Main Site Question: LoS limitations and SW artillery ranges
Posted: 2003-10-24 11:32am
There's some information on the main site that as far as I can tell is contradictory.
In the ground technology portion of the site, DW talks about the AT-AT and how some of its perceived weakness are in fact strengths. Such as its high center of gravity (text highlighted by me):
In the ground technology portion of the site, DW talks about the AT-AT and how some of its perceived weakness are in fact strengths. Such as its high center of gravity (text highlighted by me):
The page about SW artillery reiterates this weakness. However, in the descriptions for the Golan Arms DF9 and the Atgar P-Tower:Remember that an AT-AT must be capable of long-range bombardment, but its weapons are limited to a line of sight. Therefore, if it was built low (like a modern MBT) with a gun only 2 metres above the ground, its range would be severely limited in all but the flattest terrain types, and it would be unable to shoot above even relatively small obstacles such as disabled vehicles. Even on perfectly flat terrain, its maximum range on an Earth-like planet would be limited to the distance to the visible horizon, which would be a mere 5 kilometres. However, by elevating its guns to a lofty 23 metre height, the AT-AT gains the ability to shoot over the top of small obstacles, it gains a broad view of the battlefield, and the distance to the visible horizon jumps from 5 kilometres to more than 17 kilometres.
See the contradiction? I can't think of a way to rationalize this. The P-Tower and the DF9 have nowhere close to the elevation of an AT-AT, yet the DF9's range is just a kilometer or so less! Shouldn't those ranges be dismissed as impossible? Or am I missing something important?The SWEGWT also elaborates somewhat on their capabilities: the DF9 is said to have a range of 16km with a minimum 3 seconds between shots... The P-Tower's range is somewhat lower (10km instead of 16km) and it has a longer refire delay of 10 seconds.