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Bounty Hunter Storyline.
Posted: 2003-11-21 06:09pm
by Crazedwraith
The storyline for Star Wars: Bounty hunter, is set just after Ep 1, Dooku is Sidious' apprentice and is set with two tasks:-
1) Eliminate the criminal cult known as the "Bando Gora" based on A moon of Bogden.
2) Find a templetate for the clone army.
Dooku accomplishes both tasks with a single stroke, he places a huge bounty on the head of the bando gora's leader a crazed dual lightsabre weilding dark jedi.
Jango beats all the competion and eliminates the leader and is approached by Tyrannus/Dooku with the clone proposal.
Now my problem with this is twofold.
1) If the moon of Bogden is base to one of the most dangerous crimnal synticate theres is. Why was Obi-Wan not suspitous of this? And why would Jango admitt to being hired there if it was a uncharted world?
2) Ok Jango can take out a dark jedi chick with twin sabres but cant handle Windu? (i know his jet-pack was bust but if he tried to fly off earlier instead off pointlessly shooting at him he could have devised an alternate plan instead he was beheaded.)
Posted: 2003-11-21 06:15pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Not all Force sensitives are created equal.
A naturally relatively weak Force Sensitive who failed out of the Order before even being picked a Padawan--she might have some sabre skills (Younglings are taught on the sabre), and be able to have an edge against your average grunts, but truely superb Forceless combatants might be able to defeat her.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a significantly powerful Jedi Knight, nearly at the Master level. Mace Windu is the finest Jedi warrior in the galaxy.
A pair of sabres does not a fearsome Force-sensitive warrior make.
Posted: 2003-11-21 07:22pm
by Rogue 9
1) If the moon of Bogden is base to one of the most dangerous crimnal synticate theres is. Why was Obi-Wan not suspitous of this? And why would Jango admitt to being hired there if it was a uncharted world?
You'll notice that Obi-Wan was
highly suspicious.
Granted, it wasn't for that reason. At least not entirely, but it may have heightened his suspicion. We don't really know. As for admitting it, its better to hope a suspicious truth escapes a Jedi Master's knowledge or notice than it is to lie to him and have him know instantly that you lied.
Re: Bounty Hunter Storyline.
Posted: 2003-11-22 01:55am
by Kuja
Crazedwraith wrote:1) If the moon of Bogden is base to one of the most dangerous crimnal synticate theres is. Why was Obi-Wan not suspitous of this? And why would Jango admitt to being hired there if it was a uncharted world?
Because ten years later, there's no more Bando Gora. Jango killed the leadership (the dug, Gardulla, Komari) and it fell apart. Simple.
2) Ok Jango can take out a dark jedi chick with twin sabres but cant handle Windu? (i know his jet-pack was bust but if he tried to fly off earlier instead off pointlessly shooting at him he could have devised an alternate plan instead he was beheaded.)
There are many ways to explain this:
1. Komari was nuts, overagressive, and likely left herself wide open at least once. Remember, all it takes is one blaster bolt to get through.
2. Because she never finished her training, she wasn't skilled enough to reflect bolts back at her attacker or perform various other force tricks as long as Jango kept blasting away. Again, all it takes it one missed bolt.
3: Jango got off a lucky shot, or Komari blocked it poorly, and she injured her leg and fell. Then Tyrannus finished her off.
4. She wanted Jango alive for some reason, maybe to find out how he found her, maybe because she had the hots for him (hey, she did say she liked the strong silent type) and held herself back. And paid the price.
5. Tyrannus was impeding her somehow: breaking her concentration, slowing her down, etc in order to more fully observe Jango's abilities. Remember, he was there the whole time, and Komari sensed him jsut before he force-choked her.
The possiblites stretch on...
Posted: 2003-11-22 02:31am
by Vympel
A Dark Jedi doesn't=Sith.
Posted: 2003-11-22 02:33am
by Kuja
Vympel wrote:A Dark Jedi doesn't=Sith.
Nobody in this thread claimed such.
So your point is.......
Posted: 2003-11-22 04:26am
by Shroom Man 777
Isn't a youngling considered a Jedi? What about a Padawan? Yes, right? Then if so, this Dark Jedi, what's-her-name could've been just an evil youngling, stronger than normal people but not as strong as a full fledged Jedi, hence Jango could blow her face off.
Remember, Jango can kill lesser Jedi, though Windu was too strong for him.
Re: Bounty Hunter Storyline.
Posted: 2003-11-22 07:34am
by Crazedwraith
Kuja wrote:Crazedwraith wrote:1) If the moon of Bogden is base to one of the most dangerous crimnal synticate theres is. Why was Obi-Wan not suspitous of this? And why would Jango admitt to being hired there if it was a uncharted world?
Because ten years later, there's no more Bando Gora. Jango killed the leadership (the dug, Gardulla, Komari) and it fell apart. Simple.
Yeah but he knows the clones were started TEN YEARS ago, he could know the bando gora was around TEN YEARS, he could know the Bando Gora was based on a moon of Bogden.
Rogue 9 wrote:
You'll notice that Obi-Wan was highly suspicious. Granted, it wasn't for that reason. At least not entirely, but it may have heightened his suspicion. We don't really know. As for admitting it, its better to hope a suspicious truth escapes a Jedi Master's knowledge or notice than it is to lie to him and have him know instantly that you lied.
Granted but there was nor reason for Jango to mention where he was hired at all.
Posted: 2003-11-22 08:41am
by Vympel
Kuja wrote:
Nobody in this thread claimed such.
So your point is.......
The original post implies that a Dark Jedi and a Jedi were roughly equivalent (mayhap because of Dooku's performance against Obi-Wan and Anakin). Checking the Asajj Ventress entry on, it's clear that the Sith rule about one master/one apprentice was taken seriously by Count Dooku- he didn't train Ventress in any specific Sith art at all, he merely unleashed her. It seemed logical to point out that just because someone has a lightsabre and is angry doesn't make them Sith-powerful.
Re: Bounty Hunter Storyline.
Posted: 2003-11-23 06:57pm
by Kuja
Crazedwraith wrote:
Yeah but he knows the clones were started TEN YEARS ago, he could know the bando gora was around TEN YEARS, he could know the Bando Gora was based on a moon of Bogden.
Watch the cutscenes again more closely. Gardulla was virtually the only outsider who actually knew where the Bando Gora was based. Everyone else who knew was on the moon with Komari and only left to make their death-stick deliveries. Once Jango killed them off, there was no one left who knew anything about Bogden's secret.
Re: Bounty Hunter Storyline.
Posted: 2003-11-23 07:08pm
by Ender
Crazedwraith wrote:
Granted but there was nor reason for Jango to mention where he was hired at all.
When people are nervous and answering questions, they tend to include a lot more details then absolutly necessary in an attempt to convince the other person. Makes for a great way to pick up when someone is lying or at least concealing something. Despite his outward calm, Jango was clearly unnerved by meeting Obiwan, so would probably have subconciously said more then he needed to as a result.