SW Sourcebook Official Mining Thread
Posted: 2003-11-28 06:21pm
I'm starting this thread and bookmarking it, so I can come back and
give you the latest dope on what I've gleaned from my growing
collection of WEG Star Wars D6 Sourcebooks, without me possibly
seeing spoilers for Episode III in PSW.
The WEG sourcebooks while at times, getting some numbers wrong,
most notably the Executor's true length, are a much better source
than the current WOTC D20 sourcebooks, which are almost all pretty
pictures and fluff. You can get gems from the WEG books that help
clear up some points of the SW universe.
Ok first up is the Strike Force: Shantipole sourcebook, which
gives you the background behind that famous historical Mission
from X-Wing
about 3,880,000,000 credits, and if we use the 1/20 number with the
25k ISD figure, we get a fleet of half a million Neb-Bs, which starts
to line up nicely with Marina's Imp Fleet Calcs.
And it refines the role of the B-Wing further, it's not an unstoppable
frigate destroyer, it's more of a heavy assault craft that can cripple
a frigate or inflict enough damage on it that it must be withdrawn from
patrol duties to a yard for repairs.
More will come as I look through my sourcebooks.
give you the latest dope on what I've gleaned from my growing
collection of WEG Star Wars D6 Sourcebooks, without me possibly
seeing spoilers for Episode III in PSW.
The WEG sourcebooks while at times, getting some numbers wrong,
most notably the Executor's true length, are a much better source
than the current WOTC D20 sourcebooks, which are almost all pretty
pictures and fluff. You can get gems from the WEG books that help
clear up some points of the SW universe.
Ok first up is the Strike Force: Shantipole sourcebook, which
gives you the background behind that famous historical Mission
from X-Wing

Very important gem, IMO, it gives us a rough estimate of an ISD's cost,Shantipole Sourcebook wrote: The months after the victory at Yavin were a time of great hope for the Rebellion. Following the Death Star's destruction, volunteers and recruits from across the galaxy poured in to swell the Alliance's ranks. Among those recruits were Rebel pilots, who found lumbering Imperial convoys easy pickings for their speedy starfighters. Manpower and supplies were on the rise, and it seemed that the dark days would soon be over.
But all that changed when the Imperial fleet began to relentlessly hunt for the hidden Rebel base. To make matters worse, the Empire added a new vessel to its supply convoys - the powerful Nebulon-B Frigate.
At 194 million standard credits, the Nebulon-B costs less than one twentieth of the price of an Imperial Star Destroyer. With its 24 laser batteries, two TIE fighter squadrons and heavy shielding, the Nebulon-B is more than a match for the lightly-armed Rebel raiders. Since the vessel's introduction, damage to raiding parties has climbed so dramatically that Alliance High Command has discontinued all attacks on Imperial convoys. Supply problems grow critical as the Rebellion slowly strangles into submission.
The Alliance has one hope to counter the deadly escort frigate. Everything depends on a daring plan proposed by a Mon Calamarian named Ackbar. Ackbar learned of the Nebulon-B while he was Grand Moff Tarkin's personal servant/slave. From what he saw of the vessel's overall design, Ackbar determined that only an equally powerful capital ship (of which the Alliance has precious few) or specially equipped starfighters could hope to stand against the escort frigate in combat. It was the decision of High Command to develop a new starfighter to handle this problem. And so, before the wreckage of the first failed convoy raid cooled, Ackbar traveled to Roche system to seek the aid of a renowned race of shipbuilders - the Verpine.
Using Ackbar's vision and their own design skills, the insectoid Verpine began creating a technical work of art - the B-wing starfighter. This heavy starfighter, capable of closing with an Imperial frigate and disabling its TIE bays and hyperdrives, was to be the latest accomplishment of the Slayn and Korpil hives. Soon, without effective escorts, the cargo transports would once again become easy targets.
Under Ackbar and his team of Alliance engineers, the Verpine have completed prototypes of the two-man B-wing starfighter. The two-man B-wing employs a unique firing compartment which allows the gunner to fire from a stable platform while the ship conducts evasive maneuvers. This results in a starfighter with significantly enhanced fire control. In addition, the new B-wing carries more shielding and more firepower than any other Rebel or Imperial starfighter in production.
about 3,880,000,000 credits, and if we use the 1/20 number with the
25k ISD figure, we get a fleet of half a million Neb-Bs, which starts
to line up nicely with Marina's Imp Fleet Calcs.

And it refines the role of the B-Wing further, it's not an unstoppable
frigate destroyer, it's more of a heavy assault craft that can cripple
a frigate or inflict enough damage on it that it must be withdrawn from
patrol duties to a yard for repairs.
More will come as I look through my sourcebooks.