Rebel Fleet at Endor
Posted: 2003-11-04 06:10am
Note the number for each image/link corresponds to the frame number in the film. The aim is to estimate the rebel fleets velocity and deceleration (to an order of magnitude) on approach to Endor.
Firstly I’ve scaled the Bridge windows of the executor using the Vadar outfit as a reference (its 204 cm in height according to the SW/IJ Archives):

Top Bottom
Vadar: 342,142 342,188 dy=54 (204cm costume)
Viewport: 312,118 312,156 dy=38= 144cm
Using this to scale the Deathstar in this shot….

Left Right
Deathstar: 302,23 359,23 dx=56
Viewport: 351,8 351,49 dx=41
As the command deck is over 2m wide (going from the first shot) we can infer from the Bridge plan on p91 of the Technical journal that the bridge interior is at least 12m from viewport to the edge of the security foyer:
Viewport =41=144cm
Deathstar =56=196cm
Distance =900Km/(1.96m/12m)
= 5500Km
I’ve used the above shot from the Executor and the visible diameter of the Deathstar in the following shots to estimate the distance in the sequence where the rebel fleet appears to be decelerating on approach to Endor.
[Frames 134915-134980]
Pixel scaling and associated distances:
Thus a curve of Displacement vs. time can be plotted using the above data. In this case a polynomial was fitted to the data, the slope at any point gives the velocity at that point and included are several slopes:

Input used:
I’ve also used the data of the fit to get a corresponding velocity curve (differentiate the Displacement curve), and then again for the corresponding acceleration curve:

From all of the above it appears the Millennium Falcon and thus by extension the entire Rebel fleet (as nothing overtook/crashed into the Falcon) was decelerating in the thousands of Km/sec^2 order of magnitude.
Decelerating from slopes Red to Green added to the displacement curve (13,000 to 3900Km/sec, taking green to be the slope at frame 60) and assuming constant deceleration between (60 frames or 2.4 seconds), would require 3800Km/sec^2.
Red to blue (13,000 to 6500 Km/sec, frame 0 to 15) would require a constant deceleration of 11,000Km/sec^2.
The peak deceleration is possibly higher still (looking at the acceleration curve). The question is how the fleet achieves this deceleration with the apparent lack of any large thrusters/engines on the front of the ships.
Firstly I’ve scaled the Bridge windows of the executor using the Vadar outfit as a reference (its 204 cm in height according to the SW/IJ Archives):
Top Bottom
Vadar: 342,142 342,188 dy=54 (204cm costume)
Viewport: 312,118 312,156 dy=38= 144cm
Using this to scale the Deathstar in this shot….
Left Right
Deathstar: 302,23 359,23 dx=56
Viewport: 351,8 351,49 dx=41
As the command deck is over 2m wide (going from the first shot) we can infer from the Bridge plan on p91 of the Technical journal that the bridge interior is at least 12m from viewport to the edge of the security foyer:
Viewport =41=144cm
Deathstar =56=196cm
Distance =900Km/(1.96m/12m)
= 5500Km
I’ve used the above shot from the Executor and the visible diameter of the Deathstar in the following shots to estimate the distance in the sequence where the rebel fleet appears to be decelerating on approach to Endor.
[Frames 134915-134980]
Pixel scaling and associated distances:
Thus a curve of Displacement vs. time can be plotted using the above data. In this case a polynomial was fitted to the data, the slope at any point gives the velocity at that point and included are several slopes:
Input used:
I’ve also used the data of the fit to get a corresponding velocity curve (differentiate the Displacement curve), and then again for the corresponding acceleration curve:
From all of the above it appears the Millennium Falcon and thus by extension the entire Rebel fleet (as nothing overtook/crashed into the Falcon) was decelerating in the thousands of Km/sec^2 order of magnitude.
Decelerating from slopes Red to Green added to the displacement curve (13,000 to 3900Km/sec, taking green to be the slope at frame 60) and assuming constant deceleration between (60 frames or 2.4 seconds), would require 3800Km/sec^2.
Red to blue (13,000 to 6500 Km/sec, frame 0 to 15) would require a constant deceleration of 11,000Km/sec^2.
The peak deceleration is possibly higher still (looking at the acceleration curve). The question is how the fleet achieves this deceleration with the apparent lack of any large thrusters/engines on the front of the ships.