CDiehl wrote:Why not have the big space battle at the beginning? My idea would require the plot of the movie to involve the Jedi taking the blame for the brutality that Palpatine engages in to become Emperor. This battle could be the defeat of the separatists by the clone army. Then over the course of the movie, the people find out the Jedi raised that army and led it, and that they oppose Palpatine. Of course it's propaganda, but it has a lot of truth to it, such as recordings of the Trade Federation spheres launching from Geonosis and being destroyed on Anakin's orders. I imagine the situation coming to a head when that gets out, then Anakin admits his actions, declares himself a victim of the Jedi's cruelty (Qui-Gon left Shmi in bondage years ago, then they never told him what became of her unil he went to Tattooine to find out and went mad on the Sand People) and begs the public's forgiveness. They, of course, take him to their bosom as a tragic victim of the Jedi Order's power lust and manipulation.
I would imagine that, since Lucas likes his little motifs, the begaining of the movie will show a small skirmish or the end of some larger battle. IMO, this would be a good place to introduce a charater like Tarkin.
The battle sets up the final battle and also sets up the political debate and strife in the Sennate which Palpy is controling as his alter ego plans the final battle.
We next find out that Padme has buns in the oven and through some plot device, probably to get her away from Ankin so that some sense could be beaten into him, she is escorted by Obi Wan to some planet (with lava pits) but not before Obi himself talks to her and she and Obi agree that Padme and Anikin were bad and what ever....
Palpy finds out about the kids and about the Jedi's plan to seperate the two and calls Anikin in and tells him that the Jedi have taken Padme against her will and that he, Palpitine, fears for the life of Padme and the life of the kid (Palpy and therefore Anikin only knows about one kid at the time). In a typical rage, Anikin goes after his wife and unborn kid.
Palpatine then sends Dooku after Obi and Padme with orders to kill both so when Anakin finds them, Palpatine will have an opening to recruit him and turn him against the Jedi.
In the Senate, plans are made to end the Clone War by drawing out the majority of the Seperatist Fleet. A major Core world will play a tempting target and Alderaan is chossen. Feignting weakness, Alderaan prepares for an attack by the Seperatists while looking vulnerable. The Jedi, including Mace Windew, send a vast majority of available Jedi to Alderaan to participate in the battle.
All through this, Palpatine pulls asides members of the Senate and comments that he is worried about the ever presence of the Jedi at the Senate and other places.
Dooku intercepts Obi and Padme on some world with a convienent lava pit. Dooku slaughters the clone troopers that were sent with Obi and Padme and then fights Obi. Padme flee's at the request of Obi into the hills while a saber fight goes on. At the end of the fight, a stalemate, Dooku see's or feels Anakin show up and leave without Anakin seeing him.
Anakin finds Obi looking like he's been in a fight and see a bunch of dead clone troops that Anakin knows were sent to protect his wife and assumes that Obi has kill the troops and probably his wife and unborn kid.
The lightsaber battle that everyone has been waiting for for 20 some odd years happens. At the end, Obi assumes that Anakin is dead and Padme shows up and cry's. Obi gets her out of there and heads off for where ever.
Meanwhile the battle is ready to go. A Republic fleet under Admiral Tarkin is stationed mere minutes away, via hyperspace, from Alderaan and the Seperatists show up and swamp the Alderinian defense forces. The Seperatists land a ground force and attack the major cities of Alderaan.
On cue, the Republic fleet shows up and a grand battle ensues both in space and on the ground. Durring the battle, Dooku shows up and lands on the lead Stardestroyer and gives Tarkin his final orders from the Supreme Chancilor. (Tarkin has been in on the plot, more or less).
The battle wraps up with a resounding Republic victory though the damage and deaths on Alderaan are horrific (can you say they want pacifism now) but the Separtists as a movment are done. Reinforcements land but the Jedi and Republic defenders are suprised to find Count Dooku emerge from the shuttle with new Stormtroopers.
Mace and Dooku fight as the Clone Troopers and the Stormtroopers slaughter the Alderianian defenders and the remaining Jedi. In a classic 'Rocky' type moment, Mace and Dooku are killed roughly at the same time as are the rest of the Jedi on the battle field.
Later, on Coruscant. Palpatine shows the results of the battle to the Senate. Loss of life is terrible but the war is over. He also shows the Senate an appearent coup attempt by the Jedi at the end of the battle when the hologram shows Jedi attacking Republic troops.
Sad that the Jedi would do such a thing, Palpatine takes the awesome and somber responsibility of Dictator so that he can cleans the galaxy of remaining Seperatists and dismantle the Jedi Order so the galaxy can be safe from spoon benders trying to control them.
Later, Palpatine goes to his office and Vader is there, suit and all, and asks if he is ready to start his training in the Dark Side.
Last scene is Obi and Padme splitting up the now born twins. Padme will go to Alderaan where Organa will protect her since he is still thought of as a loyal Senator. Obi will take the son and go to Tatoonie where the boy has some semblence of a family.
Obi is kind of a shovinist in that he disreguards the possibility of the girl needing to be trained in favor of the boy but has dedicated the remaining years of his life to protect the boy and then train him when the time comes.
In a nut shell, thats what I would like to see.