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Total Number of Imperial Ships at the Battle of Endor

Posted: 2003-10-31 01:39am
by JME2
Okay, we know for a fact that Executor and Chimera were there, making one confirmed SSD and ISD. I personally think there were probably, based on what we saw, at least one hundred to two hundred SD's making up the pincer-end of the Emperor's grand trap.

Pure visualwise...

Posted: 2003-10-31 01:47am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
IIRC it was about 10 MCs (and some support ships,) to about 20-30 SDs of various types.

Add the novelization and you have a few dozen cruisers on the MC side.

I'm interested at why you think there will be 200.

Posted: 2003-10-31 01:54am
by Howedar
So am I :roll:

Posted: 2003-10-31 02:25am
by Sokar
Don't we have this info somewhere on tha site or boards already?

Anyhow , for some reason the number 31 jumps to mind for the Imperial Fleet at Endor, plus of course the Death Star II. This would correspond to the Executor's Death Squadron, plus one mustered Sector Fleet of 24 ISD's. Sounds reasonalble to me, 31 ISD's is enough to handle most any threat, 200 would be over kill on a scale some one as smug and overconfident as the Emperor would never think of.....

"What was that Moff Manstein, bring a Fleet of 300 ISD's from the core, ambush the Rebel Fleet as it exits hyperspace at Endor and annihilate them in a single salvo.......thats absurd, your demoted to Hutt ass-valet at once. Now back to my cunning plan..........."

Posted: 2003-10-31 02:40am
by Isolder74
Sokar wrote:Don't we have this info somewhere on tha site or boards already?

Anyhow , for some reason the number 31 jumps to mind for the Imperial Fleet at Endor, plus of course the Death Star II. This would correspond to the Executor's Death Squadron, plus one mustered Sector Fleet of 24 ISD's. Sounds reasonalble to me, 31 ISD's is enough to handle most any threat, 200 would be over kill on a scale some one as smug and overconfident as the Emperor would never think of.....

"What was that Moff Manstein, bring a Fleet of 300 ISD's from the core, ambush the Rebel Fleet as it exits hyperspace at Endor and annihilate them in a single salvo.......thats absurd, your demoted to Hutt ass-valet at once. Now back to my cunning plan..........."
Also would be alot harder to hide that many ships entering the system fom potential Rebel Spies.

Posted: 2003-10-31 02:55am
by Sokar
Isolder74 wrote: Also would be alot harder to hide that many ships entering the system fom potential Rebel Spies.
Given that thoes self same 'Rebel Spies' managed to fail to report to the High Command the presence of over 30 ISD's and the goddamed Executor, I think it would have been a wise move on the Empires part. Besides , the Empire could have had them lurk in deep space till only hours before they were needed, and then blamo, no more pesky Rebel Fleet :D

Posted: 2003-10-31 03:01am
by Lex
i just watched ROTJ and counted 45, but i could have missed one or two

Posted: 2003-10-31 03:11am
by Trytostaydead
How about support ships? The rebs brought in frigates.. wouldn't the Imps have frigates and corvettes and other support crafts?

And seriously, how did the Imperials lose? You would've thought, if the ISDs just went in for concentrated salvos against the outnumbered MC's..

Posted: 2003-10-31 03:11am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Saxton estimated about 27 Imperial capital ships with a minimum of 22.

Posted: 2003-10-31 06:54am
by Darksider
Trytostaydead wrote: And seriously, how did the Imperials lose? You would've thought, if the ISDs just went in for concentrated salvos against the outnumbered MC's..
Blame the emperor.

Thanks to him wanting to show off his new superlaser, the Imperial fleet only targeted the smallest vessels and moved to block them in, while the rebels concentraited their fire on the highest priority targets.

Posted: 2003-10-31 09:02am
by Ender
It was something like 36 Mon cals at the most IIRC, an unknown number of lesser vessels, and 27 Imperial vessels.

Posted: 2003-10-31 09:18am
by Sea Skimmer
Sokar wrote:
Given that thoes self same 'Rebel Spies' managed to fail to report to the High Command the presence of over 30 ISD's and the goddamed Executor
Which was why the commando teams shuttle was so surprised to meet it… hey wait they weren’t. Clearly they expected some Imperial warships but expected to be able to overwhelm them or at least keep them busy while the reactor was attacked.

Posted: 2003-10-31 11:38am
by JME2
Yes, 200 was indeed overkill. My bad.

Posted: 2003-10-31 02:29pm
by phongn
Ender wrote:It was something like 36 Mon cals at the most IIRC, an unknown number of lesser vessels, and 27 Imperial vessels.
36 MC cruisers? That seems like a bit much.

Posted: 2003-10-31 02:34pm
by Stormbringer
phongn wrote:
Ender wrote:It was something like 36 Mon cals at the most IIRC, an unknown number of lesser vessels, and 27 Imperial vessels.
36 MC cruisers? That seems like a bit much.
How so? Most Mon Cal cruisers are lesser warships compared to the Imperial vessels. They had at least an Executor, an unknown cruiser, and plenty of ISDs. It's not unreasonable for 36 Mon Cals to be at Endor.

Posted: 2003-10-31 05:16pm
by phongn
For one, we've never actually seen that many cruisers - I've only counted a third as many.

Posted: 2003-10-31 05:45pm
by Stormbringer
phongn wrote:For one, we've never actually seen that many cruisers - I've only counted a third as many.
But we never get a really good shot of the entire Rebel fleet so there's not really any definitive answer on the number of ships. If canon is silent official should stand.

Posted: 2003-10-31 06:00pm
by Super-Gagme
Stormbringer wrote:
phongn wrote:For one, we've never actually seen that many cruisers - I've only counted a third as many.
But we never get a really good shot of the entire Rebel fleet so there's not really any definitive answer on the number of ships. If canon is silent official should stand.
And where in official does it indicate that many MCs at Endor?

Posted: 2003-10-31 06:06pm
by Stormbringer
Super-Gagme wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:
phongn wrote:For one, we've never actually seen that many cruisers - I've only counted a third as many.
But we never get a really good shot of the entire Rebel fleet so there's not really any definitive answer on the number of ships. If canon is silent official should stand.
And where in official does it indicate that many MCs at Endor?
Ask Ender, I don't know.

Posted: 2003-10-31 06:17pm
by Lex
ya i wondered about same thing... 36 MC's at one point that seems like more that the rebels could bring at this time

Posted: 2003-10-31 06:19pm
by Chris OFarrell
Stormbringer wrote:
Super-Gagme wrote:
Stormbringer wrote: But we never get a really good shot of the entire Rebel fleet so there's not really any definitive answer on the number of ships. If canon is silent official should stand.
And where in official does it indicate that many MCs at Endor?
Ask Ender, I don't know.
I'm preaty sure it doesn't.

Granted we never get the best shots of the Rebel fleet and many times we may be counting the same ship again and again. But we get enough long distance shots of the rebel fleet to get at least an idea of numbers. I'd say there were between five and ten at best.

Posted: 2003-10-31 06:24pm
by Sea Skimmer
Super-Gagme wrote:
And where in official does it indicate that many MCs at Endor?
The novel says that several dozen cruisers maneuver against the Imperial force.

Posted: 2003-10-31 06:35pm
by Chris OFarrell
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Super-Gagme wrote:
And where in official does it indicate that many MCs at Endor?
The novel says that several dozen cruisers maneuver against the Imperial force.
Well either the novel is refering to not just the mon cals but all the smaller ships that might be catogorised as cruisers or its simply contradicted. There were NOT several dozen Mon Cals, unless they constently managed to dodge away from the rebel fleet whenever the cameras turned their eyes on them :)

Posted: 2003-11-01 07:00am
by Lord of the Farce
I count 13 to the starboard of the Executor, and it's likely that the Executor was suppose to be the center of the formation, so I would say 27 would probably be the best number.

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:51am
by Ender
Chris OFarrell wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Super-Gagme wrote:
And where in official does it indicate that many MCs at Endor?
The novel says that several dozen cruisers maneuver against the Imperial force.
Well either the novel is refering to not just the mon cals but all the smaller ships that might be catogorised as cruisers or its simply contradicted. There were NOT several dozen Mon Cals, unless they constently managed to dodge away from the rebel fleet whenever the cameras turned their eyes on them :)
1) Yes it is based off the niovel's statemetn of "dozens"
2) We did not see alot of the battle. The novel mentions a number of ships and events that did not appear onscreen.