2003-10-19 09:47pm
by Darth Mall
You could also replace the salon pod with a mini torpedo sphere type thing for release in battle for use agains capital ships. Or you could fill it with explosives and launch it at the enemy. (the salon pod.)
Posted: 2003-10-21 01:41pm
by Knife
evilcat4000 wrote:Why? The Imperators and Executor had plenty of troops, the AT-ATs peformed fine, and the Imperators have a higher shield capacity/weapons number then the Acclamators.
Imperators were multirole destroyers not assault ships. They were not intended to be troop carriers. As such they had a smaller ground force contigent than Accamalators. They also lacked units like the LAAT gunships.
I'd like you to back that up, please. Exactly, with exception of being seen escorting command vessels, is a Imperator a destroyer type vessel?
It has heavy weapons (HTL's), heavy armor, troop capacity (not as large as others but....), and a wing of fighters and other support craft. How exactly does this fit into the role of a destroyer.
If we insist on using a WWI and WWII model for ship designation, the Imperator fits two or three types but Destroyer is not one of them. Cruiser? Yes. Carrier? Yes. Hell even Battle Cruiser fits due to the assortment of heavy weapons. Destroyer? No. Don't see an Imperator hunting down any torpedo boats.
If anything, a Imperator is comparable to a Spanish Galleon. A virtual floating castle which can blast away at enemy fortifications or vessels and then send its troops to capture either the fort or enemy ship.
Posted: 2003-10-21 03:21pm
by Wild Karrde
Frank Hipper wrote:An Acclamator or two could have landed inside the theater shield, and disgorged troops and equipment right on top of the base.'d you come to that conclusion Frank? The shield was strong enough to keep the Death Squadron at bay.
The only way through the sheild was for the walkers to land outside of it and walk to the base; the sheild extended quite a distance from the base itself.
Posted: 2003-10-21 06:02pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The whole ISD is a cruiser and "HTL" name gaming is absurd.
Sure the heavy turrets are impressive, but KDY cruisers and larger leviathans doubtless carry even HEAVIER weapons.

Posted: 2003-10-21 06:59pm
by Frank Hipper
Wild Karrde wrote:Frank Hipper wrote:An Acclamator or two could have landed inside the theater shield, and disgorged troops and equipment right on top of the base.'d you come to that conclusion Frank? The shield was strong enough to keep the Death Squadron at bay.
The only way through the sheild was for the walkers to land outside of it and walk to the base; the sheild extended quite a distance from the base itself.
I got the idea somehow that ships could pass through shields that stopped weaponry. I'd forgotten the whole "No fighters at Hoth" rationale.....Oooops.
Posted: 2003-10-21 07:16pm
by Wild Karrde
Frank Hipper wrote:I got the idea somehow that ships could pass through shields that stopped weaponry. I'd forgotten the whole "No fighters at Hoth" rationale.....Oooops.
Ok then, carry on.

Posted: 2003-10-21 08:49pm
by YT300000
Knife wrote:I'd like you to back that up, please. Exactly, with exception of being seen escorting command vessels, is a Imperator a destroyer type vessel?
It has heavy weapons (HTL's), heavy armor, troop capacity (not as large as others but....), and a wing of fighters and other support craft. How exactly does this fit into the role of a destroyer.
If we insist on using a WWI and WWII model for ship designation, the Imperator fits two or three types but Destroyer is not one of them. Cruiser? Yes. Carrier? Yes. Hell even Battle Cruiser fits due to the assortment of heavy weapons. Destroyer? No. Don't see an Imperator hunting down any torpedo boats.
If anything, a Imperator is comparable to a Spanish Galleon. A virtual floating castle which can blast away at enemy fortifications or vessels and then send its troops to capture either the fort or enemy ship.
An ISD is a destroyer. Remember, there are ships much longer, and hundreds of times larger (SSD's, Sovies, etc.), and there are ships that are much smaller. An ISD is truly a middle of the range ship.
It is part of a new class: the Star Destroyer, a cruiser-destroyer.
Posted: 2003-10-21 09:29pm
by Frank Hipper
I believe the ANH novelisation also states the ISD as being a medium sized warship.
Posted: 2003-10-21 09:51pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Frank Hipper wrote:I believe the ANH novelisation also states the ISD as being a medium sized warship.
Who cares if it does? We have direct evidence that laid out with all of the Empire's warships, the ISD is smallish.
Posted: 2003-10-22 02:16am
by Knife
YT300000 wrote:
An ISD is a destroyer. Remember, there are ships much longer, and hundreds of times larger (SSD's, Sovies, etc.), and there are ships that are much smaller. An ISD is truly a middle of the range ship.
It is part of a new class: the Star Destroyer, a cruiser-destroyer.
Its function doesn't match that of a classical destroyer. You can state various ships that are bigger than an ISD, good. Now state the ships that perform in a destroyer role and the ISD isn't one of them.
If you have to peg it to a WWI or WWII model, its a cruiser. But cruiser works better as the older varient. Quick and medium armed (for their level). Destroyer, it is not.
Posted: 2003-10-22 06:14pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Knife wrote:Its function doesn't match that of a classical destroyer. You can state various ships that are bigger than an ISD, good. Now state the ships that perform in a destroyer role and the ISD isn't one of them.
If you have to peg it to a WWI or WWII model, its a cruiser. But cruiser works better as the older varient. Quick and medium armed (for their level). Destroyer, it is not.
In relation to the KDY big-ass ship armadas, it serves as a destroyer. That it is a multi-role craft and is a cruiser against tiny picket ships and Rebel crap, doesn't change the design and concept intention. The ISD can serve in a cruiser role, but as far as the Starfleet and KDY was concerned, it is a destroyer.
Posted: 2003-10-22 09:05pm
by Sharp-kun
Knife wrote:I'd like you to back that up, please. Exactly, with exception of being seen escorting command vessels, is a Imperator a destroyer type vessel?
It has heavy weapons (HTL's), heavy armor, troop capacity (not as large as others but....), and a wing of fighters and other support craft. How exactly does this fit into the role of a destroyer.
Compare it to other KDY ships. An Executor class Command Ship dwarfs it. When compared to the other ships of the fleet, it is a Destroyer.