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3 Yuuzhan Vong warriors vs. Darth Maul
Posted: 2003-11-04 02:48pm
by RedOcean
Fight takes place in the Naboo power plant where Maul fought the Jedi. The YV have all their gear. Who wins?
Posted: 2003-11-04 02:51pm
by Jason von Evil
Obvious question: Why did you make the thread in OSF instead of PSW?
Posted: 2003-11-04 03:26pm
by Crazedwraith
Do they have Knowledge off each other before hand? With fore-knoledge of what his oppent will be I think Maul will Take out the YV.
If he has no knoledge Maul be taken out or hos reaction to the forceless perversaion of the YV may piss him off so bad that he goes in to a killer frenzy and sluaghters them even worse than if he had fore-knowledge.
Posted: 2003-11-04 03:27pm
by Vertigo1
Maul would have a hell of a time dealing with the blorash (sp?) jelly....
Posted: 2003-11-04 03:32pm
by Ender
Maul's level of knowledge here. If he knows that their armor cannot be cut by his lightsabre and that they are immune to direct interactions through the force, he can alter his tactics accordingly. Otherwise he's probably in for a nasty suprise.
Posted: 2003-11-04 05:52pm
by Joe
Yuuzhan Vong warriors are most certainly susceptible to certain Force tricks. In Star by Star, a young Dark Jedi causes a Yuuzhan Vong Priest to fall apart into little clumps of flesh, and in the same novel Jaina kills a Vong warrior with a blast of Force lightning.
Darth Maul is more powerful in the Dark Side than both of them, so I'd give him the fight, although it may take him a while and he might not get out without a few amphistaff bites.
Posted: 2003-11-04 05:57pm
by Lord Pounder
Judging from Shadow Hunter and evidence we see in TPM Maul actually relies on the Force to effect his opponets, i.e. precog. The question is would his suprise at not being able to feel the YV be enough for the Vong to get the drop on him. If Maul can recover quicly enough he'd take them i think. He is quite an accomplished fighter without the Force.
Posted: 2003-11-05 12:55am
by Kuja
Rapidly moving chunks of metal + Vong warrior's skull = dead Vong.
Posted: 2003-11-05 04:25am
by Crown
Durran Korr wrote:Yuuzhan Vong warriors are most certainly susceptible to certain Force tricks. In Star by Star, a young Dark Jedi causes a Yuuzhan Vong Priest to fall apart into little clumps of flesh, and in the same novel Jaina kills a Vong warrior with a blast of Force lightning.
Darth Maul is more powerful in the Dark Side than both of them, so I'd give him the fight, although it may take him a while and he might not get out without a few amphistaff bites.
Not to mention Luke pushing them away like leaves the first time Jacen was captured.
This has been one of the things that really pissed me off about the NJO; just because the Vong are immune to telepathy, doesn't mean that jedi can't through them around like rag-dolls.
Maul would wipe the floor with them,
any jedi should wipe the floor with them, given that we know that they are suseptable to TK. Stupid hack writers have ignored this fact. It pisses me off.
Posted: 2003-11-05 10:06am
by JME2
Maul. Why? Because that Sith is one badass @%#&$&@^.
Posted: 2003-11-05 04:34pm
by Crazedwraith
Durran Korr wrote:Yuuzhan Vong warriors are most certainly susceptible to certain Force tricks. In Star by Star, a young Dark Jedi causes a Yuuzhan Vong Priest to fall apart into little clumps of flesh, and in the same novel Jaina kills a Vong warrior with a blast of Force lightning.
Which is strange as Jacen's force lightening in traitor couldn't affect the YV cos their lack of force when their wasn't a circuit for the energy.
Posted: 2003-11-05 05:09pm
by Connor MacLeod
Note that even without the Force abilities Maul is supposed to be a formidible opponent: he has trained to fight in zero-gravity as well as twice Coruscant's (2-3 times Earth standard, roughly depending on your source.) among other things.
Posted: 2003-11-06 07:33pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Crown wrote:Not to mention Luke pushing them away like leaves the first time Jacen was captured.
I don't remember that.
And yeah, either way its another example of contrived fights with the Jedi.
Where's real suspense when the only thing stopping them from Force pushing them or something into them with the force of a freeway collision is some philosophical junk about the force that makes dicin' em up with a cauterizing stick so much better?
Posted: 2003-11-06 08:18pm
by Durandal
Maul would essentially eat them for lunch. Let's face it. The NJO Jedi are fucking pussies. Maul has no qualms with using whatever dirty Dark Side tricks he wants to. He could simply Force-choke their dumbshit über-ultra organic staffs. Wow, look at that awesome organic technology go!
Hell, I'd be willing to bet that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan could take four of them out.
EDIT: Oh, and Maul has demonstrated the ability to fling objects roughly the size and weight of a human head at high speeds. More powerful Sith Lords can rip steel fixtures free of their moorings. What's to stop him from just using telekinesis to pull the Vongs' heads off? Or wrapping their staffs around their necks?
Posted: 2003-11-07 03:14am
by Crown
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Crown wrote:Not to mention Luke pushing them away like leaves the first time Jacen was captured.
I don't remember that.
My apologies. You are correct. Luke used pebbles to kill one of them and rocks to crush another. I was mistaken.
And yeah, either way its another example of contrived fights with the Jedi.
Preaching to the choir my friend.
Where's real suspense when the only thing stopping them from Force pushing them or something into them with the force of a freeway collision is some philosophical junk about the force that makes dicin' em up with a cauterizing stick so much better?
Jedi can still be overwhelmed. I have never disputed this, and it is a writting technique that could and should have been used. But instead we got 'Dark Jedi of the Week' syndrome (but with YV Warriors). Why in the name of Zeus's butthole did they have to make the YV so uber, and yet leave out any credibility to being so strong.
What they could have done, and should have done, is show the Jedi being overwelmed. THAT would have been realistic (relatively speaking), and at the same time emphasise 'the New Jedi Order' in showing problems that were just too big for the limited number of Jedi to handle. But noooo, we get YV are not seen in the Force = Jedi totally powerless!
Despite the fact that Joruus C'boath demonstrated that as long as a Jedi could still manipulate the force, he is never powerless against Force resistant creatures! Remember when he used rocks to dis-able Mara in DFR? Same principal, butttt noooo. Stupid writers.
Posted: 2003-11-07 11:30pm
by Agent R
Crazedwraith wrote:Durran Korr wrote:Yuuzhan Vong warriors are most certainly susceptible to certain Force tricks. In Star by Star, a young Dark Jedi causes a Yuuzhan Vong Priest to fall apart into little clumps of flesh, and in the same novel Jaina kills a Vong warrior with a blast of Force lightning.
Which is strange as Jacen's force lightening in traitor couldn't affect the YV cos their lack of force when their wasn't a circuit for the energy.
It was force lightning he used? I must have misread the book, because I thought he directed lightning from the storm in the crater and then missed because his aim was bad.
I guess I should start reading more closely.
In any case, Maul takes out the YV warriors. Even if he can't sense them through the Force, he can still use it to assault them directly (lightning, TK, etc)
How skilled are the warriors? Would that make any difference?
Posted: 2003-11-08 09:41pm
by LordShaithis
The vast majority of post-Imperial Jedi Knights would rate no better than padawans in the Old Republic era, and yet they held their own.
Maul would hack three Vong up like sushi, send Sidious a brief report on the strange creatures he encountered, and be on his way.
Posted: 2003-11-09 01:21am
by Kerneth
GrandAdmiralPrawn wrote:The vast majority of post-Imperial Jedi Knights would rate no better than padawans in the Old Republic era, and yet they held their own.
Maul would hack three Vong up like sushi, send Sidious a brief report on the strange creatures he encountered, and be on his way.
Or kill two of them, then cut the arms and legs off the third and drag him off to Darth Sidious for interrogation. That's the handy thing about lightsabers cauterizing wounds, you know, and Vong apparently don't really go into shock to the same extent that humans do. Might as well take advantage of it!
Posted: 2003-11-10 05:01pm
by Eframepilot
Force TK doesn't directly work on Vong or their organic gear. At least, not very well. Anakin once used a TK blast against a group of Vong that would have hurled ordinary beings backwards very hard, but the Vong were only pushed backwards as if in a high wind.
Having said that, nothing is stopping Maul from TKing the surroundings into Vong or using his lightsaber as a Force-guided missile.
Posted: 2003-11-11 05:06am
by His Divine Shadow
Crazedwraith wrote:Which is strange as Jacen's force lightening in traitor couldn't affect the YV cos their lack of force when their wasn't a circuit for the energy.
Nah, Jaina just made a connection with something behind the warrior, putting the arc in his path, which goes right through him.