The Unifying Force notes & spoilers
Posted: 2003-11-05 02:50am
Just a thread for some stuff that has cropped up so far.
Strike Troopers
Fett is back, having started to rebuild the Mandalorians. We see 6 of them in action, and they take out the Vong hard, including scalping them in the middle of the fight and not losing a single one of their number. Fett also says that it was never personal between him and Solo, it was to hurt the Jedi (I guess he just wanted to rankle Luke so he hounded his family but didn't confront him directly). Its implied that there are alot more because these new Mandalorian Supercommandos also assit in the liberation of Ord Mantell, Tholatin, and Gyndine
The Vong have created a small number of beings known as Slayers, they demonstrate Jedi like combat abilities, but we've seen little of them beyond that. They have new starfighters that are extremely powerful; in VP it was said that Coralskippers had weaker guns then standard starfighters, these ships have weapons that knock an X-wings shields down to 50% in a single hit making them stronger then any other observed small ship laser.
Coralskipper shots are said to raise fireballs the extend above the treetops, supporting terajoule level weaponry.
We get a list of ship classes on page 178; they are
Mediator class Battle cruisers
Belarus class cruisers
Lancer class Frigates
Hapan Battle Dragons
Nova class Battle cruisers
Corellian gunships (no idea if its the old civil war type or a new class)
KDY Marl class heavy Freighters
Imperial II class star Destroyers
Republic class cruisers
Immobilizer class interdictors
Next pages says the Vong are gonna hit Mon Cal with almost all their remaining fleet, something on the order of 5000 ships. This is sufficient to overwhelm thier defenses.
Suggestion now is that the Vong were stripped of their ability to use the force. This is not unprecidented, the same thing happened to Ulic Qel-Droma, what is odd is the species wide scale of this happening.
We later hear of Rejuvenator class Star Destroyers; in Vector Prime the Rejuvenator was an Imperial II; either a new class was named in its memory as it was the first capitla ship lost in the conflict, or it was the first with sufficient modifications to earn a new class name like the Thedore Roosevelt and the Nimitz. I suspect the former, as most people just call all of them Nimitz class still.
A number of chiss clawcraft are mentioned, that they are worth mentioning means that its more then just Jag and his wingmate, implying that Baron Fel got them to give some limited aid.
A Mon Calmari ship called the Harbringer leads along with the Guardian and the Viscount; this implies to me a type of parity between the three.
Its said that Chiss scientists and the Intellegence community created Alpha red.
It is also deployed against the Vong.
And it spreads across species to some of the native fauna
We see some use of TIE Interceptors, but like in the Final Prophecy, more data indicates that the TIE Defender is now the Imperial fighter of choice.
Luke implys that a Star Destroyer can land; he states taht both the Falcon and Errant Venture must remain in orbit instead of land on Zenoma Sekot.
New building materiasl called "kelsh" and "meleenium" are mentioned as beign part of the Coruscant skyscrapers
Vong medical tech lets them live to oup to 3x as long as humans. In the GFFA, that's pushing 400 years.
Akbar dies (no statement how, I assume old age)
Kuat fell to the Vong shortly after Destiney's Way
There is brief mention of an ~400 meter long pre imperial troop carrier that looks to be a precurser to the ISD
Mention of the cruisr Dauntless. This is the same name as the ship from SbS. Someone should email Luceano and see if he took it from the Rebellion game.
the Vong place Dovin Basals in orbit to get makeshift planetary shields.
Page's commandos wear envirosuits with jetpacks
The arms on clawcraft serve as solar panels
Its stated that Jeid telepathy is greater then other kinds
Another statement that by using standard meterisl in their construction, yorik coral can be made strong enough to withstand anything short of planetbuster level
the Hedge maze (a thing made of trees) is as "solid and fire resistand as your durasteel". The things also have Wolverine style regenerative abilities.
New vong creature, artillary beasts
The guns Zenoma Sekot fires with are described as Ion Cannons (presumably the kind from other series and not the disabling ones of SW) and its blasts are half a kilometer wide and capable of vaporizing picket vessels
As many suspected, it is confirmed that the voice in Jacen's dream in Balance Point is that of Anakin Skywalker.
The entire war cost 365 trillion lives. Hopefully that is just the Alliance's side, and hopefully they are using the british number of 1 trillion = 10^18
Zenoma Sekot is not the Vong homeworld, but it was created by the conciousness or people that created the vong on their homeworld (that's a topic that will inspire much debating)
The Vong are going to relocate to Zenoma sekot and another system in the unknown regions. Either they are going to multiple systems and the s was left off, or the war really took it out of them. Or they are going to stay in Worldships for quite some time
Coruscant will be back to normal in a few decades.
Until then the new capital is a world called Denon in the Inner rim
The entire vong warfleet insystem (which was pretty much all they had left) was sent into the sun for destruction (this guy is really getting minimalist at the end)
New Jedi headquarters will be Ossus instead of reclaiming Yavin 4
Jag and Jaina almost break up... but don't.
this book contradicts the last by pelleon saying he never raised children (though he could either be lying to prevent Han & leia from knowing and blaming themselves for his sons death, or he could have been absent in his son's life thus considers it that he never raised him).
This one ties in with tattoine's ghost by having Pelleon give Leia the Killik Twilight as "repayment" for them help give him back his home by letting him help take back Coruscant
the last sentance reminded me of the last sentance of The Great Gatsby. Not in words, but in tone.
Strike Troopers
Fett is back, having started to rebuild the Mandalorians. We see 6 of them in action, and they take out the Vong hard, including scalping them in the middle of the fight and not losing a single one of their number. Fett also says that it was never personal between him and Solo, it was to hurt the Jedi (I guess he just wanted to rankle Luke so he hounded his family but didn't confront him directly). Its implied that there are alot more because these new Mandalorian Supercommandos also assit in the liberation of Ord Mantell, Tholatin, and Gyndine
The Vong have created a small number of beings known as Slayers, they demonstrate Jedi like combat abilities, but we've seen little of them beyond that. They have new starfighters that are extremely powerful; in VP it was said that Coralskippers had weaker guns then standard starfighters, these ships have weapons that knock an X-wings shields down to 50% in a single hit making them stronger then any other observed small ship laser.
Coralskipper shots are said to raise fireballs the extend above the treetops, supporting terajoule level weaponry.
We get a list of ship classes on page 178; they are
Mediator class Battle cruisers
Belarus class cruisers
Lancer class Frigates
Hapan Battle Dragons
Nova class Battle cruisers
Corellian gunships (no idea if its the old civil war type or a new class)
KDY Marl class heavy Freighters
Imperial II class star Destroyers
Republic class cruisers
Immobilizer class interdictors
Next pages says the Vong are gonna hit Mon Cal with almost all their remaining fleet, something on the order of 5000 ships. This is sufficient to overwhelm thier defenses.
Suggestion now is that the Vong were stripped of their ability to use the force. This is not unprecidented, the same thing happened to Ulic Qel-Droma, what is odd is the species wide scale of this happening.
We later hear of Rejuvenator class Star Destroyers; in Vector Prime the Rejuvenator was an Imperial II; either a new class was named in its memory as it was the first capitla ship lost in the conflict, or it was the first with sufficient modifications to earn a new class name like the Thedore Roosevelt and the Nimitz. I suspect the former, as most people just call all of them Nimitz class still.
A number of chiss clawcraft are mentioned, that they are worth mentioning means that its more then just Jag and his wingmate, implying that Baron Fel got them to give some limited aid.
A Mon Calmari ship called the Harbringer leads along with the Guardian and the Viscount; this implies to me a type of parity between the three.
Its said that Chiss scientists and the Intellegence community created Alpha red.
It is also deployed against the Vong.
And it spreads across species to some of the native fauna
We see some use of TIE Interceptors, but like in the Final Prophecy, more data indicates that the TIE Defender is now the Imperial fighter of choice.
Luke implys that a Star Destroyer can land; he states taht both the Falcon and Errant Venture must remain in orbit instead of land on Zenoma Sekot.
New building materiasl called "kelsh" and "meleenium" are mentioned as beign part of the Coruscant skyscrapers
Vong medical tech lets them live to oup to 3x as long as humans. In the GFFA, that's pushing 400 years.
Akbar dies (no statement how, I assume old age)
Kuat fell to the Vong shortly after Destiney's Way
There is brief mention of an ~400 meter long pre imperial troop carrier that looks to be a precurser to the ISD
Mention of the cruisr Dauntless. This is the same name as the ship from SbS. Someone should email Luceano and see if he took it from the Rebellion game.
the Vong place Dovin Basals in orbit to get makeshift planetary shields.
Page's commandos wear envirosuits with jetpacks
The arms on clawcraft serve as solar panels
Its stated that Jeid telepathy is greater then other kinds
Another statement that by using standard meterisl in their construction, yorik coral can be made strong enough to withstand anything short of planetbuster level
the Hedge maze (a thing made of trees) is as "solid and fire resistand as your durasteel". The things also have Wolverine style regenerative abilities.
New vong creature, artillary beasts
The guns Zenoma Sekot fires with are described as Ion Cannons (presumably the kind from other series and not the disabling ones of SW) and its blasts are half a kilometer wide and capable of vaporizing picket vessels
As many suspected, it is confirmed that the voice in Jacen's dream in Balance Point is that of Anakin Skywalker.
The entire war cost 365 trillion lives. Hopefully that is just the Alliance's side, and hopefully they are using the british number of 1 trillion = 10^18
Zenoma Sekot is not the Vong homeworld, but it was created by the conciousness or people that created the vong on their homeworld (that's a topic that will inspire much debating)
The Vong are going to relocate to Zenoma sekot and another system in the unknown regions. Either they are going to multiple systems and the s was left off, or the war really took it out of them. Or they are going to stay in Worldships for quite some time
Coruscant will be back to normal in a few decades.
Until then the new capital is a world called Denon in the Inner rim
The entire vong warfleet insystem (which was pretty much all they had left) was sent into the sun for destruction (this guy is really getting minimalist at the end)
New Jedi headquarters will be Ossus instead of reclaiming Yavin 4
Jag and Jaina almost break up... but don't.
this book contradicts the last by pelleon saying he never raised children (though he could either be lying to prevent Han & leia from knowing and blaming themselves for his sons death, or he could have been absent in his son's life thus considers it that he never raised him).
This one ties in with tattoine's ghost by having Pelleon give Leia the Killik Twilight as "repayment" for them help give him back his home by letting him help take back Coruscant
the last sentance reminded me of the last sentance of The Great Gatsby. Not in words, but in tone.